Beyond Time: The End of Time


Time-Error: (When a traveler enters the End of Time, the Time-Error of the gate or vehicle that brought them there determines the time* at which they arrive. When they leave, the time* determines the appropriate Time-Error of their destination gate.)


As Gaspar explains, the End of Time is at the space-time coordinates of least resistance. It contains light pillars connecting to all gates, and a bucket that connects to a gate at the Day of the Lavos. The Gothic architecture gives the place a solemn feeling.

Analysis - The nature of the end of our universe depends primarily on the curvature of its space.

If the curvature of the universe is positive, the gravity of the bodies in the universe will eventually cause them to pull everything back together in a "Big Crunch" which would collapse the entirety of the universe into a singularity (a black hole).

If the curvature of the universe is negative, bodies will keep accelerating away from each other, and the ever-increasing force of entropy will take over, resulting in a "heat-death" of the universe, followed by a gradual cooling as it fades away, leaving only black holes behind.

If the curvature of the universe is flat, the universe will approach an equilibrium size as time approaches infinity. As this approaches, it is most likely that all the mass in the universe will fall into the black holes scattered throughout.

Einstein originally predicted that the universe was positively curved, but recent measurements have shown that this is unlikely. One recent measurement showed that the universe is extremely close to being flat, within a small margin of error. Other recent observations have shown distance stellar phenomena accelerating away from us, which is consistent with negative curvature.

The one notable constant in all these endings is the presence of singularities (black holes). In a singularity, all known physics breaks down, as it is incapable of handling a 0-dimensional universe. If Chrono Trigger's End of Time exists in a singularity, we may be lead to believe that it is a place consisting of pure thought, being QC-like. This is supported by the observation that when Gaspar first arrives, it is empty, but the party reaches an End of Time that apparently consists of a few rooms with Gothic-style architecture.

Leebot wrote:

"From a quasi-philosophical standpoint, one can look at them as more of "states of existence" than physical places. As such, only the spirit would truly exist there. The body, air, and structure are all created to provide a metaphorical structure to this space to provide travelers an image they could comprehend (like how the Q Continuum is shown in Star Trek: Voyager)."

Epsilon wrote:

"The problem with that is (going by the idea that the minds of characters "create" the EoT/BoT using things they're familiar with..) is that there is no other area in CT that looks like the EoT (I haven't replayed CC in awhile, so I'm not sure about that...), so how could it be made out of things they are familiar with?"

Leebot wrote:

"If we accept my theory as true, we can take it a bit further. We don't know that all characters see the same thing, or even that we see the same thing as the characters. If not, the End of Time would be a representation that is supposed to evoke a certain image for the players (I get the impression of a 50's (or so) metropolis at night, evoking a sense of loneliness and isolation).

If all who are there see the same thing, then it's likely that Gaspar created that image. It's possible he saw something like that peering through a time-portal, or heard it described from some other traveler.

The only other place in either game that resembles the End of Time is (not surprisingly), the Bend of Time from CC."


Gaspar - Guru of Time from the Kingdom of Zeal. In the Ocean Palace disaster, he was caught in a gate and sent to the End of Time, where he watches over the timeline.

Name Origin: Gaspar was the name of one of the three wisemen who brought gifts to the baby Christ is Christian lore.

Spekkio - A mysterious creature who teaches the party magic. His appearance corresponds to the power level of those who see him, if they're weak, he appears weak. If they're strong, he appears strong. His forms are (in order of increasing power):

  • Croaker
  • Kilwala
  • Goblin (Blue color)
  • Omnicrone (Red color)
  • Masamune (Blue color - Masa & Mune's combined form)
  • Nu (Red color)

Name Origin: Spekkio is derived from the Latin "Specchio," which means "Mirror."

Analysis - There are many theories regarding the true nature of Spekkio. They include:

1) Spekkio is a Nu.

Faulce wrote:

"He takes the form of a reddish-pinkish Nu as his final form. And has attacks such as Luminaire and Dark Matter. Why a Nu???"

Faulce wrote:

"Well, Spekkio says, "If you're strong, I look strong. If you're weak, I look weak." Which implies that the Nu must be strong... However, he also says right after that "You are strong of will, that's why the old one let you through." So not all people who accidentally entered the EoT saw Spekkio. In fact, we don't see anyone else in the game outside of 12000 B.C. who can use magic as far as I can remember. And perhaps the "strong of will" statement refers to how the Nu may work for the planet and diligently watch the workings of mankind to make sure things are going in such a way as to eventually work out for the Entity's best interests.

I don't know if he wants Lavos dead or not, he never seems to acknowledge his existence."

Daggart wrote:

"The problem with Spekkio being a Nu to me has always been that he acts nothing like the other Nu."

Faulce wrote:

"Thats true, he does act nothing like the other Nu.

He has a name, fights using more than a headbutt, has the ability to shapeshift, is red in color, has way more HP [His final form has 20,000, I think. The normal Nu has 1234HP], and his personality is more developed than the other Nu we see."

2) Spekkio is a force of nature, or the embodiment of magic itself.

V_Translanka wrote:

"Plus, he has almost all the strongest magic attacks (Luminaire, Flare, Dark Matter), Hallation, & Salt (although some times he uses Salt on a party member). I think his having magical ability far outclasses him from being a lowly Nu, and Nu only have two attacks really; Headbutt (1HP) & Headbutt (all but 1HP). Spekkio, along with not having either ability, has a hoard of magical ability. Plus, he somehow manages to avoid all physical attacks.

Only magic harms him and he has lots of magic himself. So, I believe Spekkio to be some kind of magical entity (not to be confused with the actual Entity). His power is simply a reflection of the power the party may have at any given time. If not just a reflection, then an enhancement of some kind. I've heard that spekkio means "mirror" in some other language...Although I might have heard that was debunked too...Whatever, it fits either way."

XchrononetX wrote:

"Perhaps Spekkio represents the very balance in the elements, the force that the people of Zeal forgot after finding Lavos as a potential for of energy. After all, it seems that he has all the most powerful representations of the Magic elements in his array of attacks, and it would only seem fit that he would be the pure representation of magic itself. This would make sense in that physical attacks cannot harm him, as magic is a force beyond a fist, so to speak. Magic can only harm magic... Yep, I think that's it. Spekkio is "Magic", or at least that's what I think."

Faulce wrote:

"I think that is a possibility. Even though 'magic' did not originally exist, the four elements (Lightning, Fire, Water, and Shadow) did exist and their balance was important. Maybe that is what the Nu are for: to preserve the balance of the elements (hence why there are so many of them in 12,000B.C. and almost none in any other era (and only one when magic ceases to be used in 12,000B.C.!!!))."

3Fangs 3Petals 3Feathers wrote:

"It is my personal belief that Spekkio is the Anti-Lavos. As Lavos was created (and to some belief, magic was created) the 'balance of power' created Spekkio. As when Spekkio leaves in the ending of the return to EoT, I believe that as Lavos is 'defeated' (temporarily at least), Spekkio is called back to wherever they both came from, and balance is given back to the world."

Faulce wrote:

"It's all starting to make sense now. I'm starting to think though that Spekkio was created to balance the elements after Lavos fell and during the height of Zealian magic use. The Nu were simply not enough (in terms of my new idea for their purpose) to keep the balance physically, so a true and complete magical balance had to be created to fulfill the 'hole' in the balance. (I really hope I'm not way off on this.)"

3) Spekkio is an alien being, possibly like Lavos.

Epsilon wrote:

"That gave me an idea for a theory... What if Spekkio is another member of Lavos' race who achieved "perfect evolution," and for whatever reason decided to go to the End of Time (Or it existed, gathering DNA up until the End of Time...)?"

4) Spekkio is a creation of Gaspar.

V_Translanka wrote:

"I assume that even when the so-called "Enlightened" ones were in Zeal, they did not automatically know Magic. For one, it's said how Schala and Janus seem to have their Magics (or lack of Magics) tested just to see if they have any ability. It makes sense that someone would teach them, if not exactly, then somewhat like how Spekkio teaches Crono & Co.

I immediately thought: The Gurus! But I also thought: Which of them would teach Magic? Did any of them even seem to know any Magic? Belthasar seems like he'd be too busy with the Epoch and the like... Melchior with his weapons... So, then, Gasper? Was there a Zealian council? Perhaps Dalton (he was a Magic user and even a Summoner)? Probably not... Or maybe it was just some of the scientists of Kajar or something? Maybe Q. Zeal herself taught Schala?"

Leebot wrote:

"I just thought of something: What if Spekkio is an extension or creation of Gaspar? If so, it stands to reason that Gaspar could be able to teach magic to the people of Zeal."

Leebot wrote:

"Here's a wierd theory: Gaspar created Spekkio to appear in forms that each appeared more powerful than the previous one, but (for some reason) he wanted it to look like a Nu to him, so he made its most powerful form look like a Nu. He would see the most powerful form, as in order to create something with a certain level of magic, he would have to possess at least that level of magic himself (at least, in theory)."

Chrono'99 wrote:

"I've just thought about something. Masa and Mune claim to be Melchior's dream embodied, and Belthasar put his mind into his Nu, who is sleeping (either physically or "outside the flow of time", after you turn him off). Apparently, two of the Gurus are linked to some kind of avatars who have something to do with dreams.

Now what about Gaspar? There was nothing in the End of Time when he came, but eventually a ground and Spekkio appeared, while Gaspar is sleeping. Perhaps Spekkio is Gaspar's "dream avatar"? That God of War seems quite eccentric and out of place, so perhaps he is just a fancy dream Gaspar is having?"

From: Beyond Time