
General Information[edit]

Chrono Cross[edit]

File CD 1 CD Sectors CD 2 CD Sectors
1925.room_523_bend_of_time_-_main.script.cpt Y 115098 Y 114104
1926.room_523_bend_of_time_-_main.drp Y 115112 Y 114118
1927.room_523_bend_of_time_-_main.rgfx Y 115122 Y 114128
1928.room_524_bend_of_time_-_spekkios_room.script.cpt Y 115231 Y 114237
1929.room_524_bend_of_time_-_spekkios_room.drp Y 115279 Y 114285
1930.room_524_bend_of_time_-_spekkios_room.rgfx Y 115280 Y 114286

See also Access Bend of Time in Regular Game.



      Sector    Offset    **Format**
-------------- **2048** // **2352**
CD1 - 115098 = 0E0CD000 // 1022B6E0
CD2 - 114104 = 0DEDC000 // 0FFF0A80

(at 1395 further => Doors Offset)

To unlock Bend of Time Doors, just edit these 2 offset!

 FORMAT 2048
Offset = 0E0CE395 => 05 80 EB -> Set to 54 60 EB

Offset = 0DEDD395 => 05 80 EB -> Set to 54 60 EB

 FORMAT 2352
Offset = 1022CCED => 05 80 EB -> Set to 54 60 EB

Offset = 0FFF208D => 05 80 EB -> Set to 54 60 EB

1AD9 in 003D file !!!
Offset 1AD9 - 1ADA => 7E 00 => Set to 00 01

54 60 => unlock

Offset = 00000F11 - 00000F12
05 80 EB -> Normal

what if
54 60 EB -> Works!!!
1. In General
The world of Chrono Cross is built out of a series of rooms: 
locations with a single backdrop that scroll as the player 
moves around them. Each room can be divided up into three 
files containing various kinds of resources: a script.cpt,
a rgfx pack, and a drp. Examination of 7 samples suggests
that the drps contain graphical resources pertaining to 
animated sections of the background (tim textures, meshes,
and in one case models) and information for using/assembling
them (timinfo, types 10, 12, 16). One drp examined was empty.

2. Standard Locations
Individual rooms can be blocked together to form areas 
(villages, dungeons, etc.); in most cases the location 
files for Home World and Another World are interleaved 
in the same block (for instance, the ground floor of Serge's
house in Arni(Home) is followed by the ground floor of 
the same house in Arni(Another), then by Serge's room in
Arni(Home), etc.). Exceptions are few; they include the
Zelbess/Invincible, the Dead Sea/Sea of Eden, and locations
which either exist only in one world or are the same in 
both worlds, such as the Bend of Time.

Viper Manor is probably the largest single area, with ~60 
rooms and nearly 200 files.
~CD2 replaces parts of the Dead Sea and some endings 
available only on ~CD1 with parts of Chronopolis, most
of Lucca's House, and endings available only on ~CD2.

The Darkness Beyond Time has no room data as such—it 
consists only of a battlefield and a scripted cut-scene,
both of which are probably called from the Opassa Beach
fieldscript code.

00E7 = What'sUpDoc

Trying to enable the door to be open in regular game!
All Test where made in Home Bend of Time

All Values in format 2352

Room 523 Bend of time - main.script.cpt : Sector 115098 = 1022B6E0 (14 Sector)

Sector 1

	1022B6F8 - 1022B76F = Big Pointer

				0E 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 
	74 00 00 00 74 04 00 00 84 04 00 00 04 1B 00 00 
	D4 20 00 00 40 23 00 00 84 24 00 00 04 3E 00 00
	78 44 00 00 8C 44 00 00 A0 44 00 00 C4 4B 00 00
	50 61 00 00 CC 69 00 00

0E 00 => 00 0E First 3 Pointer

40 00 => 00 40 All Pointer

74 00 => 00 74 = 1022B738 - 1022B76B more Pointer

				43 0F FF FF CC 04 11 03 
	4C 0C 3D F6 4F FC 3B 0A BB 0B A8 FE 91 FF 9F 27 
	69 05 C0 00 40 FF 40 00 C0 FF 16 00 03 00 00 00 
	00 10 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 00 00

43 = Affect Collision
0F = Room Shape
FF = Unknown doesnt do nothing
FF = Room Shape
CC = Unknown (tested)
04 = Room Shape
11 = Messes the Floor collision
03 = Room Shape
4C = Unknown (tested)
0C = Room Shape lol
3D = Unknown (tested)
F6 = Room Shape
4F = Unknown (tested)
FC = Room Shape
3B = Unknown (tested)
0A = Room Shape
BB = Unknown (tested)
0B = Room Shape
A8 = Room object location
FE = Room object location
91 = Room object location
FF = Room object location
9F = Unknown (tested)
27 = Room object location
69 = Unknown (tested)
05 = Object Size
C0 = Camera Limitation
00 = Camera Limitation
40 = Camera Limitation
FF = Camera Limitation
40 = Camera Limitation
00 = Camera Limitation? Dont Know
C0 = Camera Limitation
FF = Camera Limitation
16 = Affect Object in room (No door, cant exit or fight Enemy)
00 = Crash if changed
03 = Unknown (tested)
00 = Unknown (tested)
00 = Unknown (tested)
00 = Unknown (tested)
00 = When put to FF enable camera effect lol
10 = Camera Affected
00 = Unknown (tested)
00 = Unknown (tested)
00 = Unknown (tested)
10 = Unknown (tested)
00 = Unknown (tested)
00 = Unknown (tested)
00 = Unknown (tested)
10 = Unknown (tested)
00 = Unknown (tested)
00 = Unknown (tested)

74 04 => 04 74

	1022B770 - 1022B96F = Some Texture Part 1 (CLUT? Length = 200) 
	1022B970 - 1022BB6F = Some Texture Part 2 (CLUT? Length = 200)

84 04 => 04 84
1022BB6C - 1022BB7B = Lzss 16 byte
	1022BB6A - 1022BB7F = Doesnt Do nothing

Length 1680

	1022BB7C - 1022BEF7
	Length 37C

AC 26 00 00 00 06 D4 82 80 40 22 00 01 00 02 CF

AC = 1022BB80 = If Value A8 or less game crash, if more doesnt do nothing
26 = 1022BB81 = Crash if 00,
00 00 00 = 1022BB82 - 1022BB84 = Crash if changed
06 = 1022BB85 = Doesnt do nothing
D4 82 80 = 1022BB86 - 1022BB88 = Crash if less
	82 = 1022BB87 = This value doesnt do nothing when changed
40 = When lowered,cannot start using PC, if changed reset the game
22 = 
00 = 
01 = 
00 = 
02 = 
CF = 

	1022BB89 - 1022BB92 = NEED TO TEST THESE VALUE they all do the same thing >.<

FF FF 1F 00 43 CF C0 09 60 2A F0 1D F8 13 3C 0B

	1022BB90 = if value "FA or F7 or F2" Appear in front the Door!
	1022BB90 = Location Appear But change stuff also >>

	1022BBC1 = Change too much crash

	1022BBD0 = This byte doesnt do nothing

	1022BC20 - 1022BC5F = interesting block
	1022BC47 = funny value need more testing
	1022BC4D = affect walking speed in defined direction >>  (if Value = FA , PC 1 walk/run slowly like in lava!)

Sector 2 = Start at 1022C028

	1022C028 - 1022C827
	Length 800

	1022C1D5 = if "F5" Unlock all Cylinder but wierd effect on

	1022C1F8 = Crash if Lowered

	1022C225 = Change 5 crash but 0 doenst 

Sector 3 = Start at 1022C958

	1022C958 - 1022D157
	Length 800

Sector 4 = Start at 1022D288

	1022D288 - 1022D58B
	Length 304

	1022D57B = Affect Model of your characters at certain point in the field


	1022D58B End of Script block
04 1B => 1B 04

	1022D58C - 1022DA87
	Length 4FC

Sector 5 = Start at 1022DBB8

	1022DBB8 - 1022DC8B = End of Collision walls
	Length D4

D4 20 => 20 D4
Length 26C
	1022DC8C - 1022DEF7

40 23 => 23 40
Length 144
	1022DEF8 - 1022E03B

84 24 => 24 84 
Length 1980
	1022E03C - 1022FD4B

	1022E03C - 1022E3B7
	Length 37C

Sector 6 = Start at 1022E4E8

	1022E4E8 - 1022ECE7
	Length 800

Sector 7 = Start at 1022EE18

	1022EE18 - 1022F617
	Length 800

Sector 8 = Start at 1022F748

	1022F748 - 1022FD4B
	1022EE18 - 1022F617
	Length 604

04 3E => 3E 04
Length 674
	1022FD4C - 102304EF

	1022FD4C - 1022FF47
	Length 1FC

Sector 9 = Start at 10230078

	10230078 - 102304EF
	Length 478

78 44 => 44 78
Length 14
	102304F0 - 10230503

79 6F 73 31 0C 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
0C 00 00 00

8C 44 => 44 8C
Length 14
	10230504 - 10230517

	    79 6F 73 30 0C 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00

A0 44 => 44 A0
Length 724

	10230518 - 10230D6B

	10230518 - 10230877
	Length 360

Sector 10 = Start at 102309A8

	102309A8 - 10230D6B
	Length 3C4

C4 4B => 4B C4
Length 158C

	10230D6C - 102311A7
	Length 43C

Sector 11 = Start at 102312D8

	102312D8 - 10231AD7
	Length 800

Sector 12 = Start at 10231C08

	10231C08 - 10232407
	Length 800

Sector 13 = Start at 10232538

	10232538 - 10232687
	Length 150

50 61 => 61 50
Length 87C

	10232688 - 10232D37
	Length 6B0

Sector 14 = Start at 10232E68
	10232E68 - 10233033
	Length 1CC

10233032 - 10233033 = 77 77 Last Bytes

10233034 - 10233667 = 00 00 00 ..

Other Testing

1022BB6C - 1022BB7B = Do nothing

1022BB7C - 1022D58B = Gros Block

1022DC8C - 1022DEF7 = unknown Stuff
1022DEF8 - 1022E03B = unknown Stuff

1022DF55 - 1022DF5C = Change shadow effect color

1022DEF8 - 1022E03F = unknown Stuff

1022E038 - 1022FD4B = unknown Stuff
1022FD4C - 102304EF = unknown Stuff

102304F0 - 10230503 = some header?
10230504 - 10230517 = some header?

10230518 - 10230D6B = unknown Stuff

10230D6C - 10232687 = NPC properties

10232688 - 10233033 = Pyramid Properties

102304F7 = Working on this, Can make crash easely

okay changing [1022E096 - 1022E098] to [1022E088 - 1022E08A]
Make all the field texture nuts >.> , its stable but all messy

1022E8C8 = Can make crash. Texture related stuff

102304F0 - 10230577 = Small Block unknown crash if too much edit
10230588 - 102307B7 = Alot of FF (changing FF to 11 doesnt do anything hmmm)
102307B8 - 10230BC7 = Changed All data to FF and no result. (so unknown for now)
10230BC8 - 10230D47 = Unknown

10230CDC - 10230D1A = Some kind a Separation (Doesnt do anything to edit it)

10230D28 - 10230DE7 = Some kind a Big Header (If changed easy crash)
10230D3C - 10230D43 = Crash if changed
10230D44 = Doesnt do nothing?
10230D48 = Crash if changed
10230D50 = Doesnt do nothing?

10230D72 - 10230D76 = Color Of Little NPC
10230D80 - 10230D81 = Crash if changed
10230D84 - 10230D85 = If changed to E5 1E = Invisible npc lol
10230D88 - 10230D89 = Crash if changed

10230DAC = Model of little NPC HUGE >>
10230DBC = Model of little NPC all messy

10231FBC - 10231FFA = Same Separation

1023201C - 10232038 = Some kind of Header Crash if changed

102320D8 - 10232157 = little NPC movement loool
102321B8 - 102322A2 = More of little npc movement

102322A2 - 10232407 = Changed All data to FF and no result. (so unknown for now)
10232538 - 10232687 = Changed All data to FF and no result. (so unknown for now)

10232688 - 10232692 = Affect Pyramid Texture
10232694 - 1023269F = Some kind a classic header [06 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 CC 02 00 00]
102326A0 - 102326A1 = Color of 2 Side of Pyramid
102326A5 = WOAH lOOOOL if changed value to 0F = Flying Pyramid
Changed ot 0D = No pyramid
10232688 - 10232807 = Pyramid Properties
10232808 - 10232810 = Pyramid color and stuff
10232A8C - 10232ACB = Separation
10232AF8 - 10232D37 = Pyramid??
10232E68 - 10233034 = Pyramid Properties

10233038 - 10233667 = End of main.script.cpt (Empty Space)


Room 523 Bend of time - main.drp : Sector 115112 = 10233780 (10 Sector)

10233798 - 102337A3 = Header?

102337A4 - 10233857 = List of offset?
10233858 - 10233933 = 220/DC?
10233934 - 102339FB = 200/C8?
102339FC - 10233AD7 = 220/DC?

10233934 - 10233AD7 = Change Rien

10233AD8 - 10233BB7 = Rien pentoute
10233BB8 - 10233C97 = Opacite lampadaire?

10233C98 - 10233D77 = Cylinder 1
10233D78 - 10233E57 = Cylinder 1 Base

10233E58 - 10233F37 = Cylinder 2
10233F38 - 10233F97 [cut] 102340C8 - 10234147 = Cylinder 2 Base

10234148 - 10234227 = Cylinder 3
10234228 - 10234307 = Cylinder 3 Base

10234308 - 102343E7 = Cylinder 4
102343E8 - 102344C7 = Cylinder 4 Base

102344C8 - 102345A7 = Cylinder 5
102345A8 - 10234687 = Cylinder 5 Base

10234688 - 10234767 = Cylinder 6
10234768 - 10234847 = Cylinder 6 Base

10234848 - 102348C7 [cut] 102349F8 - 10234A57 = Cylinder 7
10234A58 - 10234B37 = Cylinder 7 Base

10234B38 - 10234C17 = Cylinder 8
10234C18 - 10234CF7 = Cylinder 8 Base

10234CF8 - 10234DD7 = Cylinder 9
10234DD8 - 10234EB7 = Cylinder 9 Base

10234EB8 - 10234F97 = Cylinder 10
10234F98 - 10235077 = Cylinder 10 Base

10235078 - 102350A3 = 44
102350A4 - 102350CF = 44
102350D0 - 102350FB = 44

10235128 - 102351AB = Exit Beam 
10235128 - 10235153 = 44
10235154 - 1023517F = 44 
10235180 - 102351AB = 44
102351AC - 102351D7 = 44
102351D8 - 102351F7 [cut] 10235328 - 10235333 = 44

10235338 - 102357F7 = Nothing?? Change does nothing

10235158 - 102351F7 [cut] 10235328 - 10235357 =

1023581D - 1023581F = Light Lampadaire texture

10235896 - 10235896 = ???
10235A30 - 10235A4F = ???
10236F40 - 10236FAF = ???
102371BA - 102371DF = ???

102384A9 - 10238B25 = Changes Nothing

10238B3A = Last value
10239360 = End of main.drp


*rgfx files are cpt files containing texture resources from a given room.
*The contents fall into two types: pre-rendered backgrounds and NPC model textures.

Room 523 Bend of time - main.rgfx : Sector 115122 = 10239360


Room 524 Bend of time - spekkios room.script.cpt 115231 = 
Room 524 Bend of time - spekkios room.drp	 115279 = 
Room 524 Bend of time - spekkios room.rgfx	 115280 = 

From: Chrono Cross Location Files and General Notes