Project ZEAL

Scene 22 - Encounter (Aitrus)

Aias was lounging in his suite in the palace when a knock came at the door. "Who's there?" he called out.

"Just me, brother," the reply came.

Aias stood up and started towards the door. "Do come in, Cassandra." The door creaked open, moving little upon its massive hinges but opening more than enough to let her in.

"Hello, Aias," she said. "Do you have a minute to speak with me?"

She was only a year or so older than Aias, although that didn't make much difference now with lifespans being as long as they were. She still seemed to glow with youth, even though there was little of youth left. What she lacked in that she more than compensated for in charm and allure. Being a member of the royal family didn't hurt, but she was an attractive woman in her own right, and could generally get what she wanted from men - and often did. However, she rarely spoke without need, and when she spoke, people listened. Aias guided her over to his lounge area. As they sat down upon the couch there, he said, "Of course, Cassandra. What's on your mind?"

She sighed and looked at her feet. "Aias, there have been... rumors flying around. About the Council." Panic rose in the back of Aias' mind, but he fought it down to a dull throb and kept listening, calmly. "People here around the palace have 'unofficially' known for a long time, of course, that the real power now lies with the Council. However, there's a new rumor saying that someone has been stealing their secrets, many of them very sensitive documents. Some even say that whoever is doing this may even start fighting against them openly." She looked at him, but turned away from him just as quickly. "Oh, Aias, please, tell me you're not involved. Please." He could hear her sniff, and saw her wipe tears from her eyes.

"Of course not," he lied. "You know as well as I do that there's no possible way I could stand against the Council." He moved closer to her and set his hands on her shoulders. "I give you my word, Cassandra, I am not and will never be involved in this." He moved around her and kneeled down in front of her, wiping a tear off her cheek as he did so. "You know that I am a man of my word, and I could never break this oath to you." She nodded, and the crying slowed.

"I... I'd better go," she said, and got to her feet. "Thank you, brother. That eased my mind." She smiled and went back to the door, closing it behind her.

He sighed, and then lay down on the couch. Lying to his sister always came hard, but it was something he had to do. He couldn't afford to get her involved, as she was just too vulnerable. At least she won't be worried about me anymore, he thought. His mind wandered back towards the latest information he'd gotten out of the Council, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

He tossed and turned, sleeping fitfully. That is, he was until he fell off of the couch and hit the floor. "Mother! Father!" he cried out. Then he realized it had just been a dream. The same dream. Again. He was starting to get tired of it, but didn't know what he could do other than what he was already doing. There was no way he could hasten his plans against the Council, and that would be the only way he could see of stopping the dreams. Why are dreams so complicated? he thought. At least in real life, he knew that his enemies could be defeated, even if it was going to be a long, drawn-out process. In a dream? Even that certainty was gone. But what could he do about it? After all, it was a dream. No one could get rid of a dream.

Or could they?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As she closed the door behind her, Cassandra wiped the last of the tears from her eyes and smiled. He'd never suspected a thing. He may be smart, but he's as blind as a bat when it comes to subtlety, she thought. But, she had to admit that he was a gentleman, and a man of his word. She had no reason to believe that he had been lying, and nothing she'd been able to read off of him had said otherwise. She sighed, and walked back towards her suites, mind eased somewhat from knowing her brother wasn't taking the dangerous path, the path against the Council.

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