Sorry again, I'm throwing in my 2 cents.
I have read several reviews of video games, and there are a lot of ways to judge them. Time Magazine has their opinion, granted I think that maybe the people who used this wording aren't gamers. When I was young, I didn't understand how people rated books so great because I didn't read. I read, just not for fun, for book reports. Games were my books, my story. If you let Chrono Trigger bring you in like a great book, then by a gamer standards, top ten RPG of all time, absolutly no question. And in my opinion one of the top ten games ever made. For me it was like how you read a mediocre fanfiction with a small fanbase, so you let all the bad stuff slide and let your mind fill in the rest. On that basis, CT could be classed by its fans as perfect. But its not a bad story with a small fanbase. When it came up it was sold alongside secret of mana, and the far bigger and more popular ff6, and even going toe to toe, it was a great and still-classic game. You didn't need to go into it expecting a lot, it delivered. Even kids now who go into the game, knowing its (in some aspects) overrated, they still like it, showing how good it is and stands the test of time.
with regard to that quote at rank 52, the time traveling of the game was sci-fi, but hardly rediculous. I mean screw the guy who wrote that, you gonna say that about Star Wars a New Hope too? Chrono Trigger did an excellent job of integrating it as best could be. Yes there are inherent time travel plotholes, of course, as we all know what a causal loop is. Got it. I could point it some faults but calling it rediculous, shit no. "Catcher in the Rye" was rediculous and its acclaimed as a good book. Yeah, cause you make kids read it in grade 7 and its full of dirty words. 'mouthy kid quits school and cant even pay a girl to screw him.' wow, real shakespeare there. Chrono Trigger was a parallel about human life, with fragments and stories akin to the Bible and, like final fantasy, pull our favorite elements from Norse Mythology (and more) and was well thought out, so not liking the battle physics can be an opinion but calling it 'rediculous' is from someone who either doesnt know games, doesnt like sci-fi, or someone who heard too much about the game and looked for reasons not to like it. Im sure the people at Time didnt play the whole game, cause it may not be perfect, but neither is Starry Night, and CT is no less a masterpiece in its own right.