Well, i speak in the name of all other players what never played chrono trigger: Chrono Cross is AWESOME!
Maybe thats the reason, i played Chrono Cross without expectations, i dont know too much about crono, lucca and the others, but i understand the game yet.
I would wish chrono trigger with the same graphics quality, to be completely objetive, because i love Chrono Cross in many ways, but graphics and music are unique in that game, and have a huge weight in my judgment. A exquisite playable art. (Shadow of the Colossus are another example of game/true art what i can remember and enjoyed in the same way)
The argument is great (for being a game), and i disagree what you mention about the characters. I think the game is depth with the characters who must do, the others add replay value, fun, and credibility to the game.
I no encounter negatives in Chrono Cross, maybe cause never played Trigger, but i think Chrono Cross only can disapointed they purists of Trigger. (Maybe like Tolkien's books fans, when they seen Arwen instead Glorfindel in Lord Of The Rings Movie, they ask for Peter Jackson's head. all those who never read the book before, fell in love with Arwen and cant imagine another character in the scene.
Sorry if i speak wrong, i speak spanish.