Bend of Time - Inactive Projects > Chrono Series Tarot Card Project

Cups Suit: Page of Cups - Janus

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Summary: *Reserved*

Symbolism: "A fair, pleasing, somewhat effeminate page, of studious and intent aspect, contemplates a fish rising from a cup to look at him. It is the pictures of the mind taking form."
(from, quoting Rider himself)

Keywords: Emotion, Intuition, Intimacy, Love, Vulnerability, Gentleness, Kindness, Sensitivity to Art
Reversed: Selfishness, little desire to create, a poor imagination, Jealous, Melancholy, Moody, Emotional
(From,  &

Description: "As a Message: Usually the Page of Cups signifies a message of family matters or a matter of the heart. It might be an artistic message, a story or poem, or a message confessing deep feelings.
     As Time and Environment: This is a time of fresh emotions, feeling them purely and wondering at them. Romance is at the stage of puppy love and crushes.
     As a Child or "Child-like" Person: This is the daydreamer, head in the clouds, rarely paying attention. Which makes it difficult to get them to focus on homework or chores.
     The Page of Cups has got a great imagination, an artistic bent, and a love of story-telling which is both wonderful, but problematic, as they may let their imaginations run away with them. They will believe that there are elves in the garden and monsters under the bed. Adult-wise, they may not be taken serious as they're viewed as too "airy-fairy."
     Very kind and sweet, they'll bring you fresh picked flower, make you a card, write you a song; they'll try to rescue sick birds or abandoned kittens, and take very seriously the death of a goldfish. When sad, they're the saddest kid you ever saw. When happy, they're positively blissful."
(From Aeclectic Tarot)

Fool's Journey: The Page cards are messengers of their suit, often depicted as young men, children, or princesses. The Cups suit is the suit of emotion, imagination, creative sensitivity, and depth.

As a side note, the Pages are sometimes called the Princesses. So don't be too confused if you see cards for the Princess of Cups -- that's just a liberty that people have traditionally taken with the Page cards.

For some reason, that last statement reminded me "Magus in a crinoline".



Thanks for the thread, BTW!

I'm quite fine with someone drawing Magus in a crinoline, though it wouldn't really fit the card XD


I couldn't resist.


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