This is nonsense. The Compendium isn't some special community that makes its members better than those outside of it. Comparing it with other sites and forums is a waste of time. If this sort of thing gets any worse, I might have to start banning people.
The Compendium is a place to discuss and find meaning behind the games, and provide an archive of what people discover. It's also a hub for keeping up to date with news and fan projects related to the games.
*That large number of guests usually indicates that a search engine, in this case google more than likely, was cacheing the pages. Though in the first days of CS over 4 years ago having 50-60 real people on at any given time was not unusal.
*The reason for no site content lies in a combination of both bad hosting in the past where content was lost and the fact that we have lives.
*There is less discussion on CS for the main reason, as briefly mentioned before, is that the site is four years old. And it was a fusion of a CT and CC site that had a year or so run before that. So after 5 years or so, give or take, you run out of things to analyze and discuss. Been there done that.
*Not to knock your site or anything, because granted I've never really looked at it, but you're not the only ones to feature unique content. You just happen to have webmasters and staffers that have time to work on it. Whereas many of our staffers such as myself, are in college full time and/or have jobs. College > fansite in my opinion.
*At this point I'm not really sure what led me to post any of this. Maybe it was the nasty tones on both sides. The way I see it there aren't many CT/CC sites as it is so theres no reason to be snarky to each other. Especially when mentioning the intelligence level of posts and debates. I only wish the forums hadn't crashed a year or so ago.
At any rate, good luck with your site. 
It's not hard to put aside a few hours a week to write or organize content. Zeality occasionally puts in several hours a week, but he has no trouble balancing that with college and friends.
The difference is that we have staff and members that enjoy working on content for the site.
Granted, I barely do anything with the site except maybe two or three times a year (new layout, some backend development, technology integration), but that's not so much college, friends, campus organizations, or work as much as me simply having about a million other projects I'm always working on that I really enjoy. The Compendium will benefit from some of the more technical and commercial ones though.
Also, the Compendium has crashed numerous times, moved from server to server, and completely changed forums and content backends three or four times. If I didn't backup the site once every month or two, there wouldn't be a Compendium. It only takes five minutes out of my day.
See, here we also consider the forums to be important content (if not some of the most), which is why they've always been open to anyone, and we've always tried to preserve even the earliest discussions and present their content to visitors.
Discussions and content that can't be accessed are of little value.
I don't know exactly where I was being mean to anyone in particular, or even really in general. And I certainly don't think being a mod gives me any privelleges except those inherent in the position, like... ya know... closing threads at CS. I apologize if by posting in one thread trying to defend my site while trying to maybe calm down this little "feud" that I was poisoning your site. I'm sorry I intruded upon your little community.
So you came and went just to play sides in a stupid "feud" between forums? Between that and the horribly insincere and downright condescending tone in your posts, you've contributed nothing to either community by posting here.