Glad you both enjoyed it.

1.) Did you have a storyline that went with this concept? If so, I'm very curious!
I have a rough scenario outline and a main cast loosely established. I'd be happy to share if you're interested, but it's incomplete.
2.) I was wondering if there was a possibility of releasing a key that explains the game each song came from. I'd love to track some of this stuff down, but I don't have the capacity to obtain all of Mitsuda's work.
If you look into the mp3's info tags, the 'comments' section lists the source of each track. Two tracks come from a game rip, as the game, Monster Hunter: Jewel Summoner, never had an official soundtrack release. Most of the other albums are still in print via Mitsuda's Sleigh Bells label; others can be found at online retailers. Otherwise, I bet all of the tracks here have been uploaded to youtube at least once!
I can pretty much recommend all of them. If you're short on cash and can only manage a few albums at a time, KiRite ( and Tsugunai: Atonement ( are at the top of my list. If you liked Chrono Cross' music, you'll like these. Shadow Hearts II ( also comes strongly recommended, even though Mitsuda did only 5 tracks... 4 of which are among his most exceptional work.