Agreed. That was extremely low of you Chrono '99...I think for now on, if people want to talk about dead projects, or ones in the making, they should not accuse of them saying that "Omfg it was 2 hard so they gave up like lol".
We have no way of knowing if certain real life events cause these things. It is the rule, not the exception, that most fan projects end up this way because of those reasons. Yes, it was out of taste, but we had know way of knowing, especially since almost every fan project to date has died because the creators took on way more than they were capable of doing or lost interest. Threads of Time, Brink of Time, Day of Thantos, After Effect, Forsaken Demesne, and et cetera were all abandoned.
This attitude of placing the burden of completion on the fan project creators and not the burden of encouragement on the site staff is necessary so we don't have more DUBOISes and Omnimarus asking me for fan project forums and then disappearing without making a single post about their proposed ideas. Worse are the ones who have impossibly grand ambitions, like CTRP's desire to port CT to Unreal Tournament without being able to recruit an important engine coder, or those who take on huge projects time after time. I made Crimson Echoes partly so the community wouldn't be fragmented. Chains of Fate sets a good example here. Against all doubt, he is really stepping up to the plate with his team and kicking all kinds of ass with Chrono Crisis. It's really coming along; that's the dedication needed to make the game. It may not come out for another year, two, or three, but at least we have some degree of certainty that it will debut someday. Zakyrus, Glennleo, Kyronea and the gang are also working like dogs to get Chrono Trigger + done, and I'll hearken back to jsondag2 as well. These guys understood what it meant to make a fan project; the huge work required is partly why I'm so afraid of Crimson Echoes and why I'm struggling to get Prophet's Guile done despite having 45 hours a week of extra obligation. It's really tough making projects, and the attitude of "it failed due to lack of interest

" is needed to show neophytes that yes, it's hard work and yes, you need determination. There was no way these factors could have been known by Chrono'99 ahead of time.