120 days? Has it really been that long?
Okay, then. Time to relish in my latest language learning antics.
I finally got all three levels of
Rosetta Stone: Japanese, and let me tell you:
It's been a blast learning the basics and working my way up. I'm still at the first Unit of the first Level, but I am just loving its Dynamic Immersion™ technique. I've never really learned a language like this before, and it's radically different from what I learned while in a language class at a college or university.
I have to really thank a good friend (whom I shall not reveal for his own sake) for who gave me this software to use. He's in international business media, so he gets these things for free from his corporate overheads. All three levels of
any Rosetta Stone software costs over $1000, so I am really feeling thankful for what I've been given.
I'm still on Language Basics, but I'm slowly but surely breaking through the language barrier. Before I know it, I'll be doing actual translation work! Bwa ha ha ha ha!