Author Topic: AT&T blocks  (Read 9594 times)


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AT&T blocks
« on: July 26, 2009, 11:03:35 pm »

I don't even read /b/, but Internet censorship is crossing the fucking line. It's already enough that AT&T caved when the Bush Administration wanted their complicity in domestic spying.

Make a ruckus.


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2009, 11:29:01 pm »
They're already pulling a bunch of crap against it, and by pulling a bunch of crap I mean complaining at a 25 thread per minute ratio.

The only bad thing is that they blocked /r9k/, a quality board, along with /b/. I can understand if they blocked the entire website, but really if they just blocked /b/ it'd be more so helpful to people new to the Chans then harmful. But they took /r9k/ with it, and that just won't do.


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2009, 12:07:22 am »
That is crossing the line.

Maybe Anonymous will bring down AT&T, but I doubt they can.


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2009, 12:27:05 am »
Has AT&T given a statement about their reasoning? I don't feel a pang in my gut at the thought of /b/ disappearing from the face of the Earth or anything, but it begs the question of what could be next, which should concern us all.


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2009, 01:44:15 am »
I just read somewhere that AT&T shut off the tubes to /b/ and /r9k/ because of the DDoS attacks from, because DDoS attacks end up costing a lot of money to ISPs.

If this is true, we really can't blame AT&T.


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2009, 01:44:55 am »
This is DEFINITELY crossing the line. Let the customers decide what they want to filter. I have AT&T at my parents house and I have both the forums blocked that they indicated (/b/ & r2k). This goes along with comcast blocking uploading torrents. I am going to write a complaint to customer service like 4chan suggested because this is completely ridiculous. What's next? Blocking youtube because so many copyrighted materials end up on it?

I just read somewhere that AT&T shut off the tubes to /b/ and /r9k/ because of the DDoS attacks from, because DDoS attacks end up costing a lot of money to ISPs.

If this is true, we really can't blame AT&T.

I guess that makes it a sticky situation if that were the case. I'm still writing a complaint, but the rational is better considering it's monetary issues and not some other form of censorship.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 01:49:45 am by ZaichikArky »


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2009, 02:34:01 am »
I really don't mind.

..actually, I would love to see a 4chan-free world!

/b/ may be the "worst" of the site, but 4chan entirely is made of the "scum of the internet".

I really don't mind getting rid of them.

In all reality, I GUESS it would be a different story from my point of view if it was just a contained place, but with all the internet-attacks they do from that site...


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2009, 02:37:04 am »
I really don't mind.

..actually, I would love to see a 4chan-free world!

/b/ may be the "worst" of the site, but 4chan entirely is made of the "scum of the internet".

That's kind of biased. Have you ever browsed the boards outside of /b/ for yourself?


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2009, 02:37:35 am »
I just read somewhere that AT&T shut off the tubes to /b/ and /r9k/ because of the DDoS attacks from, because DDoS attacks end up costing a lot of money to ISPs.

If this is true, we really can't blame AT&T.

Then they should have contacted the owner of the site, m00t, and at least notified him. As of yet, there is no indication from m00t that they have done so.

I really don't mind.

..actually, I would love to see a 4chan-free world!

/b/ may be the "worst" of the site, but 4chan entirely is made of the "scum of the internet".

I really don't mind getting rid of them.

In all reality, I GUESS it would be a different story from my point of view if it was just a contained place, but with all the internet-attacks they do from that site...

This is the start of a very slippery slope towards a highly controlled, filtered, and censored Internet in which you can only say or do certain things that the Corporations and governments controlling the Internet happen to deem acceptable.


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2009, 02:54:06 am »
That's kind of biased. Have you ever browsed the boards outside of /b/ for yourself?

Yes.  I regret the decision.

This is the start of a very slippery slope towards a highly controlled, filtered, and censored Internet in which you can only say or do certain things that the Corporations and governments controlling the Internet happen to deem acceptable.

It could be... however that is definitley not my intention.
Where some see it as being black or white, I see this as a greyscale.
4chan seems to have wronged the world in so many ways...  I can't name any of them, other than the innumerable virtual attacks they made on many other websites...  It just seems every time I hear of that place, its always bad and worse news.

I... it just feels to me that if the 4chan community had the plug pulled... they would scatter away back to all corners of the internet, level out, and there would no longer be some giant concentration of doom that was 4chan..

...yeah, I know that if 4chan died, the community there would, by some miracle, be back togethor in a matter of hours on another website plotting their revenge...

...but do you guys atleast understand what I mean?


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2009, 02:59:39 am »
It's still a slippery slope and a very bad precedent for Internet censorship. AT&T could block other things by claiming that they're associated with DDoS attacks or "hackers" or any kind of ridiculous label.

It's not like they've been totally bad, either; they attacked Scientology, which is great.

Then they should have contacted the owner of the site, m00t, and at least notified him. As of yet, there is no indication from m00t that they have done so.

But, AT&T can't risk damaging their reputation for the worst telecom customer service (well, except for Sprint).
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 03:02:11 am by ZeaLitY »


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2009, 03:13:20 am »
That's kind of biased. Have you ever browsed the boards outside of /b/ for yourself?

Yes.  I regret the decision.

As long as you're saying this with firsthand experience.


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2009, 03:47:55 am »
That's kind of biased. Have you ever browsed the boards outside of /b/ for yourself?

Yes.  I regret the decision.

This is the start of a very slippery slope towards a highly controlled, filtered, and censored Internet in which you can only say or do certain things that the Corporations and governments controlling the Internet happen to deem acceptable.

It could be... however that is definitley not my intention.
Where some see it as being black or white, I see this as a greyscale.
4chan seems to have wronged the world in so many ways...  I can't name any of them, other than the innumerable virtual attacks they made on many other websites...  It just seems every time I hear of that place, its always bad and worse news.

I... it just feels to me that if the 4chan community had the plug pulled... they would scatter away back to all corners of the internet, level out, and there would no longer be some giant concentration of doom that was 4chan..

...yeah, I know that if 4chan died, the community there would, by some miracle, be back togethor in a matter of hours on another website plotting their revenge...

...but do you guys atleast understand what I mean?

You missed the point. The ends don't always justify the means, as in this case. If you believe 4chan to be criminal, then censorship is the wrong route to take. Instead, those who act as a part of "Anonymous"  should simply be individually identified and prosecuted for their specific crimes.

I feel it's only reasonable that when an actual crime is involved, m00t be forced to work with law enforcement to find the culprits.


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2009, 04:00:14 am »
Um... in other news, it appears that AT&T has backed down and stopped blocking? I left my parents house, so I can't check for myself.


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Re: AT&T blocks
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2009, 10:43:59 am »
I really don't mind.

Ahem, I believe Captain Picard said it best:

We've made too many compromises already - too many retreats. They invade our space, and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far, and no further!

Net neutrality is a fundamental necessity to human development.

While this hive of scum and villainy may deserve punishment for past actions, such restrictions do not address that. Rather, AT&T in this instance has entered the realm of Pre-Crime. To create an analogy, we might well say that bank robberies are things to be prevented, and since such crimes tend to be premeditated group activities, one might merely prevent citizens from meeting in groups at all so as to prevent bank robberies. Alas, even if done with the best of intentions, that serves as an infringement on the right to assembly. Of course, rights on the internet are a vague thing, as no single government has jurisdiction there. Which means that freedoms must be guarded all the closer on the internet; there is no established legal means of recourse for when they are taken away.