(A wild female Compendiumite appears!)
I wonder if the reverse could happen as well... roles reversed and the guy rejects the girl, what would the girl say? hmm...
No doubt there are still some lady-Compendiumites around too. I would love to get both sides, just for my own benefit.
I haven't been friendzoned, but I've done the friendzoning and I've had female friends who've been rejected. Many of them react well, all things considered, but sometimes things get ugly and they blame other women. Sounds weird, right? Well, there's actually a trope for so-called "nice girls" who yearn after guys who always go after "the bitches". It's basically internalized misogyny--women bemoaning the fact that all the "good guys" run after bitches instead of choosing
them, the nice, sweet girl. I think there's even a book out called
Why Men Marry Bitches.
Women can't win. If we reject a guy, we're a bitch. If a guy rejects us, the girl he's going after instead is a bitch.
On being the "friendzoner"...it's really hard to have to do that to someone. You don't want to hurt them, but if you don't set the record straight then it feels like you're just stringing them along. Being rejected always sucks, but rejecting someone hurts too.
The problem a lot of girls have is that many guys interpret good friendship as "oh, she's into me". It's incredibly frustrating. I'm a very intense person when it comes to close friendships and I love having deep, meaningful conversations that last hours. I'm not crushing on my friends; I just want to get to know them. But a lot of guys seem to assume that deep conversations = crush. Which isn't true at all! I would even bring up my boyfriend in said conversations, or be completely up front and say "I'm not really looking to date anyone right now", and I would
still get this reaction from a guy. I mean...mentioning that you're taken or outright saying that you don't want to date anyone aren't hints. They're anvil-sized absolute statements.
And yet when I've had to do the friendzoning, I've still received "But I thought you liked me! What about all of those long conversations we had and all the things you wanted to know about me?!" And then they stop being your friend because they think you're a bitch for rejecting them.