Author Topic: Micheal Jackson is dead!  (Read 5536 times)


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2009, 01:59:04 am »
Well, this would be a good reason not to throw away their LPs.

I don't think I've ever (knowingly or within conscious memory) heard any of MJ's music.
He went before his time, rest his soul.


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2009, 03:09:50 am »
I don't remember the station but i think it was CNN that actually replayed everything bad about his life today. I was pretty upset because the guy just died and they are talking about his death as a good thing.


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2009, 03:14:45 am »
He got in some trouble having to do with kids in a jacuzzi back in the first half of the 1990s, and he was always the butt of schoolyard jokes after that. I don't know if he actually had a pedophilia problem or if he just loved kids, or even childhood itself, but the way our society lampooned him mercilessly shows how much more growing up we have ahead of us.
You know, I always felt he was, in a way, trying to recapture and live his youth vicariously through the children around him. From what I know of him, he didn't get much of a childhood and basically had to grow up much too fast. Almost like he was emotionally trapped at 10 years old. I'll hop off my arm-chair psychologist position now! :)

But I have no idea what to believe when it comes to his scandals; all I know is that he was a fantastic singer and incredibly innovative. I didn't listen to his music a lot, but it still shocked and saddened me to hear about his death. I just never expected him to die so soon... it's a shame, because he was on the heels of his first tour in over ten years. He never had a chance to redeem himself and taste success one last time, which makes me sad. At the very least, I'm glad he finally has peace away from what was probably a quite stressful and troubled life. Rest in peace, MJ. Farah as well.


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2009, 03:36:07 am »
Wasn't he a child molester too?

*slap* You Jerk! None of those incidents where proven true, on the other hand he was eccentric so people got away with insulting him and saying that anyway.
Yeah, really. Some self-righteous religious asshole on my Facebook said "Oh it's so convenient that everyone forgets he was a child molester and SINNER when he dies." Thankfully, a few of my other high school friends ridiculed him for being a stupid fuck.

Fuck religion and fuck ignorance.

Have you ever heard of hypocritical ZeaLity?  Eh I overlook it because it's you, but your gonna offend someone ZeaLity.
On the other hand that person deserves punishment, I'll get my punishment whip.

He got in some trouble having to do with kids in a jacuzzi back in the first half of the 1990s, and he was always the butt of schoolyard jokes after that. I don't know if he actually had a pedophilia problem or if he just loved kids, or even childhood itself, but the way our society lampooned him mercilessly shows how much more growing up we have ahead of us.
You know, I always felt he was, in a way, trying to recapture and live his youth vicariously through the children around him. From what I know of him, he didn't get much of a childhood and basically had to grow up much too fast. Almost like he was emotionally trapped at 10 years old. I'll hop off my arm-chair psychologist position now! :)

But I have no idea what to believe when it comes to his scandals; all I know is that he was a fantastic singer and incredibly innovative. I didn't listen to his music a lot, but it still shocked and saddened me to hear about his death. I just never expected him to die so soon... it's a shame, because he was on the heels of his first tour in over ten years. He never had a chance to redeem himself and taste success one last time, which makes me sad. At the very least, I'm glad he finally has peace away from what was probably a quite stressful and troubled life. Rest in peace, MJ. Farah as well.

He deserved one more moment in the postive spot light, but at this point he could have saved a bus load of children and someone would have cracked a joke or demonized the's not fair.
I don't think he actully meant anything by the eccentirc things he did.
I...I've have been m.... I know about people who molest people. They are often people who trust or know, normally family or in somecases trusted next door anyway. I think MJ was trying to capture an unhad childhood.


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2009, 04:00:54 am »
My father just told me about the death of Michael Jackson this morning, it is a shocking  event.

RIP King of Pop Michael Jackson and Charlie's Angels actress Farrah Fawcett ......


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2009, 04:02:20 am »
Those who with a bad mouth and an ego boost stirs strife.

It can't be said any other way to the ridicule that Micheal Jackson went through. People made up false accusations towards him but all in all he was just a kid with the body of adult and only wanted to live life to the fullest. He focused more on life than those who ridiculed him because unlike them he wasn't so consumed in hatred towards another person or himself for that matter. I never believed him as a child molester or a murderer. Some of the people made those accusations to condemn him and show that he was some sort of freak to society because of the way he looked and how he spoke.


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2009, 05:34:14 am »
MJ always struck me as one of those celebrities that you had to be there at the time to appreciate. I have some  vague memories of the hype surrounding the HIStory album and tour, back when I was about 9 or 10 years old. That, and the funny video game (I think for the Sega Genesis?) where you were on a quest to rescue kidnapped children and defeated the bad guys with your signature dance moves.

Generally speaking though, I knew him mostly as a circus freak, between all the surgeries and oddball news stories. Reading about his career these days, it's got an almost tragic air about it. The tabloid character-assassinations and the effects it had on his well-being during the 90s, not to mention the questionable [financial] motives of the douchebag father who set the whole lawsuit thing in motion... pretty ugly stuff. Guilty or innocent, that sort of thing should be kept to the courts. No one deserves that sort of public humiliation.

I never bothered listening to his music outside of 'Beat It', when I was in my Eddie Van Halen wannabe phase, but hopefully he'll be remembered as the guy who recorded Thriller, as opposed to guy who dangles infants over balconies.


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2009, 12:00:07 pm »
Please, that baby incident is overhyped. Don't know if there's any parents in here but I can certainly say how many remember there own parents "Wanna play helicopter? VROOM!" Whipping them up in the air, catching them on sheer luck and swinging them in circles? And I know that wasn't just me since I've seen countless other parents do that. Media just LOVED picking on him because he looked very different. That's the main reason I don't believe any of the other hype about him being nutty and "Wacko Jacko" and all that bullshit.

He probably just wanted to experience his childhood again, and unfortunately people look at an adult trying to be a kid and ridicule it. Yes, I made a couple wisecracks. But only when I didn't know the story. I looked it up and my initial response "How stupid are you? What makes you think he's guilty so fast?"

It seems every grand, world wide artist or group just seems to die earlier than the rest of us. Presley, Lennon, Jackson. It's true.

Only the good die young.


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2009, 02:46:53 pm »
I don't remember the station but i think it was CNN that actually replayed everything bad about his life today. I was pretty upset because the guy just died and they are talking about his death as a good thing.
CNN did an "expose" on his life, but relied heavily on their barrels of info that related to his controversies. Fox spoke to some of MJ's lawyers, and MSNBC praised his contributions to the black community. The way each organization handled the story was pretty mixed.

He probably just wanted to experience his childhood again, and unfortunately people look at an adult trying to be a kid and ridicule it. Yes, I made a couple wisecracks. But only when I didn't know the story. I looked it up and my initial response "How stupid are you? What makes you think he's guilty so fast?"
Aye, MJ had more than his fair share of problems, most of which stem from a terrible childhood, or so I've been told. He had a physically, mentally, verbally, and financially abusive father and had his youth torn away from him. He was enormously shy but was subjected to the spotlight intensely. On top of that he tried to spend time with other famous child stars, including Macaulay Culkin and Brooke Shields, probably because they were the only people that could relate to him. It's no surprise that the world's biggest celebrity had a terrible private life. So, so sad.


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2009, 02:53:31 pm »
2009 is shaping up to be a very bad year overall :(


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #40 on: June 26, 2009, 04:19:26 pm »
Michael Jackson will always be Captain Eo to me.

Though oddly, the only two songs of his that I know even some of his words to (as opposed to Weird Al's rendition) are Happy Birthday Lisa and Thriller. Neither of which were part of Captain Eo's show.

I wonder how long it will take for some insensitive jerk to make a joke about this.

Oh sure, make me feel bad before I even have a chance to be an insensitive jerk.


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #41 on: June 26, 2009, 10:46:53 pm »
I wonder how long it will take for some insensitive jerk to make a joke about this.

Oh sure, make me feel bad before I even have a chance to be an insensitive jerk.

Thanks, It's a talent of mine ^.^

2009 is shaping up to be a very bad year overall :(

*Cough* I hate to say it, because I'm in the spring time of youth and all but it could be said that every year shapes to be bad. That happens because we focus more on negtive then postive. That's why our MJ was treated so badly, filter the postive aspects of someone and all you have is negtive. Filter the postive of the world and all you have is negtive. It's sad, but people die all the time. Unfair and sad are part of people dying, I mean if you felt good about him dying then you'd be a sick person, if you felt good about all the bad events of 2009 then you'd be a sick person, this mean that you are infact a good person! That's good news!  :?...... :)........ :D I Mikey will let nothing get me down!


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #42 on: June 27, 2009, 12:11:11 am »
Way I see it though, 2009 isn't so much bad, although it is pretty bad, as not very memorable. Nothing this year has really been any bit noteworthy. We're noticing now because this is the first noteworthy experience this year. And a helluvan experience it is.


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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #43 on: June 27, 2009, 11:51:45 pm »
2009 is only half-way over, so there's still time for it to pick up...

I've always gotten a chuckle out of this Indian tribute to Thriller though:



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Re: Micheal Jackson is dead!
« Reply #44 on: June 28, 2009, 05:36:23 pm »
Way I see it though, 2009 isn't so much bad, although it is pretty bad, as not very memorable. Nothing this year has really been any bit noteworthy.

Sorry, I'm gonna have to call BS on this one. Two terribly noteworthy things have happened this year. One, the U.S. inaugerated a black president, and two, there is actual public civil protest in Iran. Sure, there's violence there as well, but its a good bit better than nothing at all. This might be the first signs of Iran getting a less oppresive government.

2009's been a fairly good year, as things go.