Author Topic: Dream Sharing  (Read 3187 times)


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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2009, 03:14:42 am »
ummm for like... 2 whole years...i had the same dream... :picardno

it was more a nightmare, where everything was black and you could

hear screams of people being tortured...the screams were so loud they

woke me up. the only way i could sleep without the dream was turning on the tv

with the volume turned up, for some reason when i did that i couldn't remember my

dreams. It kept being like that for 2 whole years till I made a change in my life

and rectified my ways...when I did it...the dreams simply stopped...Kinda freaky...

Also whenever I slack off and dont do what I have to do the dream comes back

again...but that rarely happens nowadays...


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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2009, 07:12:54 am »
The one reoccurring dream I've had often was one of fear of weakness.

I would be standing in front of a man who would laugh at me as I would throw out punches of incredibly weak strength to try and silence him to no avail. I truly do have a fear of weakness and sometimes the process of opening up to people I love or care about is very hard. If I would cry in front of someone I knew or even didn't know it would probably bother me for the rest of my life. Making love to my girlfriend that I love immensely gives me the feeling that I open up to her and, as much as I would like to, it does bother me deeply as I feel like I'm vulnerable. Weird stuff like that, I understand the dream but I can't overcome it as of now.

Also dreams of my father being killed by thieves, murderers, gangsters, mobsters etc... and once again me not being able to do anything due to my weakness. Stuff like that. And even now as I write this.. feels like I'm showing vulnerability to strangers and I'm half tempted to just delete this thread as I probably have already written this and deleted it many times on other forums...


Schala Zeal

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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2009, 01:23:02 pm »
That's... not good. You're dreaming about dad getting murdered the night before father's day? Wow, lol


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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2009, 04:30:54 pm »
No I don't mean I got that dream lately (as in last night), those dreams usually come to me at key moments in my life where I did show weakness to someone or somehow. I always feel like I will lose something if I show weakness/vulnerability.

Schala Zeal

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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #19 on: June 21, 2009, 06:14:35 pm »
I had a rather exciting dream last night. I dreamt that Mother ordered that Zeal have more water and less land. So Dalton has everyone do that and then soon enough Zeal is completely flooded with water. I'm guessing barriers were built along the edges of the floating continent so that the water wouldn't spill off. So now we have waterways in Enhasa, Kajar, and even the palace. I remember in the dream I had to canoe to the throne room.

Anyway, the weirdest part is the occurance of the Ocean Palace events... well right before them even. After I was abducted by Dalton, Crono and the gang grab a motorboat and ride a spiralling waterslide down to the ocean palace. However, Magus was also racing to save me, but he goes to wrong way in the Zeal Palace trying to find the way down and ends up in an underwater Crash Bandicoot sideview course. Yes, apparently Dalton and his humorous shinanigans installed an underwater Crash Bandicoot sideview course under the royal palace 13990 years before CB is even created. However, instead of collecting fruit (the CB coins), Magus needs to collect golden tetris blocks. I woke up just as he made his way out though.


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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2009, 06:23:03 pm »
Now lets look at the dream I had last night

I was in this house filled with evil spirits. A short, fat Japanese man walked in and banished all the evil spirits into a door. He told me that  was not to touch the door for any reason. I was laying down near that door when my head bumps in it. I was then transported into a strange world where Christopher Lee was making me tacos.

weird right.

Schala Zeal

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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2009, 06:27:44 pm »
*tries keeping a straight face*


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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2009, 01:56:12 am »
Most of my dreams are inane or amusing; I don't tend to have nightmares a lot. :) My most recent "unpleasant" dream went something like this:

I was at the mansion of one of my favorite sitcom celebrities; they were throwing a big pool-party, and lots of other famous people would be there. I was incredibly excited, because a schmuck like me managed to be invited! I went inside the mansion's bathroom to change into my bathing suit and proceeded to step into the shallow end of the pool. I saw Charles Shaughnessy across the pool, and raised my arms way above my head to wave enthusiastically at him. He responded to me with a look of horror! I had forgotten to shave! My dream-self was so humiliated. :P I then managed to redeem my reputation by showing off my ability to breathe underwater. (Which I don't have in real-life, obviously. ;))


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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2009, 08:49:25 am »
My dreams mostly make sense, to me anyway. They usually have a sense of order.

I dreamt that I was a desert adventurer, and I set off to find the legendary Arcadian Crystal! It was in a chruch. I dropped it, picked up the shard and went to the forest singing, "We're off to see the Wizard". Note that I was in a desert at tht time.


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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2009, 09:16:01 am »
The night before last I had a dream that a carnival set up in the outside car park to my building, one of the rides was a massive spinning ball with rods coming off in all directions with smaller balls at the ends of them that people could get inside of. Anyway after a while the weather got bad and lightning struck the ride several times blowing it up, killing several people... I think it killed more than one? I do remember seeing one lady getting struck while in one of the orbs, which blew up of course. After that everything else was a blur until I found myself in the foyer to my building where I was angrily pulling notice boards and wooden railings off the wall and throwing them at bystanders.

I think I must have somehow become infected with something that caused me to become animalistic and vicious towards other people.

I don't know? My dreams hardly ever make sense to me...


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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2009, 12:49:17 am »
Eh... last night I dreamt SE and Blizzard teamed up and merged Chrono and Warcraft into a single fiction. I remember walking around battling Nathrezim in the DBT and Magus in the Scarlet Cathedral.


You must play a lot of Warcraft/World of Warcraft for it to influence your sub-conscious in such a way.

Schala Zeal

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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2009, 05:42:21 pm »
Well, I've had yet another dream. This time, one of El Nido's physicians told me that the Time Devourer had given me a deadly spinal tumor from being attached to it for 13,000 years and recommended I have the most awkwardest of surgeries: Get the tumor removed and then spend the night in a house where undead zombies maraud around in. I refused at first, but I learned that an old man who had come back from the DBT as well had the same tumor, waited too long, and eventually it cut off his artery circulation and he went into cardiac arrest. After seeing that on El Nido TV I ran back to the doctor about the surgery.

"So..." *smiling* "What were you saying about the operation?"

Oddly enough though, I woke up just as the sleep gas mask knocked me out. Coincidence? Kinda creepy.


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Re: Dream Sharing
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2009, 10:34:07 pm »
Every night since school got(about four or five days)I've had a dream about it. Though it wasn't tobad I guess, only for the fact that it was always independant or group study.