Author Topic: CT+ Fury of the Ages (getting things rolling!)  (Read 19992 times)


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #90 on: February 16, 2010, 06:20:00 pm »
Zakyrus, obviously you're using voice modding software. I have to ask -- what product?

I came across something called MorphVOX Pro and I'm considering using it for my voicing role.

Audacity & CoolEdit Pro. I tried MorphVox, but didn't like it.

Please send me a male part to read. I'd love to show you my acting, and I have a really good mic.

I'll get back to you on this. Using a public computer at the moment.


Schala Zeal

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #91 on: February 16, 2010, 08:30:30 pm »
Works fine for me. I found the perfect mod to use too.

EDIT: Redone audio dialogue of mine using MorphVOX Pro, this is unedited and bad quality though:

Available here! (last update Feb 17 2010 @ 3:40 AM)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 07:40:56 am by Princess Schala Zeal »


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #92 on: March 08, 2010, 04:11:03 am »
I liked that Lavos scene sample, sounded odd at first but it grew on me over time.

My only thoughts are that Magus's voice sounded off, maybe a little too deep? Dunno. Theres nothing to compare it too, I'm just going off what I pictured! It almost sounded fake, like those cheesy horror movies, whereas Zeal's voice sounded like someone that COULD be real.

Schala Zeal

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #93 on: March 08, 2010, 06:35:13 pm »
My voice sounded.... well... not that good.


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #94 on: June 10, 2010, 12:39:14 am »
So.... what's the status of the CT+ project? Is the project dead?  :(


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #95 on: June 10, 2010, 09:51:12 pm »
It will never dieeee!

I'm sure Z is just busy.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 09:53:09 pm by TheMage »


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #96 on: June 12, 2010, 11:25:32 pm »
This project will not go unfinished, no worries.  Zakyrus frequently disappears.  I can tell you he is currently busy with another project, so don't lose hope!



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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #97 on: June 22, 2010, 07:31:58 pm »
This project will not go unfinished, no worries.  Zakyrus frequently disappears.  I can tell you he is currently busy with another project, so don't lose hope!


It couldn't have been said any better. It's been a bit....

Actor Check
Just seeing if you guys are still interested/around. If you have requested and got a part, you have that part (unless you vanish for far longer than I do and don't come back, in which case I *may* have to give it away)

I've got Magus/Prophet/Janus, Robo, Queen Zeal, possibly Ozzie, I can also do a pretty good "gay voice" for Flea, the transvestite.

Schala is covered. Frog is covered. I'm pretty sure we have all 3 gurus, as well as Dalton at the moment.

If Katie is still around, we have Lucca. Who else was doing voices? Sorry, my list dissipated into the Void. (Quantum pun intended)

Guys and gals, here's how I'll probably do this:

Episode 1- "The Planet's Dream"         (From M. Fair to Arris Dome Computer Room)
Episode 2- "The Ruined World"            (From Arris Dome to Reforging Masamune)
Episode 3- "Lord of the Shadows"        (From Forged Masamune to Tyrano Lair destruction) (reason is there are new Magus cuts during Tyrano Lair)
Episode 4- "The Eternal Kingdom"        (Tyrano Lair Ruins to Fall of Mt. Woe)
Episode 5- "Malignant Transcendence" (Mt. Woe to Ocean Palace Rises) (probably THE most Epic of all the episodes, MUCH new dialog and content)
Episode 6- "Eternity's End"                  (Saving Crono, side quest stuff, Fiona's Forest --entire cut--)
Episode 7- "The Time-lost Sovereign"  ( Black Omen cuts (new ones too), Queen Zeal speech and battle, First Lavos part defeated)
Episode 8- "End-Game"                      (EPIC Lavos cut, Moonlight Parade Ending)
Some scenes and parts will be cut to shorten the playing time. Many enemies such as 'lesser' bosses might be skipped entirely(Krawlie for instance, probably Guardian too --even though that's kind of important) . Boss battles themselves will just be shortened from the game (as to not take up a lot of running time) This particular project is about the new storyline dialog and how actors can voice with the chars-- not so much about the 'nitty-gritty' details of the game.

However, the core cut-scenes of CT+ (and of CT in general) will be shown. The lesser significant parts skipped will be filled in by an announcer (DBZ style!) This way, I can dramatically shorten the amount of time spent on this project, will simultaneously keeping the core elements as well as any viewer from becoming bored in the viewing process.

We're going to do Malignant Transcendence first, to see how it all goes. Azure, if you still have the part of "Malignant Transcendence" post I sent you, you should re-send it to me. Thanks. (If not, I'm pretty sure I've got it on backup somewhere)

« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 07:54:14 pm by Zakyrus »

Schala Zeal

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #98 on: June 23, 2010, 11:22:56 pm »
I'm having some audio software complications... I can't find any suitable software that is free/affordable


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #99 on: June 24, 2010, 02:13:52 am »
Try Audacity

Schala Zeal

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #100 on: June 24, 2010, 05:17:48 am »
did, but I make a better chipette than a Schala


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #101 on: June 24, 2010, 07:32:02 am »
Ok. With Audacity and altering pitch--I have found that if you want to make your voice lower for example, you would reduce the pitch by 10 (or so) then increase the Speed by 10 to make up for the applied effect. (reduce speed by amount if raising the pitch) If you don't do this, the speed of your voice will get screwed up. (unless you want this of course)

Try experimenting with that. I still have yet to make an Audacity tutorial for users, that covers most of the features I use. (however, a lot of my stuff is passed through CoolEditPro or FL Studio afterwards to get the really cool effects)


Schala Zeal

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #102 on: June 24, 2010, 07:35:28 am »
Well when I get my new PC in August I'll try. My laptop is far too noisy.


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #103 on: July 01, 2010, 01:48:36 pm »
I've made a few changes as well as some grammatical and spelling errors (that I somehow seemed to overlook, bless you spell checking). Mav, if you see this, could you redo the parts for Frog? Thanks.
Anyways, this is the first "episode" planned.

"Malignant Trancendence"

Also, this is an experimental 'episode' if you will.
So some of the scenes jump around a little more than they did in the CT+ mod.
However, the dialog itself is as it appears directly from CT+ (as you can see, enhanced a few parts)

(Magus at North Cape)

Magus: What have I done...?
(flashback to Zeal Throne room NIGHT--in CT+ this scene happens immediately after Dalton takes Schala in Algetty)

Queen Zeal: ......
It will not be a problem, Prophet.  

**Note: This line is meant to make the player wonder what was said, there was actually nothing before this.

(Dalton appears in a flash, holding Schala in his arms, then releases her)

Dalton: Your Majesty!
I brought back Schala!

Queen Zeal: Ah, my daughter!
Glad of you to rejoin us!

Schala: ......

Dalton: Your Majesty!
The Prophet...he was--!

Queen Zeal: Dalton!
The Prophet is NOT within the boundries your concern!
Now, do I make myself clear...or do I have to demote you once more?
--this time to Court Jester!
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Dalton: ...Sigh...
Yes, Your Majesty, forgive me...

Dalton: However, I bring news!
The foriegn rebels that have escaped from here...they're with Melchior!

Queen Zeal: Prophet!
What doth thou forsee?
Are THEY on their way?

Prophet: My Queen, most undoubtably.
They will arive within the hour.
And they DO have MUCH power with them.
It seems that fate is on their side.

Queen Zeal: I will not accept any cryptic responses!
What are you seeing, Prophet!?
Tell me, tell me NOW!

*Prophet sees Crono holding the Ruby Knife*

Prophet: ......!
( Ungh...feels like...Masamune... )

Queen Zeal: Well?!

Prophet: The one called "Crono", his strength is unfathomable.
I have observed his combat skill level from afar.
He uses a sort of Focused Sword- Technique and he learns exponentially
with every opponent.

Queen Zeal: So, what of it?!

Prophet: I may be able to level a mountain... But HE, that one, his
swiftness carries him faster than riding in on devils' wings.
HE holds the whirlwinds. On top of it all, he has great knowledge of
"time-gates"--allowing him to mold reality in any way that he desires.

This "Crono" ...he may be..."Unlimited."

Queen Zeal: Un...unlimited?!

Queen Zeal: Prophet, what more do you see of this malice?
How do we defeat, do we DESTROY such a defiant soul?

(Prophet gets a glimpse of Crono throwing the Knife then a Lavos roar sound plays)

Prophet: ( That's it! )
( Dreamstone's unfocused energy! )
( LET them come there...but how? )
( HOW?! )

(forced laugh)
Prophet: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Prophet: .........
Nigh is the time for awakening, for come now has the hour!
My Queen, they shall undo themselves!
For you see, they will arrive in contempt to stop you, but...they
will come just as Lavos begins to awaken.
Then, within the hour, you will arise high above, into the stars and
their Celestial Gate. For you'll be strong enough to crush them yourself!

Queen Zeal: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Queen Zeal: Prophet, you have given me a most WONDERFUL revelation!
Yes. With Lavos, I will rise high above into the stars.
I will scorch all who oppose me with the Crimson Flame and I will appoint
myself to be Queen of this Universe forever!

   Thank you Prophet, I know not of your name, but you forever are
honored among us Enlightened Ones. I want you to join us in Immortality.

Prophet: Of course...
I am grateful, My Queen.

Dalton: At last...Immortality...

Queen Zeal: Dalton you will remain behind and lead them there.
But...delay long enough until the Ceremony is nearly complete.
Do not harm them much--because I want the exquisite pleasure of
destroying them myself!

Dalton: I don't understand!
Why can't I come to the Ceremony?!
The Prophet gets to do everything!

Queen Zeal: All you have done is complain ceaselessly.
Besides...those miscreants have freed Melchior.
You are to stand guard and make sure no one gets through that door
until the time is right! Understand!?
Do this for me and all is forgiven.

Dalton: Yes...Your Majesty!
( I don't feel like fighting that Crono, so I'll seal up the door! )

**Janus taking the Zeal Library Back Passage to get to the Throne room will be implied**

Queen Zeal: Lavos beckons!
Come Schala, we have a god to awaken!

Schala: "Let us trek onwards into the Night.
Those that stray far, fall from the path of grace..."

Prophet: ......!
( Does...Schala know...!? )

(cut back to Magus at North Cape)

*Frog, Lucca and Robo are arrive*

Magus: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Magus: Hmmmmm...
It seems fate has made our paths cross once interesting.

Magus: The Kingdom of Dreams.
To have gained so much, and then have lost it all again...
What a nightmare...

Magus: Look at the waves, everyone.

Magus: Everything that ever existed within the Kingdom of Zeal...all of its hopes and dreams...
Now gone. Forever lost below that vast, ever-shifting ocean. NEVER to be seen again--only forgotten.

Frog: What is your point, Magus?!

Magus: I once lived there, you know. But I was another person
then...another person entirely...

(scene cuts to Ocean Palace, pre-Crono interference time-line)

Queen Zeal: Don't you see, Melchior?
Your worries were for naught!
The Mammon Machine functions flawlessly!

Schala: Mother...the Machine...
I cannot withstand this energy for much longer...

Melchior: Schala...

Gaspar: Your Highness, you must stop the Mammon Machine before it begins to overload!

Queen Zeal: No! We MUST proceed!
Push it to the limit, Schala!

Gaspar: There is a dimensional distortion forming!
It is too dangerous!

Belthasar: is already too late...this power is far too
great for any to control! Melchior, quick, use the Ruby Knife!

Queen Zeal: WHAT?! You insolent worms conspire treason against ME?!

Melchior: We can't stop it now!
We're going to be dragged in!

Janus: Schala...!

Schala: Janus?!
What are you doing here?!
Run away! It's far too dangerous!

Janus: But...Schala...I...I...

(Ocean Palace, Time-Freeze)

Queen Zeal: Guru of Reason, Guru of Time, and Guru of Life... Behold the splendor of the almighty Lavos's
GRAND awakening! Feel it's unbridled power and the beginning of my eternal glory!

Melchior: Lavos...
We were so foolish for all of this!

Gaspar: A...a time-gate!? But how!?

Balthasar: No...Gaspar...Melchior...
Damn you, Lavos!

Janus: Lavos is THAT thing...?!

Queen Zeal: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
The power of Lavos can dispose of any who oppose me!
Observe, O' foolish boy, know that your contempt for me is worth LESS THAN NOTHING!!

Schala: Janus?!
No mother, don't do this!

Janus: Schala-------! (long scream)

(cuts to Imps' house in Medina)

Blue Imp: Ah.......what a splendid day for eating a slice of Magic cake!

Melchior: Oooooh. Where am I?

Blue Imp: It's a human...a human came out of our CLOSET?!

Mud Imp: He looks like he's hurt...let's help him out...

(cuts to Proto Dome, 2291 A.F.)

Balthasar: Where am I...?
Could this be the future?

Balthasar: Damn that Queen!
I must begin anew my work on the Wings of Time.
It is the only way back home...

(cuts to End of Time)
Gaspar: Th...this is....

Gaspar: Hey....

Gaspar: There is NOTHING here...why this must be, the End of Time!

(cuts to Truce Canyon 580 A.F.)

Ozzie; What in the hell...?!
A...a child appeared from NOTHING?!

Ozzie: Come my loyal minions, don't just sit there!
Come out, come out and welcome our messiah who has come from afar gifted with superior magic!

Janus: ( Where the hell am I? )
( That doesn't matter! Schala! )
( Schala was... Oh, I'll DESTROY Lavos! )
( That's all that matters now! )

(scene cuts back to Northern Cape)

Frog: So...that child that warned us of Crono's demise...that was YOU, correct? You are...Janus?

Magus: Yes...ever since that DAMNED portal stranded me in what you call the Middle Ages, I've spent my entire life planning my vengeance. But to do that, I needed power. The Mystics saw me appear seemingly from "nowhere" and thought I was was a great avatar. They GLADLY provided me with the power and resources for my goals. Of course, they never really knew what I was ultimately after.

Frog: The war...all of the death and destruction caused in your name... was all for power?! Just to benefit your selfish purposes?!

Magus: Trying to make me feel the least bit sorry about it? Don't bother. After all the years spent in the darkness, I feel only bitterness... All I've EVER cared of is that I avenge my sister by destroying that damned creature. YOU are the ones that interfered me at MY Castle.

Lucca: Well, you "failed" anyways.
In historic records, the war was won because your castle and all
things in it were obliterated. We just thought that it was due
to the creation of Lavos. We just wanted to end the war and prevent the ruin Lavos will cause in 1999.

Magus: I don't really give a damn why you tried to stop me. The war was just to keep those pesky Mystics off my back. Though I must say that I do give you a small amount of gratitude
on giving me an "extension" to see Lavos's demise.
And ironic it was...that very Gate sent be right back to my own lost childhood.
Since I lived through it already, I was able to dredge up my buried memories and convince my 'mother' that I was a prophet from afar. Eagerly I awaited for the moment of the confrontation with Lavos.

Frog: You are a fool, Magus!
Why did you not simply attempt to alter the course of events so the confrontation never occurred?

Magus: Don't even THINK to judge my actions!
The awakening of Lavos was inevitable--nothing could have
been done to stop it. The Mammon Machine had drained FAR too much of Lavos's power already. There was but only one way: Proceed.
I simply disposed of the Gurus so they would not get in my way.
I thought that I alone could save Schala and destroy Lavos...

Magus: But I WAS a fool.
The power of Lavos is UNIMAGINABLE.
The Black Wind howls fiercely against all who try to confront "IT."

Frog: Perhaps for you Magus...
...but WE will not lose so easily!
We WILL succeed in our quest to save the world!

Magus: ( They DON'T understand. )
( Without Crono, they have NOTHING. )

(Scene cuts back to Ocean Palace Lavos, Crono interference timeline)
* Crono, Marle, and Lucca are sprawled out on the "floor" *

Lavos Scream Sound

Prophet: Atlast...!
I've waited but a very long time for this...

Prophet: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

{Magus}: Remember me Lavos?
I've been waiting for you......waiting for my vengeance!

{Magus}: I swore long ago... that I'd destroy you! At whatever cost! At whatever end!

Queen Zeal: Oh? ...and just what do you think you can do?

Queen Zeal: So, Dalton was right.
Indeed you ARE a false prophet...

Lavos will tear you apart!
It is NOT of this world!

Schala: Mother, please...I beg of you!
Stop this madness!
This will only end in utter ruin!
Your lust for power has only corrupted your soul!

Queen Zeal: Get out of my way, Schala!
The almighty life-force of Lavos dwells within ALL living things...
You are also a part of it!
You cannot alter your destiny!
Oppose me and I will be forced to destroy you as well!

Schala: Heeelp!

Queen Zeal: Then, come Prophet...
...feel the unbridled power of the INVINCIBLE Lavos!

{Magus}: Aaaaaahhhhh! This cannot be!
My energies are being drained away!

{Magus}: Unnnghh...!
I won't...I beaten!
 I have survived the nightmares to destroy you, Lavos!

Succumb to the wrath of Magus!
Feel my true POWER!


{Magus}: Im...Impossible!
It has no effect?! But...I am the strongest in the world!

Queen Zeal: Foolish mortal!
While the Mammon Machine is active, your measly power couldn't possibly
TOUCH Lavos!

Queen Zeal: This is from me to you!
You SHALL enjoy eternal part of Lavos!
Uwa ha ha ha...!

(Crono gets up)

Crono: ( If I can just... )

Queen Zeal: Oh? The foolish boy still wishes to fight?
What can you do, with that battered and broken body of yours?

   Is your will to die truly that great?
How amusing!
You ARE worthy to become one with Lavos for all eternity!

Schala: No...Crono...I know what you are are about to do...
P...please escape Crono...!
You have not a chance to defeat it!

Queen Zeal: So! You are Crono.
Why don't you do as Schala says, and run away, fleeing in terror?
Isn't your life precious to you? ...or do you think you REALLY are Unlimited!?

Queen Zeal: Mwa ha ha ha ha...!
Feel the power of Lavos and CRUMBLE!

Crono: ( Blend with me, O' powers of Earth! )

Crono: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

**Lavos uses his destruction beam on Crono; Crono becomes pure Spirit Energy, tearing apart the Mammon Machine's Pocket Dimension**

(scene cuts back to Northern Cape)

Magus: ......
You're much more ignorant than I had ever thought, Frog.
Even WITH the Masamune...what makes you think you'll be able to
do ANY better than that MISERABLE fool Crono?

Frog: How DARE you insult him?!

Magus: You just don't get it, do you Frog?!
He is DEAD, just like you ALL would be right now.
He was weak...and like all weaklings, he died like a worm challenging a wall of searing flames!

Frog: Magus! Hold your tongue before I remove it from you!

Magus: What, you want to fight me?
For real this time? I've nothing left to lose, you know.
So how about it, eh Frog? Want to settle the score?

Frog: No.

Frog: Neither Sir Crono or Cyrus would not return to us with your death...and they would not wish for us to kill you.
...and because I pity you. I can see that your heart has broken. Pain has made you cruel. But I know that there is goodness inside your soul. Magus, we will trouble you no further. Good-bye.

Magus: So be it...Frog.
We'll call it a "draw" then.
But don't go and change your mind when my back is turned...

(Magus turns his back on Party, resuming his meditation upon the ocean)

(party begins to leave)

Magus: Wait! (with some desperation in his voice)

Frog: Magus, what is it that you want of us now?

Magus: ( Crono...he's SO strong... )
( I KNOW he is of the LIGHT Element... )
( ...but WHERE does he get his power?! )
( I MUST KNOW... )

Magus: I'm coming with you!

Lucca: Say what!?

Robo: YOU...?!
Is this some sort of joke?
I am not laughing...

Magus: I want to kill Lavos, you want to kill Lavos.
Our goals are the same...revenge for what we each
have lost. Why not set aside our differences and join forces?
I really don't see why we cannot. If we work together...we may actually have a fighting chance.

Frog: You would betray us in less than an instant if it suited your ideals, Magus!

Magus: Heh heh heh...

Magus: Maybe...but ONLY if you all get in my way--and don't get me wrong...I'm not joining you for your sake...
...but only because we may actually succeed this way.
Besides... there just might be a way to bring that friend of yours back.

Frog: Nonsense, Magus!
We've already thought of THAT one!
Lucca, explain to him the quantum mechanics behind it!

Lucca: Well, doing so would create a paradox and destroy ALL of space-time....

Magus: ......

Magus: Don't misunderstand me...
I don't really care that much about that spiky haired fool.
But he could be of GREAT use to us...

Frog: What are you getting at?

Magus: Within the Undersea Palace, Crono showed signs that he might be one of the strongest beings on this Planet. You see, he is a "one-of-a-kind." His energy potential is practically limitless.
His spirit alone disrupted the Mammon Machine's distortion.
Freeing us from it's intangible grip.

Frog: Are you serious?

Lucca: ......Yeah, he is.
...and Crono DID learn some serious stuff from that Sensei of his... One time he let me do a reading of his energy...he shorted out the scale!

Magus: Don't you see?
The Mammon Machine radiates an energy concentration of more than a hundred-million souls. If Crono's power can top THAT...
...then he may be Unlimited. We MUST bring him back!

Frog: "We?"

Magus: Don't be foolish!
Let me come with you.

Frog: Very well, join us Magus.
But DON'T get any funny ideas.
Now, you mentioned that Crono can be restored.
Go on, tell us how...

Magus: The Guru of Time--Gaspar...
I'm pretty sure he knows a way to return us to an exact moment and alter it without paradox.
I know you guys have a device that can open gates...we can use it to find Gaspar. We may be able to bring Crono back to THIS time-stream.

(Party boards Epoch, Flying Epoch Scene#1)

Magus: This CANNOT be true!

Lucca: My SightScope's getting interference
from an enormous Gate! It can't be...Lavos!?

Robo: The Epoch's space-time compass has gone haywire!
...and internal Time-Gyro readings state that this is some sort of "Cosmic Birth."

(Black Omen rises)

Queen Zeal: At last, the Ocean Palace rises!
With the near-infinite power of Lavos channeling through
the Mammon Machine...I AM IMMORTAL!

Queen Zeal: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
NOTHING can stop me now!

Queen Zeal: ...and now, to weave into this Planet's time-line and rule ALL ages!

(Flying Epoch Scene#2)

Magus: What sheer irony is this?!
The Undersea Palace has risen to the top of the clouds, but the Kingdom
lies at the bottom of the ocean?

Lucca: It feels like we're gonna get pulled in.
It's absolutely MONSTROUS!

Robo: Warning! It's attack level is colossal!
I'm detecting a vast amount of super-natural power emanating from within it's core...
I estimate that it's sheer gravitational power will have serious repercussions on the Planet.

There you have it...

Schala Zeal

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #104 on: July 01, 2010, 07:22:43 pm »
Everytime I read this I get frustrated Audacity won't do what I want