Chrono Trigger 18 lives!!!
QUICK DESCRIPTION:Nadia, believing that Crono has long since been executed, goes into despair while being kept captive in her room by the castle guards. However, it quickly turns out that hope is afoot; thusly she formulates a plan to break out and help Crono and Lucca while there is still time! Furthermore, the Chancellor's flair for the dramatic finally manages to bite him in the ass. Lastly, this episode also features a completely redesigned all new credits sequence.COMMENTS:Yesiree, this is the episode that debuts the 2nd ever credits sequence to the series. Where as the first credit sequence was based on
Paranoia Agent, this one is actually based on
Iria: Zeiram the Animation. Also - in this episode - I would like to greatly thank Kris Sumrall for all the help he provided, the clickies scene would have never gotten done without his custom Marle-in-Dress sprites. You will see more custom sprite work from him in future episodes of CTU, so be sure to be on the look out for it!
OTHER THINGS:My webcomic
Work-Study is still updating regularly now that I have an artist helping me. So, be sure to check it out ... please?