Author Topic: The Thread for Writers  (Read 42142 times)


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Re: The Thread for Writers
« Reply #375 on: October 31, 2013, 03:37:05 am »
I can't do it this year, unfortunately, because my exams coincide with the event. However, right after this, I'll probably use my shame and guilt to propel myself forward. :P


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Re: The Thread for Writers
« Reply #376 on: November 07, 2013, 01:00:02 pm »
NaNoWriMo has regularly caused me to write a lot of filler to hit word counts. Now, I just try to use it as a reason to write whatever story is next on my to write list, however long it winds up being.


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Re: The Thread for Writers
« Reply #377 on: November 13, 2013, 09:43:37 am »
I'm definitely not of the same kin as everyone else in the thread. Writing for me is more of a release than anything else. I have ideas but never really act on them. The only thing I am actually working on is a novelization of Chrono Trigger. It's the only topic I can muster the attention for long enough to get pen on paper. (I prefer handwriting first drafts) I'm not that far, but I'm plugging along. It's hard finding the time to write, with so much going on. But I am writing, and I might even write some more today.


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Re: The Thread for Writers
« Reply #378 on: December 15, 2013, 03:09:25 pm »
Random question time:

For those who've seen Casablanca (1942), what's your take on the necessity and effectiveness of the flashback sequence, the "Paris Montage?" I was watching the movie last night and found this sequence, I guess, deflating. The writers had built up this wonderful question of "What's the connection between Rick and Ilsa?" and I hoped the mystery would be gradually unraveled in the present. Instead, they catch Rick in a drunk reminiscence of the past - the movie's sole flashback - and answer it in a way that doesn't give us many more details than what's already been revealed in the present.

I'm pretty set in my opinion, but I did find the reasoning in this blog post in support of the flashback interesting. The commentator gives Casablanca's flashback a pass because it has a well-defined structure and basically spells out the answer to the question that's been planted. I can't disagree with either point the commentator makes.

I guess I feel they could have accomplished the same thing with much less screen time if Sam took a more active role and asked Rick, So just what was up with you two last time I played that song?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2013, 03:12:52 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: The Thread for Writers
« Reply #379 on: March 01, 2014, 12:47:10 pm »
I know it has been almost 10 years, but I began to read Twilight of Fate recently.
I haven't finished reading it yet but I can say I enjoy the story very much.

However I made a mistake today. I suddenly got a feeling which I could call it reader's intuition. So I typed a name and searched the text file backward from the end... The character I thought might die actually died.

I will continue reading it anyway although I've been spoiled. :P


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Re: The Thread for Writers
« Reply #380 on: March 01, 2014, 03:18:08 pm »
However I made a mistake today. I suddenly got a feeling which I could call it reader's intuition. So I typed a name and searched the text file backward from the end... The character I thought might die actually died.
Same thing happened with me when I watched Game of Thrones season 1. I was only half-way through, wanted to check out the theme-song on Youtube, and the first comment... killed me.  :shock:

Writing pertains to Literature. Literature can be AUDIO, and not written stuff. So yeah, I've mostly been listening to audio-books (actual books be damned; my dyslexic mind decided to f**k off for a while due to the strange going-abouts). Right now I'm onto Kafka!

Speaking of Audio-Books (and literature), I've been really loving some Night Vale. Quite Lovecraftian, and honestly, it's the BEST podcast I've listened to ever!

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Re: The Thread for Writers
« Reply #381 on: March 16, 2014, 09:04:24 pm »
I probably should've realized this was here a while ago, given my own enjoyment of writing. Too bad I can't focus on actually READING anymore though, haha...  :|

That said I mostly just write to clear my head when I'm thinking a lot, though I have tried a few series-based works. Those ended with mild success at best, but usually remained unfinished due to my lack of attention span.

I don't really have anything good to show as far as series stuff goes, but one day I was going through Chrono Trigger DS and went to the place where Magus is standing after the Ocean Palace incident and decided to write something that's both based on it and completely unrelated to that scene.