Hmm... Why
am I here? Well, according to my dad, we used to own Chrono Trigger for the SNES, but my sister gave it away to one of her friends because... Hell, I don't know
what went on in that girl's head when she was 10. I guess she couldn't understand the plot or hated the concept of time-travel or didn't like Crono, Lucca, and Marle's names, something like that. Unfortunately, I never got to enjoy an authentic Chrono Trigger experience on the SNES. However, I got to enjoy Cross when I was 9, about.
I was hooked. I found the music catchy, the graphics lovely, and the story wonderful. Speaking of the story, you may not believe this, but even as a 9-year-old child, I didn't find the story "convoluted" or "confusing" at all. I understood it quite well. Naturally, I've read story some synopsises and explanations by now, so I can't exactly give you my 9-year-old explanation of the story. Anyway, after beating Cross some 16-odd times, (I got everyone Prism weapons and armor legitimately.

) I found out about Final Fantasy Chronicles a few years later from Squaresoft's old web site. Not only did it include the Final Fantasy IV I've wanted to play for so long, but it included the eluvsive, sacred, much-hyped Chrono Trigger!
So, of course, I
had to buy it. With my birthday money, I had my dad drive me up to the local Gamestop, and I purchased it. I couldn't wait to take it home and play it. I popped in the Chrono Trigger disc and watched the opening. Needless to say, the plot was simple compared to Chrono Cross', so I understood it completely. And of course, after beating Chrono Trigger, I just
had to play Cross again.

Then I discovered emulation in general, and Radical Dreamers, and...yeah. I'm glad I played them in that order, to be honest. I probably wouldn't have enjoyed Cross the same way I did then if I had. So really, my sister giving our Trigger cart away was a blessing in disguise. Now, as for why I came to the Compendium...
I basically heard about
something on GameFAQs that lead me here. I don't remember what. I kept going on and off at the forums, lurking mostly. I also loved to read from the encyclopedia, and many of the articles here. I never made a forum account until recently. I basically wanted to save one of justin3009's fan projects from a grisly font--a fate worse than death, in my opinion! XD
I still feel iffy about joining, as I've had a bad exposure to the Chrono community, (i.e. the morons who refuse to accept Cross's existence for some half-assed reasons and the morons, usually the very same morons I might add, who refuse to accept Radical Dreamers's existence because either "Cross retconned it" or "It's text-based.") but I have a feeling the people here aren't
anything like the ones I've seen.