My comment on the situation is that I refused to continue composing for a project I had nearly no updates on, and all the work I saw was coming from the other team members who I get on very well with. Also I lost passion and had no go in me to continue it. How can you put that together when the main guy isn't communicating or showing anything? I've been with the project for years, and I can count the in depth conversations I had with Chains with my hands pretty much. I have no grudges, I just want results. I'm happy with all the work I've done so far and good luck to Chains in how he uses and completes it.
Now, Chrono Ark. Communication is great, we work hard, we have great ideas and motivation. It's true I made 97 complete songs for Crisis, and others I did not want included. I'm going to use some of that for Ark but will reproduce and change that for better quality and to fit with the game. To me this is a fresh project though and I am going to compose new music and themes. I'm hoping that Ark will have a 50% new soundtrack, with the other 50% slightly different and better quality to Crisis. Though if you ask me we'll see Ark out years before Crisis haha, so it won't sound bad at all.