Author Topic: So who Watched the Watchmen?  (Read 2452 times)

chrono eric

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Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2009, 10:01:43 pm »
HA. I know what you're REALLY talking about.

Literally lmao, good show.  :D

I loved the movie, personally. I was actually afraid they'd take out stuff like the blue penis or the sex scene or change the meaning of the ending. In fact, just the idea that they kept the penis, when it would have been so easy to cover up, is a testament to how faithful Snyder was to Moore's full vision.

I feel the same way. I'm glad they kept it in there. Manhattan's nudity represents something important about his character. It wasn't until the umpteenth glowing penis-flash that people (myself included) began laughing. At that point, it detracted a bit from otherwise dramatic scenes as it wasn't intended to be humorous. But fourth-grade senses of humor aside, I mean let's face it - glow in the dark dick is hilarious. It really is.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 01:34:45 am by chrono eric »


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Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2009, 12:35:23 am »
Just watched it last night. I wish I had enough spare change to watch it again!
Of course some things will have changed, you can't fit the whole book in two and a half hours. What little was changed did make sense though, and there was nothing too distracting or out of place.
My only complaint is that Bubastis was not red in the movie. Kitty needs to be red!

Mr Bekkler

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Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2009, 04:37:17 am »

if you have not read watchmen the comic or seen watchmen the movie you may want to skip past this reply.




My only complaint is that Bubastis was not red in the movie. Kitty needs to be red!

my only complaint with bubastis being in the movie is that if there's no squid, there's no biological engineering even MENTIONED, so the lynx/tiger/whatever it originated from isn't explained at all to people who have not read the book.

still though, loved it all!


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Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2009, 12:16:00 pm »
I didn't watch it but I read the comics. I thought it was a little pretentious. It tried to be too dark. And I was thinking "If I watch this movie then I probably would haven see his penis more than my own."


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Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2009, 10:25:56 pm »
I was a little let down by the film. The source material was epic. The film was simply interesting. I think it was a valid effort, but the comic was way too deep to translate well into a film. I give them an A for effort though.

Without spoiling anything here's a few things I would've done to enhance the film...

1) Ozymandius. His costume didn't bother me, but the actor did. He wasn't very subtle.

2)Rorshach's origin scene was way too brief. An exact translation of it would've worked much better...and enhanced the movie's climax.

3)Nite Owl and Silk Spectre brutally beating the muggers...ummm what about that scene was heroic. It was way too over the top. Most heroes don't break limbs and murder muggers.

4)I don't mind the change ending. It worked in the movie's setting, but with that change Bubastis, Ozymandius' genetically created cat makes no sense. There was a whole genetic angle that was taken out of the film. This was fine, but Bubastis should've been taken along with it.

5)This one's gonna be hard not to spoil, but I'll do my best. The changed ending was fine, but the impact of the "big event" wasn't shown at all. When I saw the devastion in the comic, I got chills. In the movie you see some debris. It didn't really sink in.

Ok so those are my minor complaints. The film's greatest success in my mind, was the scene during the opening credits. I thought this was a fanastic way to introduce the audience into this world. I was really pulled in. I was a bit let down with the final product, but it was certainly a movie worth seeing.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2009, 11:52:57 pm »
I was a little let down by the film. The source material was epic. The film was simply interesting. I think it was a valid effort, but the comic was way too deep to translate well into a film. I give them an A for effort though.

Without spoiling anything here's a few things I would've done to enhance the film...

1) Ozymandius. His costume didn't bother me, but the actor did. He wasn't very subtle.

2)Rorshach's origin scene was way too brief. An exact translation of it would've worked much better...and enhanced the movie's climax.

3)Nite Owl and Silk Spectre brutally beating the muggers...ummm what about that scene was heroic. It was way too over the top. Most heroes don't break limbs and murder muggers.

4)I don't mind the change ending. It worked in the movie's setting, but with that change Bubastis, Ozymandius' genetically created cat makes no sense. There was a whole genetic angle that was taken out of the film. This was fine, but Bubastis should've been taken along with it.

5)This one's gonna be hard not to spoil, but I'll do my best. The changed ending was fine, but the impact of the "big event" wasn't shown at all. When I saw the devastion in the comic, I got chills. In the movie you see some debris. It didn't really sink in.

Ok so those are my minor complaints. The film's greatest success in my mind, was the scene during the opening credits. I thought this was a fanastic way to introduce the audience into this world. I was really pulled in. I was a bit let down with the final product, but it was certainly a movie worth seeing.

1. agreed. sounded like they wanted him to be foreign but instead he just had a lisp. although playing the song everybody wants to rule the world while he's talking didn't help either.

2. i thought they carried out the origin fairly well, given the time contraints. but i see your point anyway.

3. i liked that part too. i'm quite partial to superhero movies though. that's the kind of stuff i always expect to see but never get to.

4. yeah dude, that lynx/tiger/genetic anomaly was cool looking, but they should have 86ed him or explained him. i brought that up earlier.

5. i hadn't even thought about it. i thought the actual city and the buildings they showed were enough for what they were trying to get across, but the comic definitely had a deeper sinking effect, like "oh shit NOW they did it" (trying to be vague and specific here)

all in all, i mostly agree with you, except i still think the movie is phenomenal. especially when compared to most of the tripe that comes out of hollywood. fantastic four? lame!


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Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2009, 12:36:01 am »
I loved it. When it was good it was very very good, and when it was bad it was hilarious.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2009, 12:41:18 am »
fantastic four?

just kidding.

seriously thought maggiekarp have you seen mirrormask?
"there was once a little girl and when she was good she was very good..." a quote directly from that movie.
if you haven't seen it, do it. it's like a british labyrinth with no david bowie balls.


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Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2009, 02:28:17 am »
Oh PvP you do have your moments [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]