Characters1. How did you like the characterization?
I thought it flowed really well. It was interesting to see an extension/deconstruction of the characters' typical basic personalities (e.g. Crono snapping and becoming violent from his short temper, Glenn's choices to bring about justice)
2. And the dialogue between characters, did it seem natural?
To me it was flawless.
3. Which character do you think got the most development?
Magus, I think.
4. Which character was your favorite because of his or her actions in the game?
Glenn, Magus and Ayla all got a lot of powerful scenes, particularly in showing their bravery and respective resolutions.
5. What did you think of King Zeal?
At first I felt he might've been an idea resorted to due to the fact he was easy to bring up in the plot (going basically unmentioned in CT), but I was
surprised to see over the course of the story how he developed and his reasons for his plan could even be sympathized with to an extent. He was tragic in a way, and executed wonderfully in the game's end as he speaks to the party.
6. Did you enjoy the split-parties for the Reptite chapters? Which was your favorite? Marle, Lucca / Robo, Crono / Magus / Glenn...
I thought this was a pretty interesting section of the game, totally unexpected. Out of the parties I enjoyed Lucca and Robo's most, probably due to all the interesting dialogue.
7. Who would you say the main character in the game is?
This is something I wondered about a lot, funny enough. Early on Marle felt like the protagonist, although later this sort of drifted on to Glenn and Crono far later.
8. Did you like how the Gurus were portrayed? Especially Belthasar?
This was excellent. The focus was mainly on Belthasar, but that's the point. The build-up to him having other motives behind helping out the party was really great, and his subsequent 'return' to Crono's side was realistically done.
Themes1. What did you think of the themes of the game, if they were presented clearly?
If the struggle between dreams and the inevitability of war and fighting are the main themes, then that got through to me. Written superbly. It was
interesting and a little disheartening to be shown that one's actions aren't totally perfect and others will end up hurt because of it.
2. What did you think of the issue of changing time for the better versus leaving things as they are? Resurrecting Zeal, versus leaving the Dark Ages as it is?
I had to stop and think about this near the end when King Zeal prompted this. It's difficult to think about... would Zeal be better off if it was resurrected? I think they'd repeat past mistakes and become too power-hungry without proper guidance.
3. Did you like the choices and decisions in the game, like whether to side with Porre or the Mystics, or explaining things to Cakulha at the missile base?
Yes, it was neat how you could affect the outcome of the battles during the Porre/Mystic scenes. At pretty much every choice in the game I load stated to see them all.
4. Would you have sided with King Zeal and resurrected Zeal, or kept history as it was?
For the safety and simplicity of avoiding risk, I probably would've kept things as they were. King Zeal would've been too much of a loose cannon, more so than he already was, should he regain his kingdom.
Events1. What did you think of the Fall of Guardia? Do you think it's good enough to serve as fanon?
This was possibly my favourite scene. The Fall of Guardia was just done so damn well, especially the infamous Masamune scene. The 'stomping' noise in the background with no music playing made it particularly tense.
2. What did you think of the Reptite timeline? What did you think when you realized all of history had changed?
I thought "Whoa, it's like a serious extension of that optional ending". It was pretty fun to play through since up to now we'd only really seen the Reptites portrayed as antagonists.
3. What did you think about the civil unrest in 1005 A.D. between the nations of the world?
It was developed realistically. Obviously one of the main themes of the game would be the reason for Porre's uprising, and I was pleased with how it was executed.
4. Which puzzle did you enjoy the most in the game (Examples: Drum/conveyer belt/numote/Guillotine/fireball shooting/frog catching)
The drum puzzle took me a while to get, but it wasn't bad. The conveyor belt... I think I had trouble with that one. As for the numote, that was kinda fun and quirky. The guillotine puzzle was neat but ended too quickly and the imps moved in a too tight fashion (
too tight...?). Same goes for the fireball one. As for frog catching, I don't even remember doing it.
5. Which era would you say the primary era was?
1005 AD and 11,995 BC. I'd say 2302 AD, but I hardly ever left Chronopolis for the mainland.
6. Did you feel the game had enough light hearted moments, were there specific parts of the game that got too intense for a Chrono Trigger game?
I thought there was enough humour and the Woolsey style was still there, great on job on maintaining that. It touched on a lot more philosophical themes than CT, but it did it so well it's not a concern of breaking the player's suspension of disbelief or anything.
7. Which event in the game caught you most by surprise ( New 605 AD, Reptite Timeline, Fall of Guardia)
Interesting as it was to see the huge differences in 605 AD, the Reptite Timeline was really unexpected.
8. Did you find the visual record of King Zeal's resurrection at Chronopolis (Project Anabasis)?
I found it, yeah. Nice touch.
9. What felt like the most awesome, dramatic moment?
The end of the game when the party reaches the Darkness Beyond Time/Eclipse. Hearing the familiar wind effect signalling the Black Wind, along with the eerie design of the area was really something. I liked being able to speak with each of the party members and see what they had to say about it, too.
Difficulty:Well nuts, I altered my stats/items through Chrono Edit at around chapter 3 or 4 so I can't really give satisfying answers here.
1. Which chapter do you think was the hardest, the easiest?
Everyone complained about this at some point, but Magus's fights at the beginning were a pain. I'm guessing that's toned down a bit now anyway. I guess can't say what was easiest... although I have to say, it'd be nice to see the last two King Zeal bosses do something... new or unique.
2. Was tech learning to fast, to slow?
Not sure here either.
3. Did you ever wish you had more G, if so which chapter?
I didn't mess with my money till endgame (I only sold stuff for money when playing the high rollers game repeatedly in the casino), so I can answer this, ha. I was fine for money the whole way, I usually had plenty since I fought pretty much everything.
4. What was your final playtime?
...09:45. At one point I picked up where I left off (ch16) with a newly-patched rom, before that I had... 13 or so hours?
5. What was your final level?
Hahaha, everyone was 82+ due to Edit.
6. What percentage (you can just guess) of techs did you end up learning?
I don't think I missed any except the last few of Marle's since I barely used her. So about 85%...?
Maps1. What did you think of the maps?
Most of them were excellent, although I have to say some (Ocean Palace Ruins) seemed a little hastily-done, although I'm aware how limited and annoying the tilesets can be.
2. Did CE's new maps seem to fit in with Chrono Trigger's?
Yeah, perfectly.
3. What did you think of Singing Mountain?
Good dungeon, very lovely to look at, especially the area with the waterfalls.
4. What did you think of the Darkness Beyond Time and ruiined timeline areas?
Absolutely brilliant.
5. What was your favorite map, least favorite?
Favourite, DBT without a doubt. Least, probably the Ocean Palace Ruins. Oh, and can I say (this is odd) Lucca's house during the epilogue? I LITERALLY COULDN'T GET PAST LARA FOR A FEW MINUTES.
Sidequests / Secrets1. How many sidequests and secrets did you find?
To be honest I did like 1 or 2 tops. I'll have to go back and do the rest now that I've finished the story.
2. How did you like them?
Pretty good, Spekkio's journey to view battles in different eras is a nice concept.
Misc.1. Which emulator did you use?
Latest version of ZSNES.
2. How did you hear about us?
I googled 'chrono trigger' (either that or I found it through Wikipedia's page) and found the site about 3 1/2 years ago when I had gotten into Chrono Trigger. Lurked for a while before I registered.
3. How long have you known crimson echoes existed?
...Uhh since as long as I can remember.
Music1. Do you have any suggestions for music and songs?
I guess just try and mess with the instruments in Temporal Flux a bit, and maybe import a Radical Dreamers song or two.
Conclusion1. What did you think about the game on whole? Do you think it's a worthy fan sequel?
Absolutely. The Dream Team could honestly never top this.
2. Did you get a good feeling from playing another Chrono game? Did anything in the game make you excited?
Of course. It felt like an honest to goodness new Chrono game rather than a hack. The things I was most looking forward to seeing were how the Fall of Guardia/Dalton and Schala would be handled. I was also interested in King Zeal's motives and found him to be a genuinely deep character.
3. If you have any other criticisms or suggestions on how the game could have been better...?
Hm... Everything's pretty top notch as it is. If I had to suggest anything, I'd say something crazy like "be able to enter a distortion into RD's Viper Manor and fight Lynx with an imported version of his battle theme from the same game". Oh and uh, maybe some more features added to casino.