Crono went to the Chrono Compendium to find out about the recent War of the Darkmen, but only to find the Future Refused to change it's pants after making this stupid thread. Is this the end!? But then Marle went to the store in 2300 AD and everyone died, END! Yet it went on!
Suddenly, an army of ninja pirates were recruited to save Guardia from totally armed Porings, Drops and Poporings that had emerged from the darkness beyond time (Where mean Translankas live who learnt karate kick!). The army then attacked Alfador, who was sitting on a giant rock at the end of time where Gaspar was blowing nose bubbles at a lamp post. Which suddenly was set aflame!"Oh no! My universe!"
"Huzza-whut?" Spekkio mumbled.
Gaspar sighed and said "I was dreaming about THE END OF EVERYTHING!!!"