That's cool, I've really only played GGX (Japanese version) on DC and thought it was pretty spectacular.
Anyways, in lieu of playing NDS or even regular GBA games, a state of which I'm not entirely sure is the case, I started up a few GBC games...
Alone In the Dark: The New Nightmare - I've never played an Alone In the Dark game, but I got to sleep through most of the movie...! lol Anyways...It's fairly impressive for a GBC game, but otherwise would look like shit. It's an isometric game with a sort of top-down battle system that's as fun to try to target enemies to shoot as the oldschool GTA games...
Dragon Warrior II - It's packed with I, but I've already played all the way through the NES version of DWI and don't feel like going through it again currently...But I never completed II and this updated version is actually pretty sweet.
Dragon Warrior III - The other NES DW I wasn't able to complete, though I got right up to the end my last try...Hey! New classes! Wicked new intro! Personality system straight outta Pokemon (or maybe it was the other way around?)! I'm going with an all-girl squad this time around...Gen, the Hero main character who's personality is "Macho" (I basically answered all of the beginning questions like your average hero would I guess)...Dusk, my "Fearless" Thief (damn right better be fearless!)...Silk, my "Romantic" (how much romance is she gonna get with a group full of girls? KINKY!) Cleric...and Red, my "Alert" Mage taking up the rear. THIS is the game the ol' NES FFIII wishes it was...well, before FFIII DS came out, I guess...>_>
Megaman Xtreme - Such a stupid name that I renamed it to more closely resemble the Japanese name: Megaman X: Cyber Mission (Xtreme 2 is X2: Soul Eraser, but I haven't started that one yet)...I haven't gotten very far, just went through the first level which is amazingly the exact same as the first stage in most of this era of Megaman games, I least it was the same in Zero & ZX I think...possibly X too...Anyways, nice Megaman action like always...although I guess I'm going to go into a computer and do what basically comes down to virus busting...>_>
Pokémon: Crystal Version - I started up my old save and saw that I'm just leveling for the Elite 4, I think...I might have to look around to see if there are any sidequest things I can do beforehand though (I can already Fly up to them)...
I also started a new game of DQV the other day, but I think that'll probably go right back on the backburner...the DS one being available kind of makes me sad that I'm just playing the 16-Bit version...*sigh* One of these days my computer won't suck and I'll be able to play any DS ROM I want w/o fear of slowdown! Or, y'know, maybe I'll actually get the system & games...*shrugs* Whichever comes