Author Topic: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread  (Read 12912 times)


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2009, 03:33:05 pm »
Does it matter that the command order in the events tab of TF is trying to give you the Broken Edge and check off a story flag BEFORE displaying the message "Obtained Broken Masamune"?

As far as the Heckran Cave goes, I notice only one area with any difference in code between this release and the last release, the code has something to do with making the "bat squeak sound" and moving the party around; I can't really read the code, so I have no idea if this difference matters at all.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 03:51:20 pm by DK_Donutlicious »


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2009, 05:01:15 pm »
To continue in the story do the following with TF;

Move the following below command 0596 on the location map 097 (Denadaro Cave of the Masamune)
05A3 Textbox Obtained broken masamune sword
059B item(Add {BrokenEdge})

I didn't copy paste the words, so just look for the numbers.  Questions?  Feel free to ask!!

(Thanks DK for pointing me in the right direction!)

Also, when you go to get the second half from Frog, the sprite doesn't dissappear without moding the code in TF, but, check your inventroy, and you should have the BrokenHilt item.  If not, please report that here so we can see whats up.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 05:18:23 pm by Azure »


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2009, 06:14:43 pm »
Hey Beta Testers!

If you recal from the last beta, the boss at the magic cave glitch. (Avoiding names to avoid possible spoilers)  Well, the glitch is after you fight it and go inside the cave, if you leave magic cave, he reappears, and you're unable to fight him, so, unless you saved before fighting him, you're stuck (Unless you edit a new way to magus' castle with TF)


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2009, 07:22:37 pm »
-When rescuing Fritz, he says to "Stop anytime you are in the area." Sounds kinda awkward, maybe put "Stop by anytime you are in the area."
-In Trann Dome, when Marle and Lucca are speaking, second to last textbox has It's and another word squished together (no space between).
-In Trann Dome, third man from right to left says "The mutants there don't react to very well to weapons such as guns or blades."


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2009, 08:50:57 pm »
-Exits for Enhasa are broken, don't enter without editing the entrances or you'll be stuck.  Also~!  The secret room is broken.  When the Nu's die, glitched flower pots appear, and the room has a solidity issue, and, when you leave the room, you get stuck in a wall.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 09:16:04 pm by Azure »


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2009, 09:01:20 pm »
If you do the 1000 AD portal thing after being chased, go to 2300 AD, and come back with Fritz rescued, it'll keep replaying him disguised and running back to town.


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2009, 09:15:48 pm »
Would it theoretically be possible to get by the broken exits with a walk-through-walls code, or is it just that the exits aren't enabled at all?

I've been finding mostly minor spelling errors and stuff that I'll list later, but wanted to mention that Melchior's refrigerator takes you to the basement of his house.


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2009, 09:30:51 pm »
The broken exits are usually horribly misplaced.  I really have no idea why that would even happen.  So it could work, but I doubt it.


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2009, 10:17:09 pm »
For broken exits I've just been going into TF and changing their locations.  The exits are there, they are just in the wrong place for some reason, can't give a good reason right now though.


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2009, 04:14:56 am »
-Melchior's stairs trap you when going into his workshop from his kitchen. A solidarity issue I guess?
-When Melchior is telling you about the passage to Truce, he uses "to" twice, one of the times being unnecessary (if you look at the text you will see what I mean)


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2009, 08:59:55 am »
Melchior's exists were the strangest...They were there but the exit to go downstairs was on the fridge, while the one to leave was wayyy to far down from the door.


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2009, 04:34:18 pm »
Just wanted to throw this in in case Azure forgets:

Azure has told me he cannot finish the Sun Stone quest. When he went to the Sun Palace, nothing happened, and somehow the Mayor already had the Sun Stone. Azure was then able to acquire the stone, but do nothing with it (cannot place it to charge it). I am assuming this is because no triggers were activated informing the game that Azure already had the stone.

Sorry if you already resolved this or something Azure, I just wanted it up there in case Z pops in sometime soon.


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #27 on: January 10, 2009, 01:48:30 am »
Sadly I won't be able to do a full playthrough for some time, but here's what I've got so far -- mostly script nitpicks, but without further ado:

Script Nitpicks
*Recurrent problems with exclamation point distance in item acquisition messages.

*In Guardia Castle, 600AD, in one of the early events there, somebody says "Becareful..." Not sure which NPC it was now, but presumably someone encountered prior to speaking with disguised Marle.

*In Guardia Castle, 600AD, disguised Marle uses the words "atlast"; and "servents." Should be at last and servants.

*In Guardia Castle, 600AD, Lucca says "We don'tdon't want..."

*Manoria Cathedral, 600AD: One of the nuns uses the phrase "...tear eachother apart..." The words "each" and "other" need to be separated.

*I think when you step out of the Millennial Fair gate after the Manoria Cathedral quest Lucca says "I'd love too..." It should be I'd love to...

*Just after getting to 2300AD (In Bangor dome IIRC) Lucca says "We definately..." Should be "we definitely"

*In 2300AD, Ragged Old Woman in Arris Dome uses the phrase: "Death Peak.   There needs to be a closing quotation mark. I.e., she should say "Death Peak."

*In 2300AD, the Guardian says after defeat: "Security Mode 7 deativated."  It should be deactivated.

*In 2300AD, upon meeting Robo, Lucca says: "It's a bipedled humanoid robot!" That should be "bipedal".

*In 1000AD, when you visit Melchior's hut prior to the Heckran Cave quest, he reports that "There's also a passage to back to Truce..." ; delete the extra "to." Also, the word "deity" may be misspelled in his text.

*In 600AD, after Zombor, the Knight Captain says "We would certainly not survived" -- should read "We would certainly not have survived," though I might recommend "We certainly would not have survived."

*In 600AD, after Zombor, Robo says: "Please to meet you" to the Knight Captain. Should be "Pleased to meet you."

*In 600AD, a Young Woman in Dorino Inn says: A sword called "Masmune" was made ages ago. -- should be Masamune.

*In 600AD, a Young woman in (I think San Dorino's) Elder's House: Only the hero can wield it's power -- should be its.

*The Naga Ette bromide room battle in Manoria Cathedral could use some pre-battle party repositioning if that's possible. My characters got stacked in very close proximity, but maybe the game always did that anyway.

*Lucca's Zonker-38 attack effect gfx may be messed up. She seems to shoot arrows with it.

*In Heckran Cave, the Djinn/Octoblush battle plays boss battle music -- is that intended?

*In Heckran Cave, I was able to actually bypass the Heckran battle by hugging a wall as I walked up to Heckran IIRC. Heckran gave his defeat dialogue and self-destructed on the spot. However, I fought Heckran normally after loading up a savegame, so I'm not sure whether it's random or if it's the way I walked up to him the first time around.

*You-know-who guarding the Magic Cave doesn't seem to have any dialogue...though maybe he's not supposed to be there at all when you're first able to access the Magic Cave.

*The Broken Hilt doesn't disappear graphically from Frog's floor when you acquire it, though it does get put into inventory correctly.

*Finally, there doesn't seem to be any battle music in Guardia Forest. However, I actually really, really liked fighting enemies and still having the peaceful forest theme going on for some reason.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 01:50:31 am by FaustWolf »


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2009, 01:36:40 pm »
So, I've beaten the game now, the only thing I didn't do was the sun stone, because for some reason I couldn't...  I beat the black omen, no issues there as far as I saw, and Lavos has been struck down. (By the way, I like what you changed there, pretty cool.)

All in all, aside from what has already been posted, I have found no bugs, so hopefully this means 1.1 should be out by Feb..  But don't take my word for it.


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2009, 05:54:38 pm »
So, I've beaten the game now, the only thing I didn't do was the sun stone, because for some reason I couldn't...  I beat the black omen, no issues there as far as I saw, and Lavos has been struck down. (By the way, I like what you changed there, pretty cool.)

All in all, aside from what has already been posted, I have found no bugs, so hopefully this means 1.1 should be out by Feb..  But don't take my word for it.

I thought you said it was coming out this week?