The backup of Kajar Laboratories attachments can be found at this link: to Kajar Laboratories. This forum has been established for everyone who loves the Chrono series and wishes to build on it or celebrate it; feel free to post works in progresses of fanfiction, fan projects, music -- anything. Commentary and helpful criticism will be given. Be sure to check out others' works, and enjoy visiting the forge of Chrono series fan works!
Kajar Laboratories MembershipIf you'd like to officially "join" the Kajar Laboratories, there are a few ways. Members get a special rank called "Architect of Kajar" that reflects participation in fan project making or ROM hacking.
Participation is key, with entry granted after a contribution, either a personal work or assistance with the to-do list. This rank grants this image to members:

If you would like to join, apply in this thread with your technical contribution. Tackling the to-do list below is really appreciated; for instance, with tracking down NPC animations, it's fine to do a few NPCs. If you've contributed before and aren't an Architect of Kajar (and want to be), post here as well.
Kajar Laboratories To-Do List- Translate the Character Library -
- Finish Radical Dreamers stuff - Someone needs to quantify Radical Dreamers event and monster damage and affection event points by keeping track of the HP and affection point totals while playing through the game. Someone can also rip the sounds of the game, perhaps using Demiforce's tools to create scenarios where all sounds are played in succession.
- Rip the Mode 7 graphics from Chrono Trigger - Yep, simple. Extract all the Mode 7 sprites from Chrono Trigger. No one's done it yet...
- Track down NPC and PC animations - NPCs and PCs have animations in Chrono Trigger, but presently not all of them are documented. With more animation documentation comes greater freedom in editors to animate characters in ROM hacks. Check this thread for a list of NPC animations already found.
- Import original music from RS3 - A tool from this site allows one to import Music Macro Language files to Romancing SaGa 3. As you may now, RS3 music files can also be imported to Chrono Trigger, and utilities exist to convert MIDI to MML. This may allow us to take original MIDIs and ultimately put the music into Chrono Trigger, but research and demonstrations are needed. If you would like to try, consult Vehek's tutorial here.
- Understand CT battle debug features - At this thread, JLUkas posted debug flags for Chrono Trigger's battle system. Help decipher the unknowns.
- Explore Chrono Cross - FaustWolf is spearheading a huge exploration into Chrono Cross's file structure. You can help by tracking down what's kept where, decoding model formats, how room graphics are handled, etc. it's really wide open! Check in at this thread to get started.
- (For ZeaLitY) - Create a section for fan sprites so that people aren't spriting ten different versions of Schala.
Need a Fan Project Forum?If you're undertaking a large fan work and would like a forum for your team to communicate within, PM ZeaLitY or FaustWolf and a group/forum private to your project team will be created. Be sure to include this information:
- Name of the forum and a synopsis of the project
- Public or private forum
- Team members (if private)
The project forum may be denied if it doesn't meet the following criteria. A project must have:
- A complete or nearly complete staff, with missing positions expected to be easily filled.
- A technically feasible premise.
- "Viability", as reviewed by a few Architects of Kajar.
RULES FOR FORUMSFan Project forums are granted in good faith to fan project creators in the interest of bringing new work to the Chrono series community. However, so that the forums do not become inflated with vaporware forums, a few requirements must be met.
-If no posts or progress are made for one month, the project is moved to the Stalled and Abandoned parent board.
-If your project seems hopelessly dead or abandoned, it will be moved to the Darkness Beyond Time parent board.
Fan Project Page Listing RequirementsTo be listed on the
Fan Projects page, a project must be viable. There is no good reason for posting and announcing fan projects that will never get done, thus leading poor fans on to eventual disappointment. Viability certification happens through a vote of the administrators plus the moderator of Kajar Laboratories. To be a viable, a project must have:
- PEOPLE - Competent, dedicated talent.
- TECH - Satisfactory tools and expertise.
- PLAN - A well-defined development plan and schedules, including plot.
- PROGRESS - Demos are preferable; demonstrate at least 10-20% of progress on the project; for games, this does NOT mean graphics, but playable game.
- NON-LEGALLY THREATENING NATURE - If your project is going to get a cease and desist order, it's a no-go; if you're still going to do it, good luck to you.
- DEMO - Progress can possibly be demonstrated without a demo, but if you've got a Demo, welcome to the Fan Projects page!
- TIME - Project must be able to be completed in 3-4 years of voting.