lol, long reply is long.
Arc, you have hugely made some progress here, so the Compendium thanks you from the bottom of its collective heart. From the Japanese translation, it is clear that:
1. Time's Eclipse is just a translation bastardization; it really is the Darkness Beyond Time we're dealing with here.
2. The issue of whether Eclipse Magus traveled with Crono & Co. in his dimension is still vague.
3. There is less evidence in the Japanese translation that Schala actively erases anyone's memories. She doesn't say anything like "dwell not on this," and Eclipse Magus apparently erases his own memories ("throw away" is much more active than "abandon.") However, Eclipse Magus still notes that the Dream Devourer has the capability of devouring memories. However, the preponderance of the evidence shows that Eclipse Magus commits existential suicide.
You're very welcome

Re point 2, I think the Japanese version all but explicitly
tells us that Eclipse Magus did indeed join up with Crono's party. The fact that he says "we" defeated Lavos -- in a language where you only bother using the plural when you're making a specific point -- and the line about "I don't know whether I joined up with you guys
in your world" heavily implies "but I
did join up with you in
my world." To me this seems like the biggest oversight in the English adaptation -- the translator/adaptor got all caught up in making Magus sound all kewl and philosophical and deep as they consistently do throughout CTDS, and accidentally obscured this specific fact in the process.
Also re 3, if the specific verb is important to you, I should note that what he says in Japanese is "nagedasu" -- this can be translated as 'throw away', 'abandon', 'sacrifice', 'throw down', etc. The literal imagery in the word is to cast something or toss something away from you -- 'nageru' is the same word you use to describe throwing a baseball, for example. I'm not sure if it's possible to really determine his intent from this single word; the connotations of it aren't really the same as 'throw away' vs 'abandon' in English, as you can see.
Yeah, I don't know why they call it Time's Eclipse...although that's a cool name...
'時の闇' means Time's Darkness in literal or we say The Darkness of Time.
It seems the translator even didn't take CC's script into consideration?
I really, really don't think they consulted CC, for serious :/
My feeling is the translator wasn't too worried about the consistency issue and just picked Time's Eclipse because it sounded neat. You can say that when there's an eclipse, it gets dark after all, lol. They probably just didn't realize that the name Darkness of Time has a specific meaning in the series.
All my predictions/analysations still hold true? Interesting...
Arc, did you notice anything else that might be interesting? If so, please tell us.
Also, the Schala-fanboy in me wants to know what she says if you lose that battle.
I'll check on Schala's dialogue if you lose here in a bit, though judging by what she says in the English version, I doubt it will be much of anything interesting

I'm not sure what you're looking for in the way of interesting things I noticed, but in terms of trying to figure out just who Eclipse Magus is/where or when he's from, I find it interesting that he consistently calls himself "ore" in the way of a first-person pronoun. I haven't played through the entirety of CTDS in Japanese, but I think it's safe to say they didn't rewrite the entire game, and when I played the SFC version Magus consistently referred to himself as "watashi" 99.9% of the time. There's a single scene where he calls himself "ore", and it has a great dramatic impact -- it's in the Ocean Palace, when the Mammon Machine summons forth Lavos, right before Crono gets killed. Magus tries to take his revenge and talks about how he's lived for nothing but defeating Lavos, and that particular point is the only part of the game where he refers to himself with the aggressive-sounding "ore" rather than the very neutral "watashi".
Is it just me, or did Magus' encounter with Schala reawaken his "Janus" personality? To me it seems like he sarcastically refers to himself post-Zeal (after becoming Magus) as "myself", indicating that this isn't the true him.
And yes, I have seen what she said in the English version, I just want to know what she originally said.
I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, but don't read too much into my quotation marks -- I added those for readability in English, nothing more. There's nothing to imply sarcasm in the Japanese. (Indeed, Japanese does not really have sarcasm as a concept at all, to tell the truth.)