Author Topic: Investigation into the Feasibility of a Playable Schala  (Read 1833 times)

Agent 12

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Investigation into the Feasibility of a Playable Schala
« on: August 26, 2008, 03:30:03 am »
I dont want anyone to get to excited about this i simply want to know peoples....mainly vehek's....input on whether it might be possible to replace ayla with Schala.  I'm well aware of how ...unsuccessful the importation of glenn has been but as people can see in Kajar there is some real progress being made on the schala sprite..  The biggest challenge would be the running sprites which would mainly depend on vehek ...or someone else... messin with sprite assembly.

I want to point out that this hack would have to be done by someone not me..i'm horrible with graphics and i'd much rather focus on other aspects of the game.  That being said if someone takes care of the graphics I'd work on techs and events that need to be done.

Anyways what's the input on this....i'd like to know sooner rather than later because I'm going to work on putting ayla in the plot soon.



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Re: Investigation into the Feasibility of a Playable Schala
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2008, 03:42:27 pm »
Beyond the sprite work, there are two things that need to be done; entering her name and changing her stat growth.

Name entering is almost done, it just needs to copy properly into battle. Unfortunately one of the changes I made relocated some code to empty space in another part of the ROM, which may cause some incompatibilities with TF until the new version is released.

Stat growth is the big problem. No one knows where in the ROM that is located. I plan to look into either that or details on how consumable items work next.

Edit: If you decide to try this, I'll look into stat growth.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2008, 03:47:53 pm by Mauron »


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Re: Investigation into the Feasibility of a Playable Schala
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2008, 07:17:50 pm »
I think The n00b Avenger/Hopeful Death might know something, since he wrote a Level/Stat guide, including at lower levels than you can recruit them at.

My guess at how it works from my own research:
Starting around $C1/F634.
PC portrait is multiplied by 7.
0x25FA is added to result and used as x value.
Game loads a value from CC0000,x (for power).
Value gotten is multiplied by (new level - 1).
(Not sure): Result is divided by 0x64. (Routine at $C1/C92A)
Result is added with a value from the character data ($2F-35) to produce new number for stat.
It might be too late to put Schala in, since I think jsondag is already putting Ayla in as a recruitable character.

Agent 12

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Re: Investigation into the Feasibility of a Playable Schala
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2008, 09:02:15 pm »
If we did this it would be replacing ayla...though i guess their stats don't matter I wouldn't let that stop me from bringing her in.  That being said were definitely not going to have this finished in time.  I must have been in like a fit of joy when i thought this was feasible.  There's so much that would go into it:

New techs for her
New equipment
Sprite Assembly
Status Screen Picture
Attack sound effects

off the top of my head



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Re: Investigation into the Feasibility of a Playable Schala
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2008, 10:30:45 am »
If you guys still plan to do this, it's 100% possible pretty much now.

6 letter long names now work 100% so that cuts that out of the problem.

New Techs aren't that hard, she seems to be magically orientated with all elements, so pick a few from there and maybe recreate a monster tech for her.

New Equipment...Only problem I see are the weapons.

Sprite Assembly, not much SA is needed really.  Maybe a few things but not that bad actually.

Status Screen Picture, I have one that just needs to be recolored and whatnot if you guys need it.

Attack Sound Effects, I suspect her using a dagger or magic.  If you go with magic, make a very weak tech that can only be used by her and only her for attack.  Change the attack bytes to that of the tech, there you go.

It shouldn't be too hard to get it, just the sprites would need to be made.