
If you had a CT element, which one would it be?

Lightning, but in Japanese I'm heaven.
12 (18.2%)
Fire. Burn, baby, burn.
12 (18.2%)
Water, and I mean _water_, not ice.
5 (7.6%)
Water, but only below the freezing point.
6 (9.1%)
Shadow. I'm a master of all the elements.
26 (39.4%)
None, but my lasers do shadow damage.
2 (3%)
None, magic is for those who can't fight with their hands.
3 (4.5%)

Total Members Voted: 40

Author Topic: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?  (Read 23741 times)


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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #45 on: July 07, 2009, 11:45:16 pm »
And idk what physics law you're referring to, but I think that pretty much everything casts a shadow...

Everything that blocks more light in a given direction than it generates, you mean. The sun, for instance, rarely casts shadows in our little solar neighborhood.

I totally want kid123's lightning lamp...

Then what is night? Or is night the shadow of the moon? Or wait.. Is night the absence of the sun's pesence period? wait, no, because light from the moon is actually the light from the sun being reflected... I confusededid myself again..

Lord J Esq

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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #46 on: July 08, 2009, 12:10:48 am »
"Night" as you're thinking of it is the Earth casting a shadow.


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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #47 on: July 08, 2009, 01:08:13 am »
I chose Lightning over Shadow for one logical reason and one personal reason.

Shadow is not the opposite of Light.  Shadow is the absence of light.  Why?  Light has substance and because it’s a form of energy.  I can have normal light, bright light, burning light, dim light, or no light.  I can’t have Shadow because it has no substance.  If it did, I could make darkness darker.  Perhaps this is why Magus is so moody and gloomy all the time; not just because of his past incidents, but also because his element is something he can’t truly feel or embrace, but simply project with his will.

Also, there is the appeal of Shadow.  With all magic elements rolled into one, it’s the “easy way out” as opposed to Light where one works hard for their ultimate technique.  I prefer to work hard for my magic, because there is no substitute for hard work.  Can you honestly say that Shadow isn’t an instant solution to your magical woes?


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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #48 on: July 08, 2009, 01:25:10 am »
Technically, without the sun there would be nothing but shadow. So its not so much as a shadow is being cast as a light is being shone...or is that a chicken & the egg kind of thing? Either way, even fire is capable of having a shadow was my main point, but I covered myself fairly well with that "pretty much" line, but mainly because I don't think protons and neutrons and quarks or w/e cast shadows...

GenesisOne, you're thinking more physically, not Magically (which of course is your right to base your choice on)...In Magic, Shadow is created with a combination of Lightning/Heaven, Fire and(/or?) Water...Magus, using Shadow, has access to all of the Elements...Robo's got all but Water, himself (Spekkio just didn't bother to cover his later Techs I guess)...

Lord J Esq

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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #49 on: July 08, 2009, 01:29:41 am »
Without light, there wouldn't be any shadows at all; there'd just be darkness. Shadows are specifically an obstruction of light.

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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #50 on: July 08, 2009, 01:33:39 am »

Also, there is the appeal of Shadow.  With all magic elements rolled into one, it’s the “easy way out” as opposed to Light where one works hard for their ultimate technique.  I prefer to work hard for my magic, because there is no substitute for hard work.  Can you honestly say that Shadow isn’t an instant solution to your magical woes?

I don't think so. Since one must know the other three in order to have Shadow, that would mean it requires more effort, not less.


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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #51 on: July 29, 2009, 07:42:39 pm »
Buuurn babyyy!! :twisted:
of course i'm talking about my element  8)
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 07:49:15 pm by TheSwordsFrog »


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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #52 on: July 30, 2009, 07:34:37 pm »
There are many appealing options here.  I was tempted to vote for None and then thump my chest like some fool.  I opted for Ice instead.  Anyone with a bic can make fire at command.  But Ice on command?  No one messes with that...


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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #53 on: July 31, 2009, 05:51:07 am »
Fuck yeah, who wants to mess with the front of their expensive refrigerator/freezer? Don't lessen any of them...How about look at how cool each can be...

Fire=Flame Thrower. Incendiary Grenades & other massive explosives. Very cool. Makes me think of Vietnam (wars in general, but Vietnam the most), GTA, mayhem & anarchy.

Water=Hurricane? Tsunami? Whirlpool? High-pressure hose? Well, either way it makes me think of the awesome & destructive power of nature...and, uh...the civil rights movement?

Ice=...uhhh...Mr. Freeze's ice gun? MMX's Chill Penguin? Batman & Megaman, obviously, and thus awesome NES games.

Lightning=Lightning. Lightning is like Fire that always has somewhere better to be.

Shadow=Black Holes & Dark Matter. You don't fuck with this shit.<-PERIOD

I think we all already know the coolness factor of lasers & Ayla's bewbs so I won't go over them...
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 05:53:05 am by V_Translanka »


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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #54 on: July 31, 2009, 04:05:05 pm »
Shadows can only be found where light is present, but they are connected to an even deeper darkness that is ever-present, hiding from the light and waiting for the time when it will rule again, when all lights eventually go out. It could be said, that Shadow, as an extension of that deeper darkness, is the most powerful element there is, and it would be, if not for Light or Lightning, as is portrayed in this game. Light shreds apart the darkness, and in it's wake, it brings along the form of reality, colors that were before unknown, unnoticed. Light magic, in itself, belongs to pure entity. A being of innocence and hope, but not necessarily peaceful, such as Crono. He was a being that was pure of heart. For a lot of real life people, that purity is impossible to obtain, having seen too much in our lifetimes to really remain innocent. That is why Shadow magic appeals to so many people. Darkness within ones heart usually tempts one to follow a path of shadow.

I contemplated this, and actually thought about which element I would actually be. I thought about Fire, because like Lucca, I have some knowledge of electronic materials. Maybe not the same amount of knowledge, but a base amount. And I like fire.

Ice definitely wouldn't be my element because I can't even go into the water of a lake on a 90 degree day without sitting there freezing. Ice ain't my thing.

Water? Yeah, no. Can't even swim, enough said.

And, I'm definitely not a fighter, or a robot with cool lasers, so that's out, too.

As I mentioned above, Light, or Lightning, is the most powerful magic there is, due to the purity of it. It can not be wielded by one that is not pure, because it is used to pierce the darkness that envelops all else in the absence of light. I am simply unworthy.

Therefore it is fairly obvious into which class of magic I would fall, having given my explanations above. It isn't something I would choose for myself, given the option, but it is what I would be, given the reality.

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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #55 on: September 17, 2009, 06:45:20 am »
I picked the last option, I've always been more of a melee character in all the games I play, although if I were to choose an element, I've always liked the Ice/Lightning combo.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #56 on: September 17, 2009, 12:02:18 pm »
Lightning. Forget the holy stuff, I've been into electricity and all its wonders since Raiden in MK 1.


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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #57 on: September 19, 2009, 07:42:31 pm »


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Re: 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« Reply #58 on: September 19, 2009, 10:24:49 pm »
i think id be a shadow person. either that or fire. for shadow, i could control all the elements of the world and have a good excuse to stay inside with my laptop. fire, i would be able to inspire with my musish flame and keep the world warm when the sun goes out.
but i think ill just stick with the best element of all time:
the BUCKY element.