Author Topic: Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)  (Read 5602 times)


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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« on: January 30, 2005, 12:19:20 am »
This may not necessarily be true since I am just speculating on the idea. Well, I was looking at a full map of 12,000 B.C. before the fall of Zeal Palace in Chrono Trigger. I had been glancing at a few maps just out of boredom. Anyway, an idea came into my head and so I thought more about it and began speculating. Before I tell you my theory, I wanted to point out some other things real quick.

You can fully explore the entire area of the Prehistoric Era, Middle Ages Era, Present Era, Future Era, and even the Dark Ages Era after the fall of Zeal Palace and the Ocean Palace incident, thanks to the Epoch. At the End of Time, the dwelling where Spekkio and Gaspar reside is the only place of residence at the End of Time while the rest of that existence is infinite darkness/blackness. In the Apocalyptic Era, anything that was worth exploring (if allowed to) ends up becoming ruins anyway, and in the Future, you get to explore what is left after three centuries of the occurrence of the Apocalypse. Also, any and all of Zeal Palace that could have been explored that wasn't, ends up sinking anyway and we all already pretty much know what was in the Sun Palace/Sun Keep and the Forbidden Palace/Northern Palace, or know a bit about them.

So, back to the map of the Dark Ages before the fall of Zeal Palace, during the Ice Age blizzard. We never really get to explore the entire area of this era since we do not have the Epoch and when we do receive the Epoch, it cannot fly due to the lack of wings. We also get to access all of the continents on foot except for the northern/northwestern continent.

With all of that said, let me now explain my theory.

I speculated that there was another possible Earthbound dwelling that existed on that northern/northwestern continent in the Dark Ages before the fall of Zeal Palace, during the Ice Age blizzard. We absolutely have no access to it whatsoever, it is never mentioned with the lack of significance to the storyline and such, and by the time that we would have had access to the said continent, it is already under the sea which means that if there was an Earthbound dwelling, it was wiped out.

This is really just a theory that I came up with, and I even gave it some more thought which lead me to the making of this long, thought out post. To be truthful, I came up with it earlier and am typing this down as I go and the ideas that are relevant to this theory.

I also figured that if there truly was, or ideally was, an Earthbound dwelling, it would most likely be in the mountain(s) or in a cave in the mountain(s) that leads underground. I am also aware that, if there was a dwelling here, then we should have had access to it, or else why bother? Well, this was just an idea that I was playing around with and wanted to see what you guys thought about it.

This is all I can think of for now. Tell me what you think, give me reasons why this is flawed, agree or disagree, etc etc.

I also wanted to know what your answer is to this question. Do you all think that there might have been another possible Earthbound dwelling in the northern/northwestern continent, in the Dark Ages before the fall of Zeal Palace, during the Ice Age blizzard?


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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2005, 12:43:33 am »
(dead link)

There's the NW continent.

In the game data there is no evidence of another Dark Ages location.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 06:11:58 am by JLukas »


  • Porrean (+50)
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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2005, 12:49:23 am »
How were you able to access that continent? I'd agree with you and dismiss this whole theory of mine but it confuses me how you were able to access that continent before the fall of Zeal Palace which is also before the time that the Epoch even has a set of wings. The Epoch can't move either, when it doesn't have wings. I don't know, maybe I missed something.


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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2005, 01:00:25 am »
That was with a Pro Action replay cheat code.  The 1999 AD map, Zeal Sun Palace and North Keep unfortunately do not have any extra locations, either.


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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2005, 01:15:54 am »
Ahh, so that explains it. Well, in that case, that answers my question.


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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2005, 07:46:23 pm »
Everything is made small in Chrono Trigger and Cross. Like Truce might appear to be a small village when it's probably like a population of a million. Same with character sizes on the map. There's also probably tons of small towns we never see. Just think about it, El Nido exists during Chrono Trigger, we never see it though. You can try to estimate the populations of each town or city by counting each house and multiplying each by the same number. In fact, I'm willing to think that Guardia/Truce, Porre, Medina, and Choras are all big nations, which contain towns. Sorry if you think this post is stupid, just wanted to try to state theories.


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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2005, 01:11:25 pm »
Yeah, for all we know, there could have been several dwellings in the Dark Ages. There could have possibly been other dwellings that existed in the other eras that you visit. You may not be able to technically visit these areas, for instance, using a game shark or whatever. But, in a geographical sort of way, we're not seeing all of civilization. I'm not sure if I stated a point like this in my previous posts but this is also a very good possibility why there could have been another dwelling in the Dark Ages before that continent sunk, and in other eras as well.

Oh, and about El Nido, that's true too. In this original timeline or whatever it was, El Nido wasn't really there at all, but in the altered timeline (or original, if you want to look at the altered version to being the original since El Nido was bound to exist someday and be placed on the map of existence when Crono and company started their journey to save the world, etc), El Nido is on the map. You can't still see it though, and it was still there in 1000 A.D., just twenty years earlier than the present events in Chrono Cross. You could look all over the map and you can't visit it either, whether you know it's there or not.


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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2005, 01:14:12 pm »
Yeah, for all we know, there could have been several dwellings in the Dark Ages. There could have possibly been other dwellings that existed in the other eras that you visit. You may not be able to technically visit these areas, for instance, using a game shark or whatever. But, in a geographical sort of way, we're not seeing all of civilization. I'm not sure if I stated a point like this in my previous posts but this is also a very good possibility why there could have been another dwelling in the Dark Ages before that continent sunk, and in other eras as well.

Oh, and about El Nido, that's true too. In this original timeline or whatever it was, El Nido wasn't really there at all, but in the altered timeline (or original, if you want to look at the altered version to being the original since El Nido was bound to exist someday and be placed on the map of existence when Crono and company started their journey to save the world, etc), El Nido is on the map. You can't still see it though, and it was still there in 1000 A.D., just twenty years earlier than the present events in Chrono Cross. You could look all over the map and you can't visit it either, whether you know it's there or not.

I probably can't prove it but this was actually my reply but I wasn't logged in so it appeared as guest. I forgot that you could still reply to threads while logged off. Sorry in advance.


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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2005, 03:20:59 pm »
My bad for not having set up the forum permissions yet.


  • Porrean (+50)
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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2005, 08:55:36 pm »
It's cool, I just didn't want to confuse anyone. When I realized what I had done, I couldn't edit the post because I didn't see the button there so I could go and delete it, and repost under my regular username. Then I didn't know if anyone would believe me or not, but that is my post, and that's why I just figured that I'd make a post letting you know.


  • Porrean (+50)
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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2005, 04:08:15 am »
no problem. no reason to not trust you  :D

Zeality turn the forum admin permission into registered  :P  !

Lazarus Plus

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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2005, 04:34:46 pm »
One question I always had was:

What kind of weaponry did the inhabitants of 1999 AD possess? It seems they'd be at the zenith of civilization and you are NOT seeing the best weapons that were available in 2300 AD, because presumably those weapons would have been destroyed in an attempt to stop Lavos.

Or would they? Did the inhabitants of 1999 AD even have an inkling of Lavos before he attacked? Did they respond militarily at ALL? Question like this drove me nuts because they never gave you adequate information in the game.


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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2005, 07:07:34 pm »
Quote from: Lazarus Plus
Or would they? Did the inhabitants of 1999 AD even have an inkling of Lavos before he attacked? Did they respond militarily at ALL? Question like this drove me nuts because they never gave you adequate information in the game.

It's far-fetched, but maybe the armies launched nuclear bombs and crazy stuff  on Lavos in order to kill him, and maybe that was actually what caused the sky to become dark and cloudy like it is in 2,300AD. The US did the same thing against the machines in Terminator 3, and so did the humans against the robots in (Ani)matrix... and that was all the less ineffective, except for the death of the humans because of the black, dense clouds masking the sun.

Mmh.. actually it's not that far-fetched, the blackened sky theme is also used in the manga Akira, in an episode of Star Gate SG-1 and in Highlander 2 if I remember correctly (in those last 2 cases it's caused by pollution instead of a nuclear strike).

Lazarus Plus

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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2005, 07:28:55 pm »
Quote from: Chrono'99
Quote from: Lazarus Plus
Or would they? Did the inhabitants of 1999 AD even have an inkling of Lavos before he attacked? Did they respond militarily at ALL? Question like this drove me nuts because they never gave you adequate information in the game.

It's far-fetched, but maybe the armies launched nuclear bombs and crazy stuff  on Lavos in order to kill him, and maybe that was actually what caused the sky to become dark and cloudy like it is in 2,300AD. The US did the same thing against the machines in Terminator 3, and so did the humans against the robots in (Ani)matrix... and that was all the less ineffective, except for the death of the humans because of the black, dense clouds masking the sun.

Mmh.. actually it's not that far-fetched, the blackened sky theme is also used in the manga Akira, in an episode of Star Gate SG-1 and in Highlander 2 if I remember correctly (in those last 2 cases it's caused by pollution instead of a nuclear strike).

Ha ha ha. Highlander 2 was horrible.

But it did have Sean Connery, which helps a bit.


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Another Possible Earthbound Dwelling (Only Speculation)
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2005, 10:47:46 pm »
As shown in the Day of Lavos record and the Lavos ending, the dome personell are caught completely unawares and Lavos bombards the surface of the earth seconds after emerging.  Any technology human civilization possessed was useless against Lavos.