Author Topic: A Star Wars Thread. Just one question. Okay two.  (Read 899 times)


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A Star Wars Thread. Just one question. Okay two.
« on: September 19, 2008, 05:17:16 am »
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it crazy that over 400 highly trained Imperial Storm Troopers equipped with full-range blasters, 40 scouts carrying smaller blaster pistols, 4 AT-ST walkers with copious amounts of weaponry, and an entire bunker full of high ranking Imperial military officials fell to:

Han Solo
Leia Organa
About 15 random soldiers
R2D2 and C-3PO
and 200 fuzzy midgets armed with rocks and sticks?

I mean, yeah the midgets had the home turf, but COME ON!!!

Not only that, but the Death Star II was being constructed during this movie. In order to speed up production, it's been said that some slaves and civilian contractors from Corellia and other planets in the Middle-Rim part of the Core were brought in to speed up production. You have to figure that at least 20,000 innocent people just trying to make a living were killed in the blast following the attack on the Death Star. You see people leaving in shuttles at the end, but if you read into it, most of those were captured. And all of the ones that were captured were filled with storm troopers and command crews, along with the ones that escaped to join the Empire Remnant outside of Coruscant. So NOT ONE of these civilian contractors made it off this thing. Doesn't that seem a little inconsiderate on the side of the Rebellion?


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Re: A Star Wars Thread. Just one question. Okay two.
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2008, 06:17:32 am »
Han Shot First.



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Re: A Star Wars Thread. Just one question. Okay two.
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2008, 08:04:21 am »
Clerks rulz.

Daniel Krispin

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Re: A Star Wars Thread. Just one question. Okay two.
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2008, 11:53:40 am »
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it crazy that over 400 highly trained Imperial Storm Troopers equipped with full-range blasters, 40 scouts carrying smaller blaster pistols, 4 AT-ST walkers with copious amounts of weaponry, and an entire bunker full of high ranking Imperial military officials fell to:

Han Solo
Leia Organa
About 15 random soldiers
R2D2 and C-3PO
and 200 fuzzy midgets armed with rocks and sticks?

I mean, yeah the midgets had the home turf, but COME ON!!!

Not only that, but the Death Star II was being constructed during this movie. In order to speed up production, it's been said that some slaves and civilian contractors from Corellia and other planets in the Middle-Rim part of the Core were brought in to speed up production. You have to figure that at least 20,000 innocent people just trying to make a living were killed in the blast following the attack on the Death Star. You see people leaving in shuttles at the end, but if you read into it, most of those were captured. And all of the ones that were captured were filled with storm troopers and command crews, along with the ones that escaped to join the Empire Remnant outside of Coruscant. So NOT ONE of these civilian contractors made it off this thing. Doesn't that seem a little inconsiderate on the side of the Rebellion?

Who ever is considerate in a time of war, even amongst the 'good' guys? Good grief, look at the atrocities Britain commited! Highly inconsiderate to kill the what, 200,000 civilians in Dresden by firebombing the city into ruin, eh? It was so heavily bombed it's said there were tornadoes of fire. Yet we still consider the Allies 'good' (with the good reason that their ideology was in line with ours, I must add... so it's a natural statement to make.)

And yes, the defeat of one of the Empire's best legions to that ragged group might be considered badly formulated. Yet then again, Rome lost one of her legions, well trained and expert soldiers, to the bands of Germans in the forests of the north; one of the greatest of Verdun's fortresses in the First World War fell to a company of about ten soldiers who managed to take it by mere accident and coincidence. These things happen.

For example, you must look the entire battle, not just the outcome, and perhaps it will look more plausable. For example, most of what the Ewoks do turn out to be useless, especially against the AT-ST walkers. Their catapults do nothing but annoy them; theirs traps often don't work (save later, when a few of the more potent ones take down two.) It's only once Chewbacca, not a professional soldier, it's true, but a fighter after the fashion of an irregular combatant, manages to comandeer one that the tide of battle shifts. The one thing I might still complain about, however, is that they seem to be able to 'stone' the troops, and hurt them in that manner. Plainly Stormtrooper armour would be impervious to that.

Nevertheless, it must be simply stated that the Stormtroopers are a regular army, elite thought they are, made for and trained for direct battles. The one on Endor was in difficult terrain wherein they were, for the most part, ambushed. That can well account for their loss.


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Re: A Star Wars Thread. Just one question. Okay two.
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2008, 01:12:27 pm »
I agree.
