Author Topic: Mine Sig & Avy Are YOURS to Command (not really)  (Read 889 times)


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Mine Sig & Avy Are YOURS to Command (not really)
« on: September 13, 2008, 04:33:36 pm »
As far as I know, we really have no other place to put this type of thread (maybe we should look into that)...

Since it's my birthday, I figured it's time for a change, so I'm looking for a banner & sig featuring Shikamaru, Hinata & Inner Sakura (because regular Sakura pretty much Marle sucks :lol:), my fav characters from Naruto (you've got to have one Naruto-themed sig in your internet lifetime, right?). I don't care if they're fanart if the fanart is good and the whole thing just looks good that way...No bigger than, idk, what's reasonable? 450x155 sounds about bigger than that, I guess. Also, I'd prefer a more Hinata in action pic as opposed to one of her shy aw shucks moments, something like this only better quality (from her chuunin exam fight with Neji)...

I'm going to be posting this thread in several forums I go to, so I hope this means I'll get the best work from people, since I may not use it unless I think it's the absolute best (or maybe if more than one is really cool I'll use different ones depending on what forums I'm in...what a concept!).

As for the avy...I would like the same characters, though whether it just flashes from one to the other or does something fancy like a morph, I'd like it to also include a frame of my current avy (specifically when it says STABBY).

Perhaps you can use my current sig as a basis if you want to know my style, but that's not necessary as long as it looks good, doesn't have to say my name (though if you're going to shorten it, just go with V), nor does it have to say Obnoxiously Evil, but you can use that or play on it (Obnoxiously Naruto almost sounds good), but I think I'd rather you play with it however you see fit.

At the very least, I'll post everyone's attempt in each thread.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 04:41:43 pm by V_Translanka »


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Re: Mine Sig & Avy Are YOURS to Command (not really)
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 05:31:10 pm »
Bleh, what page was that even on? I was about to merge, but after 5 pages, I gave up...Was that supposed to be for Chrono-themed banner & avys? I's in the Chrono general/gameplay discussion forum anyways...I don't think anyone was using it either...Probably no one will use this thread...>_>


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Re: Mine Sig & Avy Are YOURS to Command (not really)
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 05:35:39 pm »
Stickied in Chrono Compendium section.