Author Topic: Tutorial: Fixing tiles layering.  (Read 2445 times)


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Tutorial: Fixing tiles layering.
« on: September 05, 2008, 06:19:22 pm »
I wrote this little tutorial because there wasn't much info on this subject and it will hopefully clear up alot of confusion for new mappers. This is another case where we can say, just "go to the tutorials" -- the info's there.
Hopefully sometime in the future, Gieger can add a mode to TemporalFlux that will allow one to see every "Sprite over L1" or "Sprite over L2" tile all at once. (which would make map-fixing alot easier)

Open the desired location to edit.

Go to Window Menu -> Location -> Tile Properties, this will create a tab called Tile Properties
at the bottom of the Tileset Window.

The parts we are concerened with here is the "Sprite over L1" & "Sprite over L2" settings.
If you click on a tile that layers over the Party Members, you will see one or both of these values as True or False depending on which layer the Party Members are meant to walk on.

For instance, let's say I make a map where Layer1 is the 'ground' where the Party Members (PCs) will walk on, so "Sprite over L1" would be True. A layer of Trees that are "on top" of the scene are on Layer2, therefore "Sprite over L2" would be False (making the layer go over the PCs). If I made a map where Layer2 was the walking path and Layer1 was the trees; "Sprite over L1" would be False and "Sprite over L2" would be True.

For visual purposes, I have included a few images.

Here's one, where the tile is over the PCs:

They should be set to True if it's a surface that's meant to be walked on. In the image below, you can see the highlighted tile where "Sprite over L1" & "Sprite over L2" should BOTH be False (seeing as both Layers for that tile are meant to be walked on in this case)

Here's one where the Trees aren't right:

As highlighted (with the green box) in the image below, the problem is actually the tile beneath it, not the trees themselves. (The trees here are on Layer1 by the way)

So keep in mind: Sometimes the tile that may be "goofing up" is actually a tile near or around the problem area. Some experimentation is required.
