Author Topic: Magic Article Begins  (Read 41844 times)


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Re: Magic Article Begins
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2007, 01:52:26 am »
Such a phenomenon would probably prevent life as we know it from existing, yet it exists.'s drawn from within. Perhaps occasionally they can tap sources of energy, but only sources that would be thusly drained. For example, Marle could draw energy from a blizzard and while doing so it would be reduced to a light snowfall.

Oxygen was poisonous to early life because it reacts so readily with so many other chemicals, yet some life survived and evolved to take advantage of the massive energy potential of the very thing that killed most other life billions of years ago...


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Re: Magic Article Begins
« Reply #46 on: August 24, 2007, 10:53:53 am »

Oxygen was poisonous to early life because it reacts so readily with so many other chemicals, yet some life survived and evolved to take advantage of the massive energy potential of the very thing that killed most other life billions of years ago...
That's completely different. We're talking about something that violates the currently understood theories of physics when it comes to conservation of energy, not a noxious chemical that can be adapted to.

I'm not saying that there couldn't be life of some kind, simply not "as we know it." There wouldn't be human equivalents because humans--like everything else right now--rely upon living in an environment where energy is not just perpetually free.


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Re: Magic Article Begins
« Reply #47 on: August 24, 2007, 02:44:45 pm »
Okay then how about "loose energy" not "free energy".  What I am think is that in the Chronoverse(I like that name) there is energy just floating around willy-nilly, But unlike "free energy" there is a finite amount that is manipulated and that manipulation is magic. The only hole I have is how the energy is replenished.


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Re: Magic Article Begins
« Reply #48 on: August 24, 2007, 08:55:57 pm »

Oxygen was poisonous to early life because it reacts so readily with so many other chemicals, yet some life survived and evolved to take advantage of the massive energy potential of the very thing that killed most other life billions of years ago...
That's completely different. We're talking about something that violates the currently understood theories of physics when it comes to conservation of energy, not a noxious chemical that can be adapted to.

I'm not saying that there couldn't be life of some kind, simply not "as we know it." There wouldn't be human equivalents because humans--like everything else right now--rely upon living in an environment where energy is not just perpetually free.

Why would it have to break any laws and be somehow perpetually free? How would it be different from light? Obviously something could just emit this magic radiation in small amounts from the planet, but mobile, active creatures wouldn't use it for their primary energy source because it's not powerful enough. At best, they could use it to produce and store energy that could then be released in bursts as elemental effects -- which would account for some strange monster creatures. Humans could still develop in such a world as the use of oxygen allows much more consistently powerful energy production for use in movement and life processes, because movement has such an advantage over other life forms. Then such beings could slowly evolve organs to store and release magic power over the course of millions of years of competition and struggle.

How is it completely different?

Anyway, the real basis of magic shouldn't be the idea of some "energy" since that wouldn't even relate to the effects. Instead, try using as the model a new force based around the interaction of new types of elementary particles.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2007, 09:03:59 pm by Ramsus »


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Re: Magic Article Begins
« Reply #49 on: August 28, 2007, 12:48:51 pm »
the elements in cross are considered dragon magic because of where they came from. but if you notice that in both 60 and 100 ad the mystics are capable of using magic... did all of them go visit spekio? no mystics seem to be born with the ability to use magic.

Okay then how about "loose energy" not "free energy".  What I am think is that in the Chronoverse(I like that name) there is energy just floating around willy-nilly, But unlike "free energy" there is a finite amount that is manipulated and that manipulation is magic. The only hole I have is how the energy is replenished.

doesnt have to be replenished.. the energy isnt destroyed when used in a spell.. the spell happens and the energy disperses after whatever effect it was supposed to have for instance chrono uses lightning. the energy gathers the bolt goes off and the energy dissipates after its done its damage. even if the target absorbed some of it it would be released back into the "ether" eventually((I used the word ether as a possible place where the magic energy would originate from))


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Re: Magic Article Begins
« Reply #50 on: September 26, 2007, 04:08:37 am »
Magic is probably innate, rather than drawing on outside forces. Of course then you might ask, "Well how do water and ice spells work then?" Might as well ask "How does ANY of it work then?" I mean, a guy generating a lightning bolt is just as far fetched as a Frog generated a giant wave. As much as we must disregard certain battle elements in their relation to the physics of the Chronoverse, the point about MP makes sense. Alternatively, it could be the energy one exudes in order to manipulate a specific element (CT, not CC) that lies outside of the person's being. But then that doesn't explain why Shadow users can use the other three Elements (even if you accept that Lightning+Fire+Water=Shadow, how does one use all of these if the Element of Shadow itself is not a fundamental part of you).

To keep in mind an important point, let us not forget Zeal. They all could use magic innately, though after the kingdom fell, magical ability began to be present only in the Mystics (according to the retranslation). Which suggests the need for a catalyst. The Zealians (zealots?) had the Frozen Flame, the Mammon Machine, and artifacts like the Sunstone. Crono's & Company had Spekkio (the God of War). Another fun thing to consider is Spekkio's specific statement that you needed a certain something in order to use magic. He said strength of heart in the NA translation, but I can't remember just what the Retranslation states. Anyway, he suggests its a specific potential you have on the inside.

I think the line should be drawn between Elements from CC and magic from CT. While the Elements are probably based at least somewhat on CT's four element system, its largely a separate thing. I believe that the mechanics are somewhat different if not entirely different. For instance, CC Elements seem to allow for that Energy grid to fill, allowing certain attacks to be stronger and others to be weaker. CT doesn't make any mention of such a thing so I assume its primarily a feature of the Elements.

More ramblings later.


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Re: Magic Article Begins
« Reply #51 on: September 26, 2007, 09:01:42 pm »
Do the Mystics actually use Magic? Or just magical Techs ala Flame Toss & Crono's Slash (Slash uses Techs a lot like this Tech, ironically enough)...I think that's all the Mystics use, unlike the monsters, say, on the Black Omen who actually use Magic Techs like Lightning & Dark Bomb.

The Zealians seem to say that their Magic is different than Crono & Co's...I thought their Magical prowess came from being close to the Mammon Machine & thus, Lavos' Magical power.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 09:05:06 pm by V_Translanka »


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Re: Magic Article Begins
« Reply #52 on: October 03, 2007, 03:28:02 pm »
Well, I think it was already answered but people kinda talk about the ice and water magic stuff.  The usual "Water 2" and "ice 2" thing could be explained.  Since there's always moisture in the air, they could manipulate it to be braught together and thus cause Water 2, while Ice 2 does the same thing but somehow lowers the temperature of it and causes it to freeze.  That's my belief there.


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Re: Magic Article Begins
« Reply #53 on: October 03, 2007, 08:44:04 pm »
Why is that different than just saying that they pull the energies of the universe, which is based on the four elements as Spekkio says, and turn that into w/e Magic they're using? I still think that it's an inner power, since they are a part of the universe after all, why and how would they take the power of an outward source, which we don't really have any proof of, when we know they use MP, an inner source...Or I suppose you could say that MP is the power necessary to draw and/or bend the power of the universe.


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Re: Magic Article Begins
« Reply #54 on: February 11, 2015, 06:29:46 am »
Sorry for the "triple post" but maybe can "enlight" a bit :)