A. Definition of Magic
B. History of Magic (Who taught in Zeal)
C. Spekkio Discourse
D. Definition/History of Elements
E. Character Abilities
F. The Magic Study (Magic and Characters in CT/CC)
How does that sound?
Pretty good, I would just like to make a few additions to see what we are specifically looking for. this isnt how i "think it should be done" Think of it as a question. For example: Spekkio Discourse, well i dont think trying to define exactly who he is is really important to the magic article, so i wouldnt think that would be in there. hopefully somebody understands what i mean:
A. Definition of Magic
1. What it is. (ex: 4 element manipulation etc)
2. How it is acquired/used (ex: Lavos, teachers: gurus, spekkio etc])
B. History of Magic
1. Zeal
2. Mystics
3. Time Travelers
C. Spekkio Discourse (speaks for itself)
D. Defintion of Elements
1. What they are. (ex: crystals, represent 'sounds' etc)
2. How they are acquired/used (ex: Hotspots on earth, easily traded)
E. History of Elements (fuzzy on this one...)
1. Dragonians
2. Chronopolis
3. El Nido
The last two (character abilities and magic study) seem sort of similiar. So i dont know what to do with those exactly.
I dont know if this was really beneficial to the article, im just trying to help by trying to find a better understanding.
EDIT: just and additional thought: my whole angle here is to help us define exactly what we are looking for so we can ask those specific questions immediately and debate/discuss the answers. You said it yourself, ZeaLitY: These threads lead to disorganization.