Author Topic: Maps todo (for 1.1)  (Read 15298 times)


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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #30 on: August 29, 2008, 01:10:27 pm »
Would it be possible for you to make a few parts that branch of and lead to nowhere, like dead-ends? That ways it's not just a straight shot and the player has to look around a bit to find their way through.  :wink:


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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #31 on: August 29, 2008, 05:16:14 pm »
Something more like this?

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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #32 on: August 30, 2008, 01:28:44 am »
Mystic Mountain Gulch

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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #33 on: August 30, 2008, 05:48:06 pm »
Something more like this?

Perfect.  :)

Mystic Mountain Gulch

Well done! One more thing... could you add an area on the right hand side? Something up on cliffs with a bridge crossing over to it (from the bottom part of the map where the trees are) and make a path exit out the north-east (upper right).

What I want to do is make a small part of the Mystic Mountains have some ridiculously high enemies. There would be an NPC (old prehistoric man) guarding the bridge and later on, you can access this area when the conditions are right.

And as I mentioned somewhere, every area will have some reason to come back to later. Even Guardia Prison, Manoria Cathedral and a few others have high leveled mini-sidequests planned.  :twisted:

For instance, G. Prison will have Yakra 13's minions still in there and you'd have to clear them out.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2008, 05:54:51 pm by Zakyrus »


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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2008, 02:23:23 am »
How's this then?

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« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 02:26:39 am by DK_Donutlicious »


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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2008, 06:55:26 pm »
Much larger and it looks good, this'll make a good mini-quest once I come up with something.  :lol:

Also, here's the areas of Ayla's Quest I have the map about 85% complete. Now I just gotta do all of the fine-tuning as well as fix all of the annoying tiles that layer OVER the sprites. Btw guys, I'm going to make a small tutorial tonight on how to fix those tiles.

You can't see it, but there's an invisible ladder at the waterfall secret that allows you to climb down to the two treasure chests.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 07:23:38 pm by Zakyrus »


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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #36 on: September 03, 2008, 08:26:39 pm »
Looks awesome! And a tutorial would be nice :) Then I can go through and fix all the layer issues I know about!

btw, what will be left after all the new areas are incorporated?
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 08:34:23 pm by DK_Donutlicious »


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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #37 on: September 04, 2008, 08:27:25 pm »
Looks awesome! And a tutorial would be nice :) Then I can go through and fix all the layer issues I know about!

btw, what will be left after all the new areas are incorporated?

I forgot the tut.  :x I'll get it for you guys tomarrow for sure, maybe I'll have the dungeon test completed. We'll see on that. I'm close though.

New areas? I have another list after this one's done.  8) I didn't want to put all of them out at once. I'm not even sure if we'll have enough space for all of these expansions, but once we go to 8MB Roms, that won't matter - it'll be 2x amount of areas...once we figure out how to expand pointers of course.


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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #38 on: September 05, 2008, 04:41:03 pm »
Sorry I haven't event started the map you sent me Z...  School just kind of landed on my doorstep ^^;;  I'll get to work on it as soon as I get a chance to.

Sorry again,



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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #39 on: September 05, 2008, 06:21:06 pm »
Sorry I haven't event started the map you sent me Z...  School just kind of landed on my doorstep ^^;;  I'll get to work on it as soon as I get a chance to.

Sorry again,


No worries, Azure -- take your time. By the way guys, I got the tutorial I promised on fixing tile layers:


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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2008, 03:37:11 am »
Thank you so much for that! I managed to fix my clipping issues :) It was because I had to make the area around it the same layering as the spot itself. That is a rather awkward part of map making though.


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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #41 on: September 09, 2008, 12:24:13 pm »

I put this here so (hopefully) everyone would see it. I'll add these maps to the list on the first post when I get unlazy.
There's lots stuff todo here as well as some useful mapping tidbits that you may (or may not) know.

New Maps:

Reptites Cave - Seeing as this place is useless later on, let's improve it.
I'd like this place so it seems more like a dwelling rather than a strange cave where you have to jump down holes to get to other places within it. There should be various rooms for enemies to dwell in, as well as a room for Azala/Nizbel.

If two large(40x40) sized maps are used, it can be made into a relitively large dungeon as well as the fact that the
other Reptites' Cave Location Pointers can be used for brand new areas. (such as Towns - once we can import a town-like tileset)

Location 1: Use Location {11C}, Map is already at 97
Location 2: Use Location {11D}, change Map to 96 (which is the other Reptite's Cave map)

I know cave maps suck to do, but if you make the basic layout (doesn't have to be spectacular)
I'll do the fine detailing. :)

Goblins's Fort - a small areaa that will be north of Medina (near the mountains)
Used for several cutscenes as well as being a "friendly area" after Ozzie's defeated...
Can use any tileset you wish, just:

Use an empty Location Pointer such as {1CD}, then a blank Map# such as CC or above. (keep going higher if that's taken)
Then just copy the Location Properties from another Pointer(from Suggestions below) Depending on which design you choose depends on how I will code it to the Middle Ages and Millennium Overworlds.


Mountain theme: Use Pallete 1B and L1/2 Tileset as 14
~I'll make a mountain path to the area.

Forest theme: Use Pallete 42 and L1/2 Tileset as 3
~I'll make the area in the forest near the mountain.

House theme: Use Pallete 2 and L1/2 Tileset as 2
~I'll make a building near the mountain.

Cathedral theme: Use Pallete E and L1/2 Tileset as B
(2B and F are the other two Palletes, keep in mind some mess up the colors of certain objects)
~I'll make a structure near the mountain.
This could be cool, because you could use spike traps and switches to get through it.
(I'd have to code the switches to work of course)

I'll leave this up to whoever wishes to make it to map it however you want, I'll do the rest.

Cleft of Dimensions:

This is a place where destroyed worlds end up; places destroyed by Lavos, etc.
Which will be used for Crono's quest. I need three maps for this area. (I've got the others covered)
For these: use a blank Location Pointer and map (map CC or above)

1: an "End of Time" style place - platforms linked together (no doors though)
-doesn't have to be very large, big enough for 10 or so NPCs
Pallete is: D
Tileset is: A

2: a ruined Zeal Palace-like map, should be all one area so don't put any doors in.
Make rooms strung together by broken floors. To make parts with "no floor" just use empty tiles.
Make a few parts where you can't visibly get to the other parts (for reasons below)
Pallete is: 46 or 18
Tileset is: 32

3. Maybe a Mount Woe style map with floating rock formations?
Make a few parts where you can't visibly get to the other parts (for reasons below)
Pallete is: 20
Tileset is: 16

The reason for "no doors" is that I'm going to use portals to connect everything together.
Entering a portal will bring you to other sections of the Cleft' as well as give a random
chance at encountering OMEGA (an optional super-boss)

OMEGA is like a combination from FF5's OMEGA and from the show FinalFantasy Unlimited. :twisted:
(In CT+ it wanders the ruined realms eroding them away -- making room for new dimensions)
I'll have the Quest info for this posted once I finalize a few minor details --mainly the Evil Crono
(and there's more than one! hehe)



Don't worry about coding enemies, NPCs and such -- I'll take care of that stuff. (I like making up NPCs and battle formations) When changing an existing area (like Mystic Mountains) and you run into Events that force you into battle OR when working with a brand new location -- you'll have to import Blank Events for the map to load properly (otherwise it'll freeze up) so get that by exporting Event# 174 to a temp file. (Event# 174 is from Reptite's Cave Entrance - it's completely blank except for the code needed to load the Party Members)

Use the Blank Event file, and import it into the Event# Slot of the Location you are working with.
This will eliminate any problems with map loading and testing.
Example: Mystic Mts. Gulch Event# is 16D, so import it into that slot.

When making BRAND NEW MAPS, the layers may not appear correctly until you set Layer Priorities for the tiles.
For the LAYER PRIORTY (under the Map Properties tab) use that of a simular location.
For example: if making the "End of Time" style place for the Cleft' take a look at  "{1D0} End of Time", open Map Properties tab and use simular properties from the Layer Priorites section.

Don't forget! You can use the "Explicit Paste Mode" (Ctrl+Shift+5) to copy stuff from other maps, (make sure you have two locations loaded, the one you're copying from and to)

You can also "Swap Layers" (Ctrl+Shift+6) by enabling it. If you want some tiles that are on layer1 to be on layer2, vice versa: Enable Swap Layers, then enable it for Layer1 (Ctrl+Shift+1) & Layer2 (Ctrl+Shift+2). Then select the tiles and re-paste them where they are. (unless you want to keep this on, you'll have to disable this afterwards otherwise everything you tile after that will be switched over, pasting it a second time will 'revert it')

And ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, make backups of your work! You never know!! TemporalFlux isn't perfect and every once in a while an overwrite bug occurs that erases the map you're working on! (though vers. 2.75 has fixed this considerably)
You wouln't believe the hours of work I could have saved by backing up and one little thing ruins everything.

Well, that should keep you guys busy for a little while and eternal thanks for all of your hard work so far guys! You rule!
By the time you get ten maps done I might be done with one. :) It takes me forever to think of a design and I can't make up my mind, so I finish a map then redo it! :x ...I'll get back to implementing cutscenes, which is FAR easier for my A.D.D. brain to focus on.

Happy hacking!



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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #42 on: September 09, 2008, 01:48:19 pm »
Totally Dibs-ing the goblins fort! :x  (Sorry DK, I will have way to much fun..)  Probably going to use the cathedral, spikes and traps and sliding stairs OH MY! :D  :lol:   People will hate me for this map  :(


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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #43 on: September 09, 2008, 03:19:17 pm »
Totally Dibs-ing the goblins fort! :x  (Sorry DK, I will have way to much fun..)  Probably going to use the cathedral, spikes and traps and sliding stairs OH MY! :D  :lol:   People will hate me for this map  :(

Heh thats cool, I will prolly start on the reptite cave once I finish smoothing out the little bugs in my mostly done maps, along with finishing up the Dactyl peak improvements. It's like I am the king of 65,000,000 BC or something! Well, except for Beast cave but whatever :lol: I will do some work this week, but I will most likely get the most work done on Saturday, since I won't have class or work..if only we could JUST do things we liked, eh?


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Re: Maps todo (for 1.1)
« Reply #44 on: September 09, 2008, 06:26:54 pm »
So here is what I have as far as a cliff face the party must scale to get to Dactyl Summit. It's nothing to flashy, but you only go there once and it was never that interesting in the first place lol. I figured for battles have some flying enemies swoop in or something? Only problem right now is none of the exits work for me, dunno whats up with that.

Also fixed up Beast Cave a bit, as far as going through it, it works fine :)

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« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 06:34:26 pm by DK_Donutlicious »