These are the maps for 1.1. Just post which map you're working on so we don't get multiple people working on the same map, (unless of course you're partnering up with someone).
I will continue to update this post as maps are completed or as they are taken from the "available" list.
Cursed Woods
Dactyl's Peak
Sinking Desert (all three maps)
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: (includes "finishing touches")
Guardia Castle (by Azure)
Mystic Mountains (all three maps) - Zakyrus & DK_Donutlicious)
Beast's Nest - DK_Donutlicious
Valley of Giants & Searing Chasm (Zakyrus)
Cleft of Dimensions (still working on...)
DONE: (** means I have finished the Script/Events/NPCs)
Truce Canyon - (expanded by SirusD)
Enhasa - (expanded by SirusD)
Kajar ** - (expanded by Zakyrus)
Zeal Palace ** - (expanded by Zakyrus)
Algetty ** - (expanded by Zakyrus)
North Cape - (expanded by Zakyrus)
...I need to get organized