Hello there Chrono Compendium.
My name is Kais,and it's pronounced Kice.
My essential things to do,and interests:
Football aka Soccer
Hacking stuff like the Wii,DS,PSP,360<------Thats all my Gaming Gear in general.
Playing the legendary Snes games such as (Chrono Trigger)<------"Thou shall never die"
.....and watching anime.
I also like customizing my desktop every once in a while.Like this....
http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk154/kaiskaiskaiskais/untitled.jpgOld and crappy
I use RocketDock&Minimize.
This site needs a "Post a picture of your desktop thread"lol
ヽ(:゚皿゚:;)ノ OH SHI- (╬ ಠ益ಠ)凸 (*^ー^)人(^ー^*)
Oh did I forget to say I love rom hacks,and will be starting my own project soon.
Click the signature.WooT.