Author Topic: Is Magus really all that cool?  (Read 136776 times)


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #60 on: June 15, 2008, 02:22:21 pm »
I actually will say that for my strategy for this game, Magus doesn't fit well. I always thought he was the coolest character as far as design, but my party is always Lucca, Marle, and Crono. Gold Studs all around, Antipode 3 and Luminaire. Takes about 5 minutes to beat the last two forms of Lavos.

Now when you lose Crono, you need a strong physical attacker and someone who can throw his magical weight around. That's why I always try to get Magus as soon as possible, and he leads my party to Death Peak.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #61 on: June 15, 2008, 02:36:04 pm »
I actually will say that for my strategy for this game, Magus doesn't fit well. I always thought he was the coolest character as far as design, but my party is always Lucca, Marle, and Crono. Gold Studs all around, Antipode 3 and Luminaire. Takes about 5 minutes to beat the last two forms of Lavos.

Now when you lose Crono, you need a strong physical attacker and someone who can throw his magical weight around. That's why I always try to get Magus as soon as possible, and he leads my party to Death Peak.

Souns like a solid strategy. Here's mine:

For the first portion of the game, i.e. before Zeal, I wanted a balanced party leader,a magic user, and a tank to focus on attacking and healing as a chemist (one who uses items). This usually fell into Crono, Lucca, and Robo/Ayla for me. When Magus came in, I quickly replaced Lucca with him, due to his skills being quite superior. Gold studs all around as you did, Prism helms and rainbow armor, Crono and Magu' ultimate weapons, the last 2 lavos forms take about 5 minutes with a combination of a Luminaire/Dark Matter/TripleKick, Luminaire/Dark Matter/Megalixer pattern. Easy as pie.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #62 on: June 15, 2008, 04:25:05 pm »
As much as I love using Magus during big fights, my Spekkio party is, and always has been: Crono, Marle, Lucca.  Can't beat it.

Teenage fascination with darkness and generic badassery at first, but he's got a special place in my heart still. There's a lot about him that could be said but just isn't, and it's frustrating and enchanting at the same time.

Then again, his constant failure in multiple fields is probably the most frustrating...

And while I adore every character of CT in my own special ways, I feel like I'm one of very few that actually finds Marle cute and charming. I've liked her more than Schala for years, if only because when she sees bad stuff go down, she actually gets up and does something about it besides moping. Not to say Schala's situation wasn't endearingly hopeless...

Also, I like the idea of Magus and Marle interactions. Like fighting over who gets to be the leader after Crono dies, eventually Marle would get all hissy fit "I AM THE LEADER" shrieking and Magus would just back off to the number three slot with maybe a short "Yes'm"

I've always liked Marle.  She's one of my favorite characters.  For one, she can cast Haste.  And as everyone knows, the faster you go, the faster you kill.  I too find her cute and charming.  And when Crono dies, I usually let her take the lead until they climb Death Peak, when she returns control of the party back to its rightful owner.

4 monk = lay waste to all

4 monks? Really? I find that hard to believe, considering no healer is in sight, along with no attack bonuses from weapons (i.e. they don't use any).
I'm going to have to go with d3viant on this one as monks get way unbalanced later on in the game; coupled with a Red/Black mage with steel/haste-- :shock:

Items, man.  Items.  Four monks means not having to buy weapons and armor.  Just inns and items.  It can get sick.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 11:27:40 pm by d3viant »


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #63 on: June 15, 2008, 05:24:49 pm »
How are their stats without weapons and armor? To me it seems like they'd be pretty low.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #64 on: June 15, 2008, 10:50:23 pm »
How are their stats without weapons and armor? To me it seems like they'd be pretty low.
They have a natural unarmed damage boost as per most FF games with monks. Also as they level up the hit no. goes up like crazy... and with haste that number is doubled. Not to mention what happens when you start spamming steel on warriors/monks(hint: there is no 9999 damage cap).
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 10:55:29 pm by BROJ »


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #65 on: June 15, 2008, 10:57:55 pm »
How are their stats without weapons and armor? To me it seems like they'd be pretty low.
They have a natural unarmed damage boost as per most FF games with monks. Also as they level up the hit no. goes up like crazy... and with haste that number is doubled. Not to mention what happens when you start spamming steel on warriors/monks(hint: there is no 9999 damage cap).

Are you serious?! You must be talking about the original... I've only played the Dawn of Souls remake, and I've never seen anything higher than 9999 points of damage.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #66 on: June 15, 2008, 11:05:22 pm »
How are their stats without weapons and armor? To me it seems like they'd be pretty low.
They have a natural unarmed damage boost as per most FF games with monks. Also as they level up the hit no. goes up like crazy... and with haste that number is doubled. Not to mention what happens when you start spamming steel on warriors/monks(hint: there is no 9999 damage cap).

Are you serious?! You must be talking about the original... I've only played the Dawn of Souls remake, and I've never seen anything higher than 9999 points of damage.
No, I'm pretty sure I used the dawn of souls version; steel boost strength by 15 each time, infinitely stackable(well at least until 255 anyways). Use that to max STR on a Warrior(Knight) with an Ultima Weapon and you'll be dealing 15000+ damage.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #67 on: June 16, 2008, 09:35:47 am »
No, I'm pretty sure I used the dawn of souls version; steel boost strength by 15 each time, infinitely stackable(well at least until 255 anyways). Use that to max STR on a Warrior(Knight) with an Ultima Weapon and you'll be dealing 15000+ damage.

Hot Damn. You've done the job of keeping me busy today... Time to go dig out my GBA.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #68 on: June 16, 2008, 07:18:27 pm »
No, I'm pretty sure I used the dawn of souls version; steel boost strength by 15 each time, infinitely stackable(well at least until 255 anyways). Use that to max STR on a Warrior(Knight) with an Ultima Weapon and you'll be dealing 15000+ damage.

Hot Damn. You've done the job of keeping me busy today... Time to go dig out my GBA.
Seconded.  Talking about Dawn of Souls has made me want to bring out the old girl.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #69 on: June 16, 2008, 10:51:37 pm »
Don't forget, though, in order to deal the 'higher' end damage, you'll need a higher hit count which means higher levels...


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #70 on: June 16, 2008, 10:53:21 pm »
That's just fantastic.. I've maxed out my Knight and Ninja, first has the Ultima Weapon, second has the Masamune. Still not getting any higher than 9999


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #71 on: June 16, 2008, 11:01:19 pm »
To quote the magic FAQ by transience

Temper (sutorai)

MP: 8
Where: Provoka
Price: 250
Class: Black Mage, Black Wizard, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Description: Believe it or not, this might be the single most
important spell in the game. Steel increases your attack by
like 14 points and can be stacked over and over. I've taken
a knight and made him hit for over 4,000 damage using this.
Then I got curious and got a Red Mage over 10,000. Absolutely
essential for fighting soul of chaos bosses.

Edit: apparently it raises STR by 14, oh well...


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #72 on: June 16, 2008, 11:07:59 pm »
I've got the 8-bit theater group, 4 monks, and 4 white mages as my three save files on Dawn of Souls.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #73 on: June 17, 2008, 09:02:23 am »
I always liked Magus, but never was I a fan boy by any means. People really like Magus because he is a man who stands alone amongst the many in Chrono Trigger. He probably has the most unique characteristics, story, etc. Maybe I'm stretching it a bit, but I can't be too far off!

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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #74 on: June 17, 2008, 09:12:57 am »
I think part of the appeal concerning Magus is that out of all the Chrono Trigger characters, Magus seems to have the most story behind the character.  I mean, compare what we know about Magus and what we know about Crono.  Also, Magus has this badassity/tragic character components that we, as humans, seem to find so attractive and appealing.