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Is Magus really all that cool?

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I'm really getting tired of everyone saying that magus is the best character in either of the Chrono games.

I'm really getting tired of how out of every 5 CT fanfics I read, at least 3 center around him.

Am I really the only one who isn't freaking obsessed with Magus? I mean, come on! Sure, he's cool and all, and he's Schala's little brother, but in the end he's just BORING. He has very little Personal Development, and he always acts all stuck up, like he's better than everyone else.



You were saying?  :P

The thing that makes Magus so awesome is his story. It gives him so much room for development -- he's such a stick-in-the-mud, and he's guilty of murdering Cyrus. He's got weird emotional baggage. There's just so many directions to go in when you're writing a storyline involving Magus, or creating some other Magus-centric work of art.

If "Chrono Cross: The Darkness Beyond Time" comes to fruition, I'm going to heavily lobby for a scenario in which Magus-turned-Magil has to come to terms with who he was in Chrono Trigger. The sheer awesomeness of such a scenario may be precisely why Kato made the decision not to include Magus in Chrono Cross in the first place -- just too much territory and character development to cover in a game that has to explain so much else.

just as Faustwolf said, what makes magus amazing is his story. he's no villain and hero, he's an anti-hero who's not afraid to say, loud and clear "I care NOTHING for this world, I want to be all powerful for what I want, which by accident might be of some use to you, and who stops me will be crushed".

plus, his redemption from an arch-enemy (the events in CT) to an unlikely ally... it is legend. they say war makes strange bedfellows, even stranger if they have red eyes and can annhilate entire armies with a spell.

of course, de gustibus non disputandum est. but magus is loved by many because of all this, and much more. the image posted by FaustWolf is pretty much explanative.

and BTW, he IS better than anyone else XD IMHO, of course. certainly more powerful than anyone else, with the possible exception of Lavos (in his ultimate stage) and some other creatures.

Well on a non-biased stand point you can't deny that he could have a sequel to trigger about him. If you didn't defeat him with Frog/Glenn you could easily have had a sequel with him looking for schala instead of the Cross characters.

He has the most Character Development out of Crono & Co. easily. I'd say his hair is more cerulean or turquoise blue than purple...He also happens to be one of the only characters that has close ties to an actual family besides, what? Crono's mom & Marle's dad (OMG! I smell hentai pairing!)? He's an ass, but it's easy to relate to WHY and what he's doing.

No father figure, insane mother, and people talking about how his sister's the big magic powerhouse of the family while he doesn't seem to have a speck in him...I mean, c'mon, he was torn from the only person that actually liked him and thrown into a war-torn nation where there are a bunch of freaky monsters that surround him...how's he not gonna be a little fucked up about all that? He's also a heavily revenge-based character, which is always fun. He was willing to do whatever it took to reach his goals. I think there's something inspiring about what he was able to accomplish. The pure strength of will to continue on for all of those years. Revenge honed to a terrible point, assuredly.

Magus isn't really the best character in the game, but when you first get him he is gonna be the most powerful Magically...Plus, his Techs are some of the coolest looking (& sounding!)...and he's got the most powerful all-targeting Magic Triple Tech: Omega Flare.

He just has the best quotes in the game! He's like Ash in Army of Darkness, he's got so many great lines!

--- Quote from: Magus ---The black wind begins to blow…
Alright give me your best shot… if you’re prepared for the void!
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Magus ---Say, can you hear that? It's the sound of the Reaper!
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Magus ---Idiots...nothing can live forever.
Zeal...a pitiful woman, duped by Lavos!
I, myself, will bring an end to all this!
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Magus ---If history is to change, let it change! If the world is to be destroyed, so be it!
If my fate is to be destroyed, then I must simply laugh.
I'm coming, Lavos!
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Magus ---Idiot! Have you forgotten our trip to 600 AD?
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Magus ---There's a letter here. Shall we burn it?
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Magus ---The past is dead.
It was all just a dream...
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Magus ---So... since the dawn of time, it has slept underground, controlling evolution on this world for his own purpose...
We were created to be harvested. All people...... and all living things...
......It's over for you... Your life ends here!
--- End quote ---

I don't think it's canon to have defeated him on the Cape...especially after RD & his mention, albeit small & overly vague, in CC by Lucca...


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