Author Topic: Some Chrono Music Remakes...  (Read 1351 times)


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Some Chrono Music Remakes...
« on: April 10, 2008, 04:46:11 am »
I've been working a lot of hours lately, and nights have been slow.  So in my spare time I started messing around with a few tracks from Chrono Trigger and Cross.  Three weeks of sporadic work later, I've remade seven songs, and I thought I'd share:

These are remakes, not remixes.  They're near identical to the game tracks, except for instrumentation (in some cases).  And I am by no means good at this--this was simply a fun thing to do in my spare time, borne out of the love of all things Chrono.  :)

Here are the songs:

1- Girl Who Stole the Stars
2- Manoria Cathedral
3- Manoria Cathedral (performed by a flute choir)
4- Manoria Cathedral (on piano)
5- Corridors of Time
6- Corridors of Time (with choir)
7- Frog's Theme

Most of the flute you hear is performed by me, with the exception of a few low-pitch notes in the flute choir and the beginning of "Frog's Theme" (hey, even after 13 years of playing flute those triplets are hard to play and stay perfectly in tune).  Personally, I really like "Girl Who Stole the Stars" and "Corridors of Time" (without the choir) best of all the ones I did.

So, how are they?  Good?  Bad?  Should I run away from music and never return?   :D


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Re: Some Chrono Music Remakes...
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2008, 12:59:13 am »
Hi rushing wind, I really like Girl who stole the stars.
Music is my main hobby and I'm pretty skilled in recording and mixing.
I think your music is beautiful and you are skilled in music.
If you keep practicing - mixing the songs at different levels - I think you could make large improvements in the sound.  I don't know what you're using to make these, but there are tips for making your own music on the net that you should look at.
I think you've done a good job here, follow your heart rushing wind. :)


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Re: Some Chrono Music Remakes...
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2008, 01:16:44 am »
Thank you, Rickets!  :)  I used Finale Notepad to compose the notes, and various soundfonts to make the instrument sounds.  I performed the flute myself (13 years of band, orchestra, and marching band, heh). 

The flute choir piece was something I'd envisioned for many years, even as short as it is.  Somewhere around my house there is a floppy disk with a total remix of that song, adding a nice little bridge and performed completely with flute.  Maybe I'll get around to finishing it one day.  :)

"Girl Who Stole the Stars" and "Corridors of Time" (without the choir, that is), IMO, turned out the best of them all.   "Frog's Theme" didn't really turn out how I'd wanted it to sound, though.  *sigh* 


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Re: Some Chrono Music Remakes...
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2008, 02:27:49 am »
Thats some great work you did there. "Girl Who Stole the Stars" and "Corridors of Time (W/choir)" were the best of then I felt. The other instruments seemed to over power the flute in Frog's Theme, so it felt separated. make sense?

I hope you don't mind me saying but this makes you vary attractive. :wink:


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Re: Some Chrono Music Remakes...
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2008, 05:22:18 am »
Thats some great work you did there. "Girl Who Stole the Stars" and "Corridors of Time (W/choir)" were the best of then I felt. The other instruments seemed to over power the flute in Frog's Theme, so it felt separated. make sense?

Thank you!  Yeah, Frog's Theme didn't turn out like I wanted it to at all, but I still included it anyway.  It felt kind of...midi-ish, if you know what I mean.  And as for Corridors of Time, I loved using the voice samples, as if the choir was singing of the glory of Zeal itself...

Err...that is...Heh, I get a little carried away sometimes...  :)

I personally really liked Corridors of Time without the choir, using the opera singer's voice instead of the full choir.  It seemed more delicate and subdued...more like a dreamy lullaby.  Maybe more like an Enhasan version of the song?  (Hmm...I do get a little carried away, don't I?)

I might do a few more songs in the future, should spare time present itself.  Spring and summer are usually very busy where I work, so I don't expect spare time to be plentiful in the foreseeable future. 

I hope you don't mind me saying but this makes you vary attractive. :wink:

LOL.  Nah, I don't mind, but my boyfriend probably would.   :D

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Re: Some Chrono Music Remakes...
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2008, 10:55:55 am »
wait.  is that "schala" avatar really you?


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Re: Some Chrono Music Remakes...
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2008, 02:45:21 pm »
Yea, that Frog's Theme felt as if somebody was honking there car horn to the beat. I know what you meant by midi-ish for sure.

The rest were excellent. I enjoyed all the rest of the songs very much.

When I kept hearing the choir part of Corridors of Time I couldn't help but think of another remix somebody made. I have the mp3 on my compy, but I'll just link the ytmnd that it came from.

Disregard the url. People on this site rarely ever use a url that corresponds with what their site is about lol.

Obviously a different style than your song, but to me the choir parts felt the same. Or at least very similar.


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Re: Some Chrono Music Remakes...
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2008, 04:33:36 am »
wait.  is that "schala" avatar really you?

Nope!  (I wish, though!  :))  The picture was originally supposed to be a digital model I started making in Maya and abandoned.  Then a little over a year ago (having recently played Chrono Cross) I decided to continue it as a digital painting instead.  Using both the original model for reference and the Maya model as the foundation, I finished it using a tablet and photoshop's tools. 

Here's a link to a bigger version of it:,4558.0.html

I keep telling myself I'll go back and fix the problems in it one day, and maybe even finish the 3d model I'd planned to make, but I work about 13 hours a day, every day (at least until the middle of May, when I'll drop back down to 8 a day).  I just don't have access to the right software where I work (as opposed to sound mixing software, which I use at work frequently).

Yea, that Frog's Theme felt as if somebody was honking there car horn to the beat. I know what you meant by midi-ish for sure.

The rest were excellent. I enjoyed all the rest of the songs very much.

When I kept hearing the choir part of Corridors of Time I couldn't help but think of another remix somebody made. I have the mp3 on my compy, but I'll just link the ytmnd that it came from.

Disregard the url. People on this site rarely ever use a url that corresponds with what their site is about lol.

Obviously a different style than your song, but to me the choir parts felt the same. Or at least very similar.

Thank you for your kind words!  And yes, I really agree about Frog's Theme.  I may go back and work on it in the future, should I have the time.  And wow, that's a great remix of Corridors of Time!  I've never heard it before, but I see what you mean about the choir parts!  It's very, very possible that the two of us used the same voice samples to make the songs!  I don't think the choir parts were exactly the same, though, as his remix used mostly higher voices on the main choir lines with less notes, while mine used lower voices to emphasize more notes in the chords (at least, I hope that was the effect!).   :)   

Again, thank you all for your kind words.  :)


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Re: Some Chrono Music Remakes...
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2008, 12:28:50 pm »
Not bad remakes at all. Good to hear remakes like these.

Edit: haha, forgot to finish my comment XD
« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 12:04:31 pm by Shinrin »


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Re: Some Chrono Music Remakes...
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2008, 04:10:16 am »
I really like the choirs. well done :D