I encountered more problems with pSX. The latest version crashed several times on my computer.
Hopefully they can be corrected sending emails to pSX Author.

He has corrected many bugs in WIP 1.14, and also added several new interesting features, like video+audio recording.
It also cannot read Alcohol disc images like it says it can.
Alcohol images are simple BIN isos renamed to MSF. You can still boot them using a proper cue sheet.
I never was able to get it to play Parasite Eve II, even from the CD drive.
Does it work using an ISO?
I've never encountered any significant bugs using ePSXe. While it could be easier to configure, it always runs rock-solid on my computers.
I did find many, especially when it comes to code hacking.

Tales of Phantasia uses a small protection with some menu overlay, which is NOT detected by ePSXe at all, while all the other emulators do. I even found a small math error, but I can't really remember what that was anymore. Also, many not popular games have no hacks included in ePSXe core, so they won't run at all or freeze/crash in particular situations. ._.
You must not set them up properly because the difference is night and day. Its like saying Quake doesn't look any better in 1600x1200 than in 320x240. I also use full screen anti-aliasing, though I am as yet unconvinced of its benefits. Texture smoothing seems to work well, though its not desirable for all games.
I do actually know how to set them properly, but they are not efficient enough, no matter how you set them. Some games lag like hell when particular effects are active (example the infested Invincible in Chrono Cross, with the fog effect on the back, you get like 5-6 fps with 2x anti aliasing), not to mention all the "flickering" polygons. I have no clue why they tremble that much almost in any occasion. Try comparing FFVII under emulator vs FFVII PC: you get a much better result with FFVII PC, especially in battle.