Author Topic: Any Metroid fans here? If so, awesome-looking fan remake of Metroid II inside!  (Read 12611 times)


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Yeah I saw that. The controls are a bit screwy though. But metroid pwns halo..... Gonna get fanboys busting me for that one.

You fag! lol jk Halo sucks after a while, all about CoD4 :P


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Give me Unreal Tournament any day...

Metroid is a unique shooter/platformer genre and that's how it should stay! :P jk, I haven't really played any Prime, so I don't really have an opinion.


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I'm also a metroid fan. but Super metroid and the prime series are the best. unfair to a fair degree :D


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Well I am not getting a Wii, but I really want to play Prime 3 with it because... I want to have the gun in my hand damnit.

It looks awsome, but it won't ever happen.

Sadly it looks like a 360 is what I am getting this Christmas!

Also, gonna have to get Halo and I am going to have to find out how to get UMK3 on Live Arcade.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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let me just tell you...

metroid prime 3 was AMAZING.  GENIUS.  NEAR PERFECTION.


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you tried it? damn, not having the wii will kill me soon or later


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Quote from: Dark_Ansem
I'm also a metroid fan. but Super metroid and the prime series are the best.

While I agree that Super Metroid was a great achievement for the series and was fun...I can't help but disagree! I mean, the Return of Samus was just plain much more challenging...the evolved Metroid forms are the best bosses in the series bar none.


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Boo I heard it was amzing. I wanted a Gamecube for 2 years after going to walmart one day and checking the preview system out and it had prime 1 playable and it was absolutely amazing gamplay wise and graphically to.


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Hah! Can't believe this thread is a decade old! And funny that the project really did get a DMCA (not a C&D). Though, thankfully, only after the game was actually completed and in the wild (WITH the source-code, apparently; thank god for opensource culture).

I managed to get it working on my Ubuntu system, with some fellows somewhere finding a way to get it to work in it. Had to get AntiMicro to have it work with my joypad, but otherwise it runs like Usain Bolt.

If anybody hasn't had the chance to play it, I highly recommend it (whether or not you've ever played Zero Mission, before it). The map system isn't as categorized as Zero Mission, but it still offers even more non-linearity than Zero Mission ever did, and I just freaking loved exploring this world and committing mass-genocide on alien species like I'm some Literally Hitler.

It's hard. It's fun. Through and through. I've played other Metroidvania games, like Axiom Verge, and as much as I love them, there's just nothing like a good old Metroid game.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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I played it, too!

I played the 1.0 version. He pushed out an updated version later, which I picked up, but have to play.

Speaking of... rumors going into E3 2018 is that Metroid Prime 4 will be shown! Woohoo!

Lord J Esq

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Long live Metroid! ^_^

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Riiiight?! What did ya'll think of the Prime series? Like/dislike? Obviously it changed up the formula to a large degree.

Lord J Esq

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Riiiight?! What did ya'll think of the Prime series? Like/dislike? Obviously it changed up the formula to a large degree.

Not a fan, but I'm not gonna harsh anyone who loves 'em. They're great games, just not my games.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Ya see, I'm probably more flexible since it was my second Metroid game and I wasn't locked into the concept. I played Metroid Fusion first, then Prime 1, Prime 2, then went back to the first and second games (Metroid and Super Metroid, respectfully), then finally Prime 3.

I actually think it did a good job taking the 2D Metroid concept and spun it into 3D. The same sense of backtracking, supply hunting (gotta get all those energy tanks and missile expansions!), and upgrades. One of my favorite things about the Metroid series is the pursuit of new suits - it's always exciting to see how the next one will look visually different.

I thought Metroid Prime was solid, although it still lacked the oomph and speed I expect of Metroid, but it got the rest right. I needed the Speed Booster dash, and the Screw Attack, both of which were missing. I do think it paved the way for the transition to 3D, though, and they did as good of a job as it could be done in taking such vastly different gameplay directions.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes finally added in those missing speed elements, but I hated the confines of the dark/light resource management. The visuals were stunning, though. The moth-like Luminoth, and the game has arguably my favorite suits of the entire series:

I did hate the Dark Samus character, though. The whole Phazon clone thingy was sort of, I dunno, contrived and unoriginal feeling?

Which brings us to Metroid Prime 3. I felt this was the strongest of the series, not just because of improved graphics on the Wii, but the Wii-mote gimmicks worked REALLY well with the series from an immersion standpoint. I also thought the story was strongest, as I cared about the other bounty hunters and the rogue Aurora units. I also loved the fact that I could explore multiple planets and take on Phazon Leviathans.

Suffice to say, Metroid: Other M was a letdown after the Prime series. Samus works best as a more silent protagonist hardass archetype than she does a pensive, emo soldier-brat. I do like that the studio tried to merge the 2D and 3D interpretations, though. It just wasn't executed very well, to be honest.

So I'm hopeful for Metroid Prime 4. I'd like to think with modern graphics and FPS gameplay innovations that they can hit it out of the park. I'm also quite curious about what happens next due to the bonus ending of Prime 3. :)

Lord J Esq

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I generally agree with you (including your thoughts on Other M), though I've heard some people whose opinion I respect make a strong case for Prime 1 (rather than Prime 3) being the best entry in the trilogy.

I have high hopes that the next major Metroid installment will be an improvement. Nevertheless, I have long since transferred my hopes for Samus into my own IP: a Star Trek / Metroid ripoff series! ^_^