So any thoughts? I can either start coding the reptite chapter or do some more debugging.
Only problem is though some bugs have been added (thanks!) there's not THAT many i'd like to get a long list and just go through and demolish them.
I know Zeality is playing through righ tnow so maybe he can comment on if he has some Zeality Style critiquing or the actual text we will use in the game.
We can also start actually adding the battles/tweaking enemy stats.
I'd like to do more spritework but my attempts at getting a spriter failed....
Hm....I'll make a list of what we can do and see if I can add another poll:
1) Reptite Chapters, these are the final three chapters in the game. Alot of rooms and maps are spread throughout the rom such as Terra Tower, the reptite factory and various NPC homes. However, Chrono 99 said that the plot has changed and I'm not sure what exactly is different.
2) Start doing the enemies. We'd need to pick a level we want the user to be and just tweak enemies so they are hard at that level. Problem is w/o the reptite levels we have to sort of guess what levels the player is after those chapters.
3) Debug more. There's a list of bugs on the wiki but not much.
4) Make current dungeons longer. Eventually I plan on just going through the "unused maps" and lengthening any dungeon that seems to short. I would greatly prefer a dediated mapper for this. My dungeons are well....bad...and bland. (Nightmare I know your busy right now I totally understand, i myself took a year off the project).
5) Spritework: I can't do it i honestly try but even after I figure out how to do basic stuff (which takes to long as it is and involves asking alot of questions so that I feel annoying) it comes out bad. We need to somehow get a good spriter in here to just do basic things like...give the imp horns or something so that it has a nice "fresh" feel to it.
There's more stuff to do's really hard and we should do simpler stuff first (we need to conquer enemy AI and I'd like to add some new techs...)