Well, I went to the London raid armed with a camera... and a brother a.k.a. the Troll.
We arrived at Queen Victoria Street about 45 minutes late (11:45), but everyone was still there. I mainly took photos and videos. After a bit the Troll got hungry, so we finally found a Starbucks (or was it a Costa) and he had a brownie and coke. We started heading back to Queen Victoria Street but saw some Anonymous heading for Tottenham Court road, so we followed. I handed out some flyers and after walking for probably an hour (including past Trafalgar Square and the Chinese New Year celebrations), we finally reached our destination.
After the I accompanied the Troll to MacDonalds, I started handing out more flyers, then an anonymous suggested I rip a Scientology leaflet in front of our crowd. The first time I was probably the first to do it, then the second time I got the troll to video me and some people snapshotted me. A police officer pretty much said he'd arrest me if I went in front of the recruitment centre again. After that, we came back home.
Between the two... 'ripping's, I handed out more fliers. By the time we left, I'd taken about 100 photos and/or videos and I'd estimate I handed out about 175 flyers. And probably nearly got stabbed by a self-styled schizo. All-in-all, a success.