Brain dump here for now:
The LoadAnimation command has three variations of course, 06 xx, 03 xx and 02 xx. At least those are the only ones I've seen. Here's what each one does:
06: Static first frame of the animation
03: Plays the entire animation before moving on with the tech
02: Plays the entire animation while moving on with the tech
So let's say we have a command that makes Frog move toward the enemy and we want Frog to do a critical hit animation while he's doing that. 06 is the incorrect command because it'll just be Frog moving toward the enemy frozen in his first attack animation frame. Likewise, 03 is incorrect because Frog will do his entire attack animation, then move toward the enemy (I think he might remain frozen in the last animation frame, not sure). 02 is the one we want, and made for a kickass Nirvana Strike technique.
Speaking of Frog animations:
30: Some kind of attack, but one frame and not very useful
31: Normal attack (overhead sword swing)
32: Critical upper
33: Landing
34: Tongue toss
35: Sideswipe (I think it might be just one frame though, not sure)
36: Standing - North
37: Standing - South
38: Leap slash airborne strike (down)
3E: Surprised (I think...)
3F: Raise sword straight overhead -- like Liono.
40: Sword sparkles while raised overhead (a continuation of 3F in techs like "Leap Slash")
There's an unknown routine in Ayla's Triple Kick consisting of the bytes 10 02 11. This is surprisingly a LoadAnimation02 command sandwiched between two animations! At least that's how it was behaving for me. This determines what Ayla does while standing and her sprite gets copied.
One final random fact: to make a tech self-targeting only, change the targeting bytes to 0200. If I had to make a wild guess, I'd say the first byte in the targeting set determine where the cursor can go, and it cycles through a finite number of possibilities. Meaning that if there are 5 possibilities, 00 and 05 will give you the exact same result. I haven't investigated that thoroughly though. Also, making a tech self-targeting has the unfortunate effect of causing the caster to face upward, because the game engine is trying to make the sprite face itself basically.