For what it's worth, it looks like rewriting the tools in C# ought to be much more useful, though I may need a small amount of help writing model export/import functionality. Luminaire, do you have any C# experience, or is it just Python?
I don't know C#, but I know C++ very well (and Python kinda well now, of course).
How about French?
I'm in the process (very slow, for two reasons - one, my abysmal French, and two, their... uh,
peculiar programming practices - seriously, messy globals all over the place, other oddities, written entirely in regular C...) of translating the TT tools to English and C#, and at the rate I'm going at at present, I might have a working version sometime around the end of the year.
If you feel up to trying to follow how I write code and/or learning C# (it really isn't that different from C++, aside from a few things that basically produce "safer" code), I'll see about making sure my home SVN server is functional and put the code in there. (Actually, that goes for anyone - anyone interested in either learning C# and applying it, or who already knows C#, or who knows French and has done some programming before, lemme know.)
Oh, and BTW - once we have this version of the tools written up into a usable state, the next step is to give it an actual user interface, rather than making people resort to
just command-line stuff. The obvious conclusion of this is a full CC editor, but that'll require finding out what, if any, data is hard-coded in the engine itself...