Author Topic: Retranslation Thread List  (Read 9548 times)


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Retranslation Thread List
« on: October 20, 2007, 04:26:36 pm »
I've decided to make a list of some of the threads about the Retranslation. (Locked)
Board II
GSCentral - I've removed this for now because it linked to a pre-patched rom.
Chrono Crisis
Chrono Shock
Select-button - Pointless fan translations (goes off the topic of CT a lot)
Flying Omeltte
NDS Brasil Fórum

More later...
« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 08:29:20 pm by Vehek »


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2007, 11:48:11 am »
Most of those threads on those forums are bashing how the translation is to literal and hell one is making fun of it, if not two.


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2007, 07:34:25 pm »
When reading CT retranslation threads I've found, I really get grated by people with the attitude of "Any translation with honorifics is a horrible translation."
I found some of the more mean ones (besides VGmix) by looking up Kwhazit's name.


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2007, 02:37:45 am »
I started a more constructive comparison at Gamefaqs, newly not banned account and all, and I think it is worth taking a look.

Seriously, for anyone that cares, no, the hting isn't perfect, but for those kidding themselves into believing TW's hack job is anything special are honestly a bunch of idiots. I mean, come on, his translation sucks. Thsi one has problems but much of what I wanted is back in.

Problems and comparisons are noted on the site.

One such is the chapter Appeared: the legendary hero. ??????? Why would you use this form. I mean, good god, there is being literal and just being a bit too literal. And you are choosing words, it is not like you can't be literal and choose something a heck of a lot better than that, which, he did most of the time.

Translations are usually bad or maligned because the translator hasn't mastered the ENGLISH language.

So maybe in another patch. Fix that title. And maybe give an option to leave out the honorifics.

Otherwise, much of this is better, I prove this at gamefaqs with many comparisons. Some of it is a bit worse.

ROBO is much better for one, and much more believable as a robot. All the punks are just looking to be negative, and as such, they should be treated with disdain to discredit, their opinions are baseless; they are comedians and that is all.

I for one think TW's script is so bad in places I can't, and never have played through the game. First time as we speak.


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2007, 03:39:23 am »
I really don't think Ted Woolsey did that bad of a job, A lot was Changed to A) make sense and flow Sometime that not easy when translating B)Taken out due to censorship not by him but Nintendo. I don't think he deserves that kind of bashing.


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2007, 07:42:26 am »
Yes, indeed, his translation is terrible.

Example. If you were to compare translations of Dostoevsky's C&P woolsey would be maligned a s one of the worst americanized versions available. I know very limited japanes, but from looking at this new trans and comparing things, woolsey changed WAY too much.

I am sorry, but this new translation isn't exactly Richard Pevear's award winning C&P, but it is surely a lot more close than before.

Seriously, Woolsey is so americanized it makes me sick, it's not just americanized, it is blatantly simple and obstructive of the true meaning of the ******* TEXT!

I have been reading the forums and I cannot simply believe some of these people.

I don't exactly like honorifics but CHRIST, do you have to talk like you are twelve lacing into K for his new translation when you haven't even read IT!

TALK about american DUMB*****!

I won't even start, though, read the whole entire script and you come and tell me that TW did a better job.

And if you do, GO back and read your harry potter and believe that it's well written literature. I won't argue.

And for the record, TW does not even approach harry potter.

I came into this unbiased, not even have played this game.

Recently got my mac set up and am now using etymotic headphones and 1920x1200 screen.

I found the patch, being a poet and interested in the translation fiasco's of literature decided to compare as best I could.

IT was honestly like reading DOSTO's old american volumes and then reading the new translations, maybe not quite as professional.

Still, those old american volumes of high school lore suck big balls. EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT, and the english word choices are vivid at best, tiring most of the time.

As far as the censorship and all the rest of the wagon, I hve no idea how the NA audience tries to play this script off like it is FF12 or something.

It's not, not even close. Not even in the same ocean as far as I am concerned and this new script more than just accurately, restores meaning and mysticism to the words.


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2007, 07:47:19 am »
I understand he had limits.

Choosing guru instead of another better word, things like that are not excusable. It makes any text with that name just seem ridiculously childish and inane. Just read the comparisons. Thank the lord Philosopher's stone replaced. MUCH BETTER

Not saying this new stuff is the best, but when you understand 'sama' you start to look into the things that matter.

People are saying that this is a literal literal trans

 it is NOT! They did choose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP BEING BELLIGERENT FANBOYS AND THINK FOR YOURSELF  (directed to those disgusting forums)


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2007, 10:29:55 pm »
The only example you used Was The Guru Translation which benighted my point not yours.

You keep suggesting that we aren't thinking for ourselves, I think you are the one not being independent.

You Just like many many people find that to get your point across you must tear down the other side. What kind of strategy is that? That does make your idea any better.

And why must you have a line-break

every line.

Its annoying.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2007, 03:37:23 pm »
discussion on gamefaqs where people actually can be kept in check

many more comparisons there

line break


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2007, 03:38:27 pm »
more like tearing down everything to get ANY point across


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2007, 07:09:43 pm »
Stop arguing here. As thread creator, I'm locking this.


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2007, 04:09:40 am »
Okay, I think they've cooled down now.

WTF? People still whining about CTR?

Whoever the hell "Jeremy Parish" is, he doesn't like the project. I'm about to listen to what's likely to be a nerd rage rant by a probable Cross-hating fanboy who cannot conceive of anyone tarnishing the nostalgic image of Chrono Trigger. It's in the second part.

Edit: Someone listen to it for me; I'm uploading too much stuff at the moment.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2007, 04:11:51 am by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2007, 04:55:50 am »
I haven't listened to the whole thing, but at one part, the guy accused us of "not getting the point of localization"

Here's an incomplete transcript I'm making. I'm horrible at distinguishing between the two guys' voices.
Girl: Just lots of little things that they throw in that make it so good.
Guy: I think the localization helps a lot too. There's been the Chrono Trigger retranslation project.
Guy2: I've heard about that.
Guy?: Those guys can die in a fire.
Guy?: Chrono Trigger has a fantastic localization for the time. It's not excessive and over-the-top like, say, Working Designs games at the time, but it gives every character a great sense of personality, it really defines everyone; I mean, it's a pretty simple game with, you know, basic character stereotypes, I mean, everyone's playing to type, but there's a lot of humor in the writing; everything's very concise.
Other guy: Uh-huh.
Guy: It, like really fits the tone perfectly, gets across a lot of the jokes, which, you know, translating from Japanese, you know, can kind of be difficult. Like you have the three henchmen from Magus, who were named in Japanese, Soy Sauce, Mayone, and Vinegar, which is...very Japanese; they love naming characters after food, but in English, it's like ok, stupid. So, instead, Ted Woolsey, the translator, named them after famous rock stars, guitarists, so you have Ozzie, Flea, and Slash, and, uh, someone in the game comments how he's heard about them, and they're tone-deaf evil fiends. Just little things like that, it's really funny and it's really effective localization and the fact that someone felt the need to go back and re-translate the game so that people are referring to Magus as 'Magus-sama', talk about
Guy: Not even that, but just literally translating every single thing perfectly from the Japanese so that it doesn't even make any sense anymore, like seriously, like taking katakana words and just putting them in roman characters, and right that's a good thing(?)
Girl: That doesn't make any sense. Translation is like, carrying over the general, I guess-
Guy: The spirit of the thing.
Girl: Yeah , the spirit
Girl: Not literal.
Guy?: Exactly. That's a conceptual problem where someone doesn't get the notion of localization. I mean, if they were to go back and re-translate Chrono Trigger today, they would do it differently just because they have all the space; they wouldn't have to be cutting things out and compressing it.
Other Guy: Well, I think Final Fantasy 6 Advance is a good example of how they do it.
Guy??: Very much, with VI advance, they really kept the tone of the game, they kept the spirit of the original localization, they kept entire chunks of text, but at the same time, they expanded on it and gave it more depth and so when you play the VI Advance version, you get a better feel of, you know, the sheer immensity of the story, but at the same time you don't lose the personalities, you don't lose the character quirks. And they still kept true to a lot of things like Cyan and saying 'thou'.
Other guy: Right, right. And important lines of remembrance like that, but Chrono Trigger Retranslation Project misses the point. I'm sorry, they don't need to die in the fire, they can just get horribly burned
Guy: No, they could be mutilated a little.
Guy2: Yeah.
I've stopped so far around 49:00. That's pretty much it for the re-translation part, except for a little bit at the end I haven't put in yet.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2007, 03:45:16 pm by Vehek »


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2007, 05:03:29 am »
Ooh, goody. Seems like someone didn't read ANYTHING on the Retranslation page. We can fire a counter-shot.


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Re: Retranslation Thread List
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2007, 01:41:17 pm »
I've added more to my transcript, and it just gets worse! (Everything after "in English, it's like ok, stupid." is new)

Edit-Except for a few gaps, I'm pretty much done transcribing the talk about the re-translation.

In another part, they say they'd want a game in a new world with the exact same system as CT over a "real sequel".
« Last Edit: November 22, 2007, 03:46:19 pm by Vehek »