Author Topic: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine  (Read 3796 times)


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Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« on: February 18, 2009, 01:22:03 pm »
This almost isn't significant enough to merit its own topic, but there didn't seem to be a FF topic in which this wouldn't be a non sequitur.

It seems to be a popular theory that the Mammon Machine contained the Frozen Flame. However, in examining the matter, it appears to be fairly clear that this cannot be the case, as proven by the simple fact that Chronopolis has the Frozen Flame.

There are two facts to consider that would seemingly prevent the FF from being part of the Mammon Machine.

First and foremost is Chronopolis. It finds the Frozen Flame, but if the FF was in the Mammon Machine, then it would have also been in the ruins of the Ocean Palace. We have already seen, via the Sun Palace, that Zealean artifacts are quite durable. Thus, in discovering the Frozen Flame, it would seem that Chronopolis would have had to dig through Zealean artifacts. However, individuals in Chronopolis still claim that there is no evidence that such a civilization ever existed. An archeological find along the lines of the Ocean Palace would have certainly removed beyond a doubt that such a place existed.


Quote from: Dialogue in Chronopolis
   I've heard that the Time Egg
   already existed during the
   legendary, ancient dynasty.
   We shouldn't have to rely
   on theories from an ancient
   civilization that may not
   have even existed.
   We can do this.

Second, the FF can't be in the Mammon Machine because Chronopolis has it. If the FF had been in the MM, we then have a problem; the Machine was sent, along with Schala, into the DBT. It wouldn't have existed in the world for Chronopolis to have found.

Quote from: Lucca
   The true beginning was during
   the destruction of the ancient
   Kingdom of Zeal!
   As the palace collapsed around
   her, Princess Schala was sucked
   into a dimensional vortex along
   with the Lavos Mammon Machine.

Is there any way to circumvent this evidence in order to maintain that the FF is, in fact, in the MM?


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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2009, 01:25:00 pm »
  • 1. The Red Knife was also presumably present at the Ocean Palace or in a laboratory of Zeal, and it managed to find its way topside. We have a basis for the Masamune floating of its own volition, and since the Frozen Flame is an indisputably more powerful and special object, we have creative license for that, too.
  • 2. Current theory says the Mammon Machine was "spit out" of the DBT, since its ruin appears in the Black Omen. Depending on if Queen Zeal did anything with the Frozen Flame after the Black Omen's creation, we can get around point one in a different way, too. The destruction of the Black Omen would leave the Frozen Flame to sink to the seafloor, independent of a ruin.


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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2009, 01:58:03 pm »
The Masamune may well have moved on its own volition, even if it was present in the original timeline in the Ocean Place. We see that Masa and Mune are able to move it (such as when it powers up at Cyrus' grave), and we see that the Pendant is also capable of locomotion. The same can't be said of the Mammon Machine. However, if those dreamstone objects could move, I suppose the Mammom Machine could as well, which might explain how the FF would have gotten outside the Ocean Palace ruins (but that would then require the MM to also disgorge the FF, so it couldn't be found inside that lovely artifact which would have merited mention and study).

While the FF is a powerful artifact, other than opening itself, there is no evidence to suggest it is capable of movement. Indeed, the fact that is stayed locked in Chronopolis for several thousand years, and later it is left on Terra Tower, seems to indicate it relies on the kindness of strangers. It would seem that the masamune (and possibly the pendant) are capable of motion because of the dream creatures that inhabit it; the FF lacks such special circumstances.

Of course, the evidence linking the Red Knife to the Ocean Palace on the original timeline is merely that we see that the Red Knife is different than the Masamune. If it had to be powered up in the CT timeline, one would assume a similar level of powering up in the original timeline. However, I would argue that the Red Knife would not have been used against the Mammom Machine in the original timeline for the simple reason of that reeks of predetermination, which the games appear to not be in favor of. Also, in the flashbacks, the Mammon Machine seems to be whole and lacking those wonderful lightning effects that occur when the red knife is thrust into it. And if the Red Knife was present in the original timeline, and the Red Knife (like in the CT timeline) came before and potentially caused Lavos to awaken, why did Magus leave it with Melchior?

Which is all a fancy way of saying that the Masamune/Red Knife probably wasn't in the Ocean Palace.

Though as a counterpoint, the MM being sent to the DBT has always been incredibly random with no good reason presented; the games are quite capable of doing things that don't make much sense.

As for the destruction of the Black Omen, being in the center of a debris field is hardly better than being inside of a ruin, though it would at least then be possible to discover it without the husk of the ocean palace getting in the way.

But for the MM being spat back out? That is really stretching things. It would be easier to say that Schala was still around at that point and the MM was sucked into the vortex along with her after the MM was defeated (though that then does bring up the question of where Schala is while the party battles it). Or it would also be easier to say that the Schala and MM that were sent to the DBT were from a time period other than the one in which the Black Omen rose (but that would make the MM in the Black Omen a Time Bastard, I believe).

chrono eric

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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2009, 02:52:56 pm »

1. The Red Knife was also presumably present at the Ocean Palace or in a laboratory of Zeal, and it managed to find its way topside.

Yes, but it is stated in Cross that the Frozen Flame was found on the ocean floor. It never "made its way topside". Two things can be assumed from this:

1) The FF had existed on the ocean floor sometime after first making contact with humans.


2) The FF was in the Mammon Machine which ended up on the ocean floor.

If we assume #2 then Thoughts very astute observation that the future world has no evidence for the existence of Zeal has to be taken into account.

And here is a perhaps less relevant (although interesting!) observation:

It is stated in Cross that the El Nido Archepelago and the Sea of Eden is west of Porre. It's tropical climate suggests an equatorial location, and the fact that Toma's descendant is in El Nido suggests proximity to Choras. So the location of El Nido is probably on the equator, west of Porre and northeast of Choras. But the location of the Ocean Palace (or even the ruins of the Black Omen if those exist) is nowhere near here. One would think that if the FF was a part of the Mammon Machine, that it would be discovered somewhere close to those ruins, right? But instead, it is stated in Cross that the FF was discovered on the seafloor of the Sea of Eden.

Now, one might say "but there's continental drift! blah blah blah", but that is merely making an excuse to support a theory that you want to be true. The geographical location of the FF may be one more thing in favor of it not being present in the Mammon Machine.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2009, 02:55:00 pm by chrono eric »


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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2009, 03:05:20 pm »
As much as I'd like it to be, I realized (and just confirmed in the script) that it isn't mentioned where the Frozen Flame was actually found, or even when. However, it is strongly hinted at that it was in El Nido by Chronopolis. El Nido has strange energy fields and readings, which is why Chronopolis was built there. The FF explains those fields nicely and it would make sense that the FF would be at the heart of Chronopolean research if it was built there to study the energy readings it produced (those energy reading apparently relating to time).

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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2009, 11:22:12 pm »
Wait? Are you sure? I could have sworn it said specifically in the script that the Frozen Flame originally rested on the seafloor of the Sea of Eden.

Or perhaps it was two separate quotes that I remember - one saying the flame rested on the seafloor, and the other saying Chronopolis was built because of strange energy in the area?


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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2009, 10:41:59 am »
Admittedly, I just used a search tool to scan the script, but I haven't been able to find where the Flame was found. I'll keep at it; the circumstantial evidence does seem to imply it was found in El Nido on the ocean floor (or under it), but I can't find confirmation of this.

Curiously, there should be 4 Frozen Flames in CC. Two in HomeWorld, two in Another, because one is in Chronopolis from the future and one should be on the planet somewhere else from the present.

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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2009, 02:57:12 pm »
Yes, exactly - which leads me to bring up something else I have always thought about:

It is mentioned that the FF is in the Dead Sea, but the Dead Sea presumably represents a ruined future where Chronopolis was never built. But Miguel is somehow still there, and he was once in Chronopolis. So is the Flame he is referring to the Flame that was once in Chronopolis, or (if it was found on the seafloor of the Sea of Eden) the flame from under the sea?


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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2009, 04:42:38 pm »
It seems to be the one that had been in Chronopolis before it became the dead sea. If the FF there was still under da sea (que singing crabs), Serge and Squad still wouldn't have been able to get it and FATE would have been over reacting when it destroyed the place.

Which may mean that the FF is immune to temporal distortions, existing outside the flow of normal time (as Chronopolis, subject to the flame's energy, seems to).


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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2009, 05:04:18 pm »

The Black Omen was floating above Melchior's House rather than El Nido, but it was also very high in the atmosphere. The Flame could have fallen anywhere on the hemisphere when the Omen was destroyed.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 02:25:09 am by Chrono'99 »

chrono eric

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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2009, 10:25:01 pm »
It seems to be the one that had been in Chronopolis before it became the dead sea. If the FF there was still under da sea (que singing crabs), Serge and Squad still wouldn't have been able to get it and FATE would have been over reacting when it destroyed the place.

That's what I figured. Also, what if the temporal region that surrounds the Sea of Eden/Dead Sea is spherical in shape? It would extend on all sides and above the Sea of Eden/Dead Sea, and it would extend as a hemisphere below the surface of the sea. If the unrecovered Flame was still on the ocean floor, perhaps it wouldn't even be in the Dead Sea, which would mean that the Flame referred to there would have to have been from Chronopolis.


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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2009, 11:29:27 pm »
I always wondered how Miguel even survived to be honest, but I recently posted a topic on the Flame Theory. It's not much different than the current theory, but it has some detail and it is a little different.,6932.0.html

If you want to look.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 11:35:54 pm by ZealKnight »


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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2009, 10:47:07 am »
Miguel surviving is fairly simple. It was "FATE"ed to be, as it were.

Quote from: Computer in Chronopolis
   And with much difficulty, FATE
   succeeded in binding Miguel
   to the Dead Sea as a watchman...

Which explains why a simple fisherman could be a challenge to Serge & Squad; Miguel wasn't fighting under his own powers but those of FATE as well.

The thing about the FF and the Mammon Machine is that there has never been any direct evidence to support the theory; just circumstantial statements and player suppositions. But neither has there been any direct evidence to debunk the theory. Personally, I think the location of the FF is some of the best around, but I freely admit it isn't conclusive (as Z and Chrono 99 have shown, it isn't that difficult to devise explanations as to how this problem might be gotten around).

But regarding your theory, ZealKnight, I am curious; Queen Zeal still has quite a bit of power after the part defeats the Mammon Machine. Does she really need the machine any longer to draw on the power of Lavos?


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Re: Why the Frozen Flame cannot be part of the Mammon Machine
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2009, 07:12:29 pm »
I don't see why not. She is powerful I will give you that, but what if she is trying to get enough power to finally fuse with it. Wasn't that what she wanted? To be one with the Black Omen and Lavos? You could say she receives the power to fuse afterwards also, the last form could be her fusion with the Black Omen, and she simply was waiting for Lavos to rise and to destroy the party before their final fusion.