Author Topic: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes  (Read 3746 times)


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FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« on: September 05, 2007, 12:09:09 am »
Firstly, an important analysis potential breakthrough. Cansei de ser Enix of the Chrono Crisis forums has stated that General Viper's speech in the Chrono Cross Demo is a replica of Kid's speech from the General Kid ending in which she plans to conquer Guardia and Porre. This may reinforce the implicit suggestion that the Dragoons were at the Fall of Guardia. As usual, important knowledge lay buried in Japanese text. We need these translated: [ 1 - 2 - 3 ]

On to the rest!  [1]  The Dream Splash! has begun. If you'd like to contribute to an explosive fan-take on the Kingdom of Zeal, or read the current submissions, visit this forum[2]  With research by Shinrin and justin3009, I've created a page for Unused Techs. Check out what's lurking in Chrono Trigger's battle data there. Videos and images of the other techs will be added soon.  [3]  I've posted Luminaire's vectorized logos on the prominent Downloads page. Go grab them if you haven't already.  [4]  Check out Deezer509's latest piece, King Crono. We're thankful for Deezer509's continued patronage of our Fan Art section and this cool image reminiscent of Ichigo's look.  [5]  We have two new remixes, one from Luminaire85 from the forums ('Chrono Trigger Theme') and one from zohar at OCReMix ('Wind Scene Concert Paraphrase').

Lastly, it looks like Chrono'99 is taking a vacation, so no one's around to help us rip the Chrono Cross Demo's TIM (texture) files. Again, the problem is that we can see them, but they're disjointed in TIM Viewer and other programs. There's an example here; post in that thread if you can help. There's a lot of beta Cross art and images lurking in the demo that we'd love to rip. You can check out what's already been posted about the demo here.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 12:12:02 am by ZeaLitY »


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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2007, 12:12:55 am »
Whoo, I can't begin to relate how much I love updating the site with something splendid like this. The Chrono series? Dead? HAHAHA!


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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2007, 10:01:53 am »
The Chrono series ? Dead ? LEGENDS NEVER DIE !
« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 10:06:50 am by Cooper »


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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2007, 02:13:39 pm »
one Question, why does it say your "BANNED" Zeality? O_o


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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2007, 03:43:40 pm »
Because SOMEONE created a 6000+ post group...


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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2007, 06:51:10 pm »
one Question, why does it say your "BANNED" Zeality? O_o

Because SOMEONE created a 6000+ post group...

Ummm.. was it Lord J Esq?
I know its none of my business, but you shouldn't have to put up with that.
You're the site's creator (well, content wise), and I really think you should do something about it, even though you already fixed the problem. Although it was just a temporary solution, in my opinion.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 06:56:09 pm by dankun »


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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2007, 08:33:56 pm »
Dankun, it's a joke that he's rolling with, not some serious misuse of power on the part of J.


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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2007, 08:40:26 pm »
one Question, why does it say your "BANNED" Zeality? O_o

Because SOMEONE created a 6000+ post group...

Ummm.. was it Lord J Esq?
I know its none of my business, but you shouldn't have to put up with that.
You're the site's creator (well, content wise), and I really think you should do something about it, even though you already fixed the problem. Although it was just a temporary solution, in my opinion.

Zeality is easy going, but I don't see why he should be concerned in this case, and I don't see why you're concerned. I'm not saying it's none of your business, but rather that I'm not seeing your reasoning. Someone doing a gag like that doesn't really amount to much, considering it had no functional effect on the site or Zeality's account, and I never would have noticed it if someone hadn't brought it up. Now I'm worried that maybe I missed something big, and so I'm seriously considering doing a full security audit and having everyone change their password.

Also, if you believe that Lord J Esq is becoming a problem for the site, and that he should be disciplined or removed from the community, then do so openly and frankly, stating clear evidence and examples why you believe so, because nothing is going to happen if you just beat around the bush. The few admins that are here don't have time to try investigating every issue in great detail, so if you think there's a real problem, say so, and say it clearly.

But besides that, why is this something that anyone shouldn't have to "put up with"? Is it some problem you see Lord J Esq, or do you really believe that by being the creator of the site, Zeality should have some god-like immunity from criticism and practical jokes? As his friend, I don't think even he would truly appreciate the latter, since it amounts to a sort of idealized alienation -- the same kind that makes women get creeped out by nice guys and movie stars feel awkward around normal people.

If anything, it might help if Zeality had to spend less time dealing with pointless noise and sycophant babble and received more meaningful help with everything he's trying to accomplish through the site. In a way, I think that would show more respect for him as a person, because it really is frustrating to always have to do almost everything on your own just to get anything done.

So if you don't mind, would you care to explain specifically what it is you're trying to say?


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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2007, 10:28:52 pm »
YOu could have summed that 4 paragraph story into a few sentences by the way.  He didn't know it was a joke and was saying that "Lord J Esque" used his Admin powers or w/e wrong and banned him.  It's a simple misunderstanding.  I find it strange how just asking an issue and didn't realize it was a joke turns into a novel.


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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2007, 10:45:36 pm »
YOu could have summed that 4 paragraph story into a few sentences by the way.  He didn't know it was a joke and was saying that "Lord J Esque" used his Admin powers or w/e wrong and banned him.  It's a simple misunderstanding.  I find it strange how just asking an issue and didn't realize it was a joke turns into a novel.
That's just Ramsus being Ramsus. He's verbose. And to be honest, I like it, because he's making clear exactly what it is he has to say.


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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2007, 02:10:50 am »
Too clear at some points, but without those paragraphs I guess he wouldn't be him.

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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2007, 09:53:20 am »
You rag on NYC, you get banned. Symbolically. Let it be a lesson to the rest of ya...

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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2007, 09:57:13 am »
And just to make it clear, I'm not stupid or inconsiderate enough to cause these hardworking folks more trouble (at least not intentionally). I am an admin, after all!

So think of it as an in-joke and don't take it too personally if you don't see the humor. Z might post the biggest pictures in the most threads, but nobody lays down a permaban like the Great Lord of the J.


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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2007, 02:17:45 pm »
YOu could have summed that 4 paragraph story into a few sentences by the way.  He didn't know it was a joke and was saying that "Lord J Esque" used his Admin powers or w/e wrong and banned him.  It's a simple misunderstanding.  I find it strange how just asking an issue and didn't realize it was a joke turns into a novel.

Regardless of the misunderstanding, there were a series of possible issues, beliefs, and motives upon which his post could have been based that had to be addressed. If not now, then later.

People should be able to deal with specific criticism and shouldn't fear it. Likewise, if they have something specific to say, they shouldn't hesitate to speak freely. It's when you start hiding behind your uncertainties as an excuse to be vague and indirect that you start creating problems.

The fact that he didn't seem to understand that Zeality was joking or that nobody was really BANNED just makes the vague, indirectness that much more of an issue. After all, it's one thing to jokingly suggest things (completely okay in my book), but something completely different when you're being serious -- albeit wishy washy and weak -- about it.

More so because, regardless of its intent, his post contained the implication that somehow Lord J esq had created a history of being a problem outside of this incident and had to be seriously delt with. If there's a reason for that, I want to know what it is.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 02:20:23 pm by Ramsus »

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Re: FALL OF GUARDIA, Vectorized Logos, Unused Techs, Fan Art, Remixes
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2007, 06:56:53 pm »
 My friend Jacqui has done a rough translation of those screens.

 Note: Colonel Jyakotsu=General Viper

1st screen

Colonel Jyakotsu: Urgh...

2nd screen

Colonel Jyakotsu: Once we finish off the kingdom of Guardia, we'll move into Parepoli and get back at them for making a laughingstock of us!

3rd screen

armydudes: Whaa!! Jyakotsu-sama... // Zoah: WHAA!!