Termina Esplanade - Special Events and Feedback > Dream Splash I - Zeal [2007]

Janus and Schala (Kid and Guile)

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It'd be cool if 1) You edited it to look like it wasn't a mirrored image, 2) Guile's stupid costume was changed to make him look like Magus (BECAUSE GUILE IS NOT MAGUS!!!), and 3) if it was actually some kind of artwork and not just taken from in-game screen captures.

Otherwise, it's totally awesome. >_>

Masked Magician:
Guile's my favorite character... so I was pretty happy I stumbled across this.

My first post here, probably my last, unless I find something I REALLY like. Yes, Im' a lurker, ho hum.

You have a unique pattern of colorations on this one, looks almost 3D. Love Guile. He's amazing. :P


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